#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Getopt::Std; use strict; our ($opt_n, $opt_t); getopts('nt:'); my $dry_run = $opt_n; my $tag = $opt_t; my $any_changed = 0; sub fix_tag($$$$$) { my ($op, $ver, $body, $else, $full) = @_; my $matches; # Only obsolete tags return $full unless $ver < $tag; if ($op eq '==') { $matches = $tag == $ver; } elsif ($op eq '!=') { $matches = $tag != $ver; } elsif ($op eq '<=') { $matches = $tag <= $ver; } elsif ($op eq '<') { $matches = $tag < $ver; } elsif ($op eq '>=') { $matches = $tag >= $ver; } elsif ($op eq '>') { $matches = $tag > $ver; } die "Unknown operator '$op'" unless defined $matches; return $matches ? $body : defined $else ? $else : ""; } if (!defined $tag) { my $tagf = `git ls-files '*tag-version.h'`; chomp $tagf; die "Too many matches for tag-version.h\n" if $tagf =~ /\n/; open T, "<", $tagf or die "Could not open $tagf: $!\n"; while () { /^#define\s+TAG_MAJOR_VERSION\s+(\d+)/ and $tag = $1; } } die "Could not determine version tag\n" unless defined $tag; my @files = @ARGV; undef $/; unless (@files) { @files = (grep /\.(cc|h)$/ && !/(^|\/)prebuilt\//, split /\n/, `git ls-files`); } for my $f (@files) { open F, "<", $f or die "Can't read $f\n"; my $old = $_ = ; close F; s/# Full match in $1 ( # #if line. Comparison operator in $2, tag in $3 ^\s* \# \s* if \s+ TAG_MAJOR_VERSION \s* (!=|==|>=|>|<=|<) \s* (\d+) \n # body of #if in $4. We don't handle #if TAG_MAJOR_VERSION blocks # that contain nested #ifs. ((?: (?! \s* \# \s* (?:if|elif|else|endif)) .* \n)+) # optional #else, body in $5 (?: \s* \# \s* else \n ((?: (?! \s* \# \s* (?:if|elif|else|endif)) .* \n)+) )? \s* \# \s* endif \n ) /fix_tag($2, $3, $4, $5, $1)/gexm; if ($old ne $_) { print "$f\n"; $any_changed = 1; if (!$dry_run) { open F, ">", $f or die "Can't write $f\n"; print F; close F; } } } exit 1 if ($dry_run and $any_changed);