\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \usepackage{palatino} \usepackage{mathpazo} % optional [sc] fuer real small caps \usepackage[left=3cm,top=3cm,right=3cm,bottom=2cm,nohead,nofoot]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \newcommand{\key}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} % this does nasty things to underscores \newcommand{\sex}[1]{{{\textbf{#1}}}} % \sec already defined \newcommand{\crawl}{\textsc{Crawl}} \newcommand{\dungeon}{\textsc{Dungeon}} \newcommand{\spacecolumn}{\begin{minipage}[t]{2cm}\phantom{xxxx}\end{minipage}} \newcommand{\para}{\vspace{1.5ex}} \setlength{\parindent}{0em} \newcommand{\mc}[1]{\multicolumn{2}{l}{#1}} \newcounter{abccounter} \newenvironment{abcliste}{\begin{list}{(\alph{abccounter})} {\usecounter{abccounter} \setlength{\topsep}{0ex} \setlength{\partopsep}{0ex} \setlength{\listparindent}{0ex} \setlength{\itemsep}{0ex} \setlength{\parsep}{0ex} \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} \setlength{\labelwidth}{2em} \setlength{\parskip}{0ex} } }{\end{list}} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{center}\textbf{\LARGE \dungeon\ \crawl: Important changes in 0.4 }\end{center} In DCSS 0.4, for better ergonomics, many key bindings were changed. Also, a small number of new commands were introduced. The tables below list all of these. If you have been playing an older version and want to restore the old key set, do so by adding this line to the \texttt{init.txt} file: \\ \verb$additional_macro_file = 034_command_keys.txt$ \para The command for examining items (was \key{v}) is gone. Bring up the inventory and press the key matching an item's slot in order to examine it. When chopping up a single corpse on the ground, there is no longer any prompt. You will only be prompted if there are two or more corpses. When answering this prompt, you can use the following shortcuts: \key{c} means yes, so you can press \key{cccc}\dots to chop up all corpses in one place, or you can just hit \key{a} to butcher of corpses on a square. The \key{* Direction} and \key{Ctrl-Direction} keys now both open and close doors. \para\para \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lll} key & new command \\ \hline \key{\_} & \mc{read message (only used for online play)} \\ \key{!} & \mc{annotate level (read annotations with \key{Ctrl-O};} \\ & \mc{annotations with an ! prompt when entering the level)} \\ \key{(} & \mc{cycle ammunition} \\ \key{Q} & \mc{quiver item} \\ \key{`} & \mc{redo previous command} \\ \key{0} & \mc{repeat next command} \\ \key{G} & \mc{verbose list of monsters in sight} \\ \key{Ctrl-T} & \mc{toggle ally pickup mode (only for permanent allies)} \\ \key{Ctrl-D} & \mc{add macro (a new synonym for \key{$\sim$})} \\ \\ \\ new key & command & old key \\ \hline \key{z} & cast spell & was \key{Z} \\ \key{Z} & zap wand & was \key{z} \\ \key{o} & auto-explore & was \key{Ctrl-O} \\ \key{Ctrl-O} & dungeon overview\phantom{xxx} & was \key{O} \\ \key{O} & open door & was \key{o} \\ \key{C} & close door & was \key{c} \\ \key{c} & chop up & was \key{D}, dissect \\ \key{E} & show experience & was \key{C} \\ \key{v} & evoke & was \key{E} \\ \key{F} & manually throw & was \key{t} \\ \key{t} & tell/yell & was \key{!} \\ \key{Ctrl-V} & Tiles settings & was \key{Ctrl-Q} \\ \key{Ctrl-Q} & quit & was \key{Q} \end{tabular} \end{center} There are additional changes to the targeting interface: \\ The functions of \key{!} and \key{.} have been swapped. So firing with \key{.} will now stop at the target, whereas \key{!} will shoot further if the target was missed (and \key{Enter}, \key{Del}, \key{Space} still behave as in 0.3.4). \\ You can now target using the monster list as well; \key{Ctrl-L} toggles this option.\\ You may quiver an item, meaning that you will preferably fire this ammunition (and keep doing so even if you run out of it temporarily). Quivering is done via \key{Q} (quiver the currently fired item) or \key{fi} (choose an item and quiver it) or also by using \key{(} (cycling appropriate ammunition) and then firing. \key{F} also lets you select an item to be thrown, but this command does not affect the quiver. \newpage The colours of many monsters have been changed. Most notably, there are no darkgrey monsters anymore. In case darkgrey is actually better visible than blue on your system, you can swap these colours using the line \\ \verb# colour.blue = darkgrey #\\ in \key{init.txt}. Apart from that, more dangerous monsters are now generally displayed in lighter colours. \para We are content that all of these changes are genuine improvements. Should your brain be hardwired to the old settings, you can effectively enforce the 0.3.4 state by using the following options: \begin{verbatim} include = 034_monster_glyphs.txt additional_macro_file = 034_command_keys.txt always_confirm_butcher = true \end{verbatim} Note that the header of \key{init.txt} contains these lines. (It contains some more options for using other old settings.) The options are commented out, so you just need to remove the \key{\#} in front in order to activate them. You can choose to use only part of these options. In case you decide to use the old keyset, be aware that \key{D} and \key{d} are synonyms for 'yes' in the butcher interface. \end{document}