#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Unicode::Collate; my $CREDITS = $ARGV[0] || 'CREDITS.txt'; my $NAMEHEAD = qr/contributed to .*Stone Soup:\s*$/; # msysgit has the module included (it's in core), but locale code is # non-functional. Do nothing in that case; the result will be CREDITS.txt # being a single column -- not as nice but good enough. my $COLLATOR; eval { $COLLATOR = Unicode::Collate->new(); 1; } or exit; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; open my $inf, '<:utf8', $CREDITS or die "Unable to read $CREDITS: $!\n"; my @text = <$inf>; close $inf; my @recol = recolumnise(@text); open my $outf, '>:utf8', $CREDITS or die "Can't write CREDITS.txt: $!\n"; for (@text) { print $outf $_; if (/$NAMEHEAD/o) { print $outf "\n"; print $outf @recol, "\n"; last; } } close $outf; warn "Wrote new $CREDITS\n"; sub last_word { my $s = shift; # Remove qualifiers after name, such as ", Jr.": $s =~ s/,.*$//; my ($word) = $s =~ /.* (\S+)$/; $word ||= $s; lc($word) } sub recolumnise { my @text = @_; my @columns; for (@text) { push @columns, $_ if (/$NAMEHEAD/o .. undef); } # Discard header lines: splice @columns, 0, 2; my @names = sort { $COLLATOR->cmp(last_word($a), last_word($b)) } extract_names(@columns); my @recol = resplit(3, @names); @recol } sub pad_column { my ($rcol, $size) = @_; my $maxlen; for (@$rcol) { $maxlen = length() if !$maxlen || length() > $maxlen; } $maxlen += 6; $maxlen = $size if $maxlen < $size; @$rcol = map { $_ . (" " x ($maxlen - length())) } @$rcol; } sub resplit { my ($ncols, @names) = @_; my $colsize = int(@names / $ncols); $colsize++ if @names % $ncols; my @columns; my $start = 0; for (1 .. ($ncols - 1)) { push @columns, [ @names[ $start .. ($start + $colsize - 1) ] ]; $start += $colsize; } push @columns, [ @names[ $start .. $#names ] ]; my $stop = 80 / $ncols; pad_column($_, $stop) for @columns; my @out; for my $row (1 .. $colsize) { push @out, join("", map { $columns[$_ - 1][$row - 1] || '' } 1 .. $ncols); } s/^\s+//, s/\s+$//, $_ .= "\n" for @out; @out } sub extract_names { my @cols = @_; my @names; for my $line (@cols) { push @names, ($line =~ /((?:\S+ )*\S+)/g); } my %dupe; grep(!$dupe{$_}++, @names) }