#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os, re, sys, codecs, difflib from optparse import OptionParser from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call from textwrap import TextWrapper, _whitespace from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict, Counter from platform import system from unicodedata import east_asian_width from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile usage = "usage: %prog [options] commands\n" \ "Without any command, it starts in interactive mode.\n" \ "Read docs/translations.txt for details." parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--commit_author", help="Commit author", default="Translators ") parser.add_option("-d", "--diff", help="Diff format (unified, context, n)", default='n') parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", help="Overwrite files even if no change detected") parser.add_option("-l", "--language", help="Specify which languages to work on") parser.add_option("-r", "--resource", help="Specify which resources to work on") parser.add_option("-s", "--source", help="Work on source files (same as -l en)", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-t", "--translations", help="Work on translations", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-a", "--auto_fix", action="store_true", help="Apply some automatic fixes to punctuation") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() cmd = args[0] if args else '' # Absolute path to the source directory tx_abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..")) # Absolute path to the git root git_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tx_abs_path, "..", "..")) # Relative path from the git root to the transifex directory tx_rel_path = os.path.join('crawl-ref', 'source') # Absolute path to the transifex config file tx_config = os.path.join(tx_abs_path, '.tx', 'config') # Relative path from the source directory to the descript directory descript_tx_path = os.path.join('dat', 'descript') # Relative path from the git root to the descript directory descript_git_path = os.path.join(tx_rel_path, descript_tx_path) # Absolute path to the descript directory descript_abs_path = os.path.join(tx_abs_path, descript_tx_path) try: os.chdir(descript_abs_path) except OSError, e: sys.exit(e) sep_re = re.compile('[, ]+') # basic separator for user input txt_sep_re = re.compile('%{4,}') # txt file entry separator cmd_re = re.compile('<(\w)>') # used to find the key in menu command strings # Those languages have special wrapping with fullwidth character support east_asian_languages = {'ja_JP', 'ko_KR', 'zh_CN'} no_space_languages = {'ja_JP', 'zh_CN'} east_asian_punctuation = u'、。,!:;)' # This object serves as an intermediate step between txt and ini files. # Entries are in a raw format: no wrapping, every new line is significant. # they are indexed by [(lang, res)][key] and are of type Entry raw_entries = defaultdict(OrderedDict) # Main commands def wrap_txt(): txt_files.load_files() txt_files.merge_files() txt_files.update() menu.res_files = txt_files def create_ini(): txt_files.load_files() txt_files.merge_files() ini_files.load_files() ini_files.update() menu.res_files = ini_files def merge_ini(): txt_files.load_files() res_index.en_src = False # For en, load the fake translations ini_files.load_files() ini_files.merge_files() res_index.en_src = True txt_files.update() menu.res_files = txt_files def setup_transifex(): """Initialize the transifex config file""" os.chdir(tx_abs_path) call_tx(['init']) tx_set = ['set', '--auto-local', '-s', 'en_AU', '-t', 'INI', '--execute'] for res in res_index.default_resources: res_file = res + '.ini' source_file = os.path.join(descript_tx_path, res_file) expr = os.path.join(descript_tx_path, '', res_file) call_tx(tx_set + ['-r', 'dcss.' + res, expr, '-f', source_file]) os.chdir(descript_abs_path) def call_tx(args, silent = False): """wrapper to call the transifex client""" if silent: stderr = open(os.devnull, 'wb') else: stderr = None # On windows, we need shell=True to search the PATH for the tx command if sys.platform == 'win32': python_path = os.path.split(sys.executable)[0] tx_path = os.path.join(python_path, 'Scripts', 'tx') return call(['python', tx_path] + args, stderr=stderr) else: return call(['tx'] + args, stderr=stderr) # Utility functions def