#!/bin/bash # This script is a quick and dirty way to generate sometimes plausible # zombie tiles. If a human drawn tile is available, use it. Otherwise, # the output of this script may be preferable. # It relies on imagemagick. img=${1%.png} convert ${img}.png -colorspace gray tmp_${img}_gray.png convert -blur 2x3 tmp_${img}_gray.png -background none tmp_${img}_blur.png composite ${img}.png tmp_${img}_blur.png -compose difference tmp_${img}_diff.png convert -auto-level tmp_${img}_diff.png tmp_${img}_normal.png convert tmp_${img}_normal.png -level 75%,100% tmp_${img}_blowout.png convert tmp_${img}_blowout.png -channel R -fx '(u.g+u.r+u.b)/3' -channel B -fx '(u.g+u.r+u.b)/3' -channel G -fx '0' tmp_${img}_highlight.png convert tmp_${img}_highlight.png -auto-level tmp_${img}_highlight2.png composite tmp_${img}_gray.png tmp_${img}_highlight2.png -compose screen ${img}_zombie.png rm tmp_*.png