#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Encode; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; print "Fetching all historical contributors for CREDITS\n"; my @shas = qx/git log --pretty=oneline --follow CREDITS.txt/; s/^(\w+).*/$1/ for @shas; my $contributors = ''; fetch_contributors($_) for @shas; print "Going back to master\n"; system "git checkout master" and die "git checkout master failed\n"; open my $outf, '>>', 'CREDITS.txt' or die "Can't write CREDITS.txt\n"; binmode $outf, ':utf8'; print $outf "\n$contributors\n"; close $outf; print "Contributors appended to CREDITS.txt!\n"; sub fetch_contributors { my $sha = shift; print "Visiting $sha credits.\n"; system "git checkout $sha" and die "git checkout $sha failed\n"; $contributors .= credits_names(); } sub find_credits { my @tests = grep(-f, ('CREDITS.txt', 'CREDITS')); die "Cannot find CREDITS file\n" unless @tests; return $tests[0]; } sub decodeText { my $bytes = shift; eval { $bytes = decode('utf-8', $bytes, 1); return $bytes; }; eval { $bytes = decode('iso-8859-1', $bytes, 1); return $bytes; }; $bytes } sub credits_names { my $file = find_credits(); open my $inf, '<', $file or die "Can't read $file: $!\n"; binmode $inf; my @lines = <$inf>; close $inf; my $res = ''; my $incontributors; for (@lines) { chomp; $_ = decodeText($_); $_ .= "\n"; $res .= $_ if $incontributors && /\S/; $incontributors = 1 if !$incontributors && /contributed.*:\s*$/; } $res }