title(text): """Add a dash square around a string. Used when showing a diff.""" text = "### " + text + " ###" dash_line = "#" * len(text) text = dash_line + "\n" + text + "\n" + dash_line + "\n" return text def unwrap(text, no_space): """Mostly replicates libutil.cc:unwrap_desc""" if not text: return "" # Protect all consecutive empty lines text = re.sub("\n{2,}", lambda m: r'\n' * len(m.group(0)), text) text = text.replace("\n ", "\\n ") # Don't unwrap lua separator at the beginning of a line text = text.replace("\n}}", "\\n}}") text = text.replace("\n{{", "\\n{{") text = text.replace(u"—\n—", u"——") text = text.replace(">\n<", "><") text = text.replace("\n", " ") text = text.replace("\\n", "\n") # Remove superfluous spaces surrounded by wide characters if no_space: i = 0 j = text.find(" ") while j != -1: i += j # text has been rstriped so no risk of finding a space at the end if i and wide_char(text[i-1]) and wide_char(text[i+1]): text = text[:i] + text[i+1:] else: i += 1 j = text[i:].find(" ") return text def wrap(text, eac, no_space): """Wrap long lines using a TextWrapper object""" lines = [] for line in text.splitlines(): if line: # This allows breaking lines between tags line = line.replace("><", ">\f<") if no_space: # Need to rstrip the lines because when the wrapper tries to # add a single character to the end of the line, it might fail # and add an empty string, preventing the removal of whitespace lines += map(unicode.rstrip, FW_NS_wrapper.wrap(line)) elif eac: lines += map(unicode.rstrip, FWwrapper.wrap(line)) else: lines += wrapper.wrap(line) elif not lines or lines[-1] != '': # remove consecutive empty lines lines += [''] lines[:] = [line.replace(">\f<", "><") for line in lines] # Languages which have no spaces are split on punctuation which make them # sometimes wrapped to the beginning of the next line. Since it's quite ugly, # we manually move them back to the end of the previous line. if eac or no_space: fixed_lines = [] for line in lines: while line and line[0] in east_asian_punctuation and fixed_lines \ and fixed_lines[-1][-1] != line[0]: fixed_lines[-1] += line[0] line = line[1:] if line: line = line.lstrip() else: line = None break if line is not None: fixed_lines.append(line) lines = fixed_lines return "\n".join(lines) def diff(val, new_val): """Returns a diff showing the differences between 2 strings""" try: diff_func = {'unified': difflib.unified_diff, 'context': difflib.context_diff, 'n': difflib.ndiff}[options.diff] except KeyError: sys.exit("Invalid diff option: %s" % options.diff) return "\n".join(diff_func(val, new_val)) def progress(name, i, n): """Generic function for showing the progression of a treatment in percent""" print "\r%s %d%%" % (name, i * 100 / n), if i == n: print def emphasize(s): """Add terminal control characters to a string to make it bright and underlined. Under windows, control characters are not supported so we just surround the string in chevrons""" if system() != 'Windows': return u'\033[1m\033[4m%s\033[0m' % s else: return '<' + s + '>' def change_counter(c): return " ".join(["%s:%-3d" % (k, c[k]) if c[k] else " " * (len(k) + 4) \ for k in sorted(res_index.changes)]) def wide_char(c): return c != u'—' and east_asian_width(c) in 'WFA' def auto_fix(s, lang): """Use with care, it can break things""" s = auto_fix.re_hyphen.sub(u"\\1—\\2", s) s = auto_fix.re_ns.sub(u" \\1", s) if lang == 'fr': # Those ones can break languages which use »« for quotes s = auto_fix.re_ns_opening_quote.sub(u"« ", s) s = auto_fix.re_ns_closing_quote.sub(u" »", s) s = auto_fix.re_missing_space.sub(u" \\1", s) s = auto_fix.re_missing_space2.sub(u"« ", s) if s.find('{{') == -1: # Don't mess with lua strings s = auto_fix.re_ascii_single_quotes.sub(u"‘\\1’", s) s = auto_fix.re_ascii_double_quotes.sub(u"“\\1”", s) # replace english quotes by localized ones if lang == 'fr': s = auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes.sub(u"« \\1 »", s) s = auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes.sub(u"“\\1”", s) elif lang == 'de' or lang == 'cs': s = auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes.sub(u"‚\\1‘", s) s = auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes.sub(u"„\\1“", s) elif lang == 'da': s = auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes.sub(u"„\\1“", s) s = auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes.sub(u"»\\1«", s) elif lang == 'el' or lang == 'es' or lang == 'it' or lang == 'pt': s = auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes.sub(u"«\\1»", s) s = auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes.sub(u"“\\1”", s) elif lang == 'fi': s = auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes.sub(u"’\\1’", s) s = auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes.sub(u"”\\1”", s) elif lang == 'ja': s = auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes.sub(u"『\\1』", s) s = auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes.sub(u"「\\1」", s) elif lang == 'lt': s = auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes.sub(u"„\\1”", s) s = auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes.sub(u"„\\1”", s) elif lang == 'lv' or lang == 'ru': s = auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes.sub(u"«\\1»", s) s = auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes.sub(u"„\\1”", s) elif lang == 'pl' or lang == 'hu': s = auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes.sub(u"»\\1«", s) s = auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes.sub(u"„\\1”", s) return s auto_fix.re_hyphen = re.compile("(\s)[-–](\s)") # Replace hyphens by em dashes auto_fix.re_ns = re.compile("\s([!?:;])") auto_fix.re_ns_opening_quote = re.compile(u"«\s") auto_fix.re_ns_closing_quote = re.compile(u"\s»") auto_fix.re_missing_space = re.compile(u"(?<=\w)([!?:;»](?!\d))", re.U) auto_fix.re_missing_space2 = re.compile(u"«(?=\w)", re.U) auto_fix.re_ascii_single_quotes = re.compile(u"(?<=\W)'(.*?)'(?=\W)", re.S) auto_fix.re_ascii_double_quotes = re.compile(u'"(.*?)"', re.S) auto_fix.re_english_single_quotes = re.compile(u'‘([^‚‘’]*?)’', re.S) auto_fix.re_english_double_quotes = re.compile(u'“(.*?)”', re.S) """Subclasses to properly handle wrapping fullwidth unicode character which take 2 columns to be displayed on a terminal See http://code.activestate.com/lists/python-list/631628/""" class FullWidthUnicode(unicode): def __len__(self): return sum(2 if wide_char(c) else 1 for c in self) def __getslice__(self, i, j): k = 0 while k < i: if wide_char(self[k]): i -= 1 k += 1 k = i while k < j and k < unicode.__len__(self): if wide_char(self[k]): j -= 1 k += 1 return FullWidthUnicode(unicode.__getslice__(self, i, j)) class FullWidthTextWrapper(TextWrapper): def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'no_space' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('no_space') # Those languages don't use spaces. Break lines on punctuation. self.wordsep_simple_re = re.compile(u'([\s%s]+)|(—)(?=—)' % east_asian_punctuation) TextWrapper.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _split(self, text): return map(FullWidthUnicode, TextWrapper._split(self, text)) class ResourceIndex(): """Class which holds current language / resource settings and serves as an iterator for ResourceCollection. self.changes holds a list of the types of change currently selected (changed, new or removed). This is used to select which value to display when iterating through entries for showing a diff or writing a resource file. Note that not selecting "removed" only affects diffs and temporary files created for editing. When writing the resource file, removed keys are never written no matter what is in the changes array.""" def __init__(self): self.default_languages = [ 'en' ] self.default_resources = [] self.languages = [] self.resources = [] self.en_src = True # When True, the english language maps to the source # files. When False, it maps to the fake translations self.changes = [] lang_re = re.compile("[a-z]{2}_[A-Z]{2}") # Initialize languages with directories in the descript dir # and resource with txt files for f in sorted(os.listdir('.')): (basename, ext) = os.path.splitext(f) if ext.lower() == '.txt': self.default_resources.append(basename) elif os.path.isdir(f) and lang_re.match(f): self.default_languages.append(f) if not os.path.exists(f[:2]): os.makedirs(f[:2]) if options.source: self.languages = ['en'] elif options.language: self.set_languages(options.language) elif options.translations: self.languages = self.default_languages[1:] else: self.languages = self.default_languages[:] if options.resource: self.set_resources(options.resource) else: self.resources = self.default_resources[:] def __iter__(self): return iter([('',r) if self.en_src and l == 'en' else (l, r) \ for l in self.languages for r in self.resources]) def __len__(self): return len(self.languages) * len(self.resources) def __str__(self): s = '' for index_t in "languages", "resources": index = getattr(self, index_t) s += index_t.title() + ": " if self.is_default(index_t): s += "All (%d)\n" % len(index) else: s += ", ".join(index) + "\n" return s def is_default(self, index_t): index = getattr(self, index_t) default_index = getattr(self, "default_" + index_t) return len(index) == len(default_index) def print_index(self, index_t, only_selected = False): index = getattr(self, index_t) default_index = getattr(self, "default_" + index_t) if only_selected: idx_l = index else: idx_l = [emphasize(i) if i in index else i for i in default_index] print "%s: %s" % (index_t.title(), ", ".join(idx_l)) def set_index(self, index_t, opt): """When opt is True, the method is being called during program startup with the option value as argument. This reduce the verbosity compared to calling it in interactive mode.""" if not opt: self.print_index(index_t) index = getattr(self, index_t) default_index = getattr(self, "default_" + index_t) if opt: a = opt else: a = raw_input("Select %s (Empty reset to defaults): " % index_t) del index[:] for i in sep_re.split(a): if i in default_index: index.append(i) elif i: matches = [m for m in default_index if m.startswith(i)] if len(matches) == 1: index.append(matches[0]) elif not matches: print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s: %s" % (index_t[:-1], i) else: print >> sys.stderr, "Multiple matches for %s: %s" \ % (i, ", ".join(matches)) if not index: setattr(self, index_t, default_index[:]) print "Reset %s to default" % index_t elif not opt: print self.print_index(index_t, True) def set_languages(self, opt = ''): self.set_index('languages', opt) def set_resources(self, opt = ''): self.set_index('resources', opt) def set_changes(self, change_t_list): self.changes = change_t_list def get_index(self, index_t): return getattr(self, index_t)[0] def next_index(self, index_t): element = self.get_index(index_t) default_index = getattr(self, "default_" + index_t) if default_index[-1] == element: setattr(self, index_t, [default_index[0]]) else: setattr(self, index_t, [default_index[default_index.index(element) + 1]]) class Entry(): """Class for a raw entry. Elements of raw_entries are of this type.""" def __init__(self): self.value = '' self.tags = OrderedDict() def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.tags: return self.tags[key] else: return '' def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.tags[key] = value class TxtEntry(): """This class is only used when reading a txt file. Instances of this class are never stored, we directly store values in ResourceFile.""" def __init__(self): self.key = "" self.value = "" self.key_comment = "" self.value_comment = "" def save(self, res_file): res_file.entries[self.key] = self.value if self.key_comment: res_file.key_comment[self.key] = self.key_comment if self.value_comment: res_file.value_comment[self.key] = self.value_comment self.__init__() class ResourceFile(): """Holds all the logic which is common between txt and ini files. self.entries hold the dictionary of key/value read from the file. It is initialized in the subclasses because source files use an OrderedDict. self.diff have a dictionary per change type with the new values.""" def __init__(self, lang, res): self.diff = defaultdict(dict) self.language = lang self.resource = res self.path = res + "." + self.ext self.path = os.path.join(self.lang_dir, self.path) self.git_path = os.path.join(descript_git_path, self.path).replace("\\", "/") self.mtime = 0 self.modified = False self.staged = False self.new = False def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Called by the subclass which has already done the conversion. Determine the change type and store the new value in the appropriate dict of self.diff""" if key not in self.entries: change_t = 'new' elif value != self.entries[key]: change_t = 'changed' else: return self.diff[change_t][key] = value # If the key was previously removed and edited back in # delete it from the 'removed' dict if key in self.diff['removed']: del self.diff['removed'][key] def items(self, diff_only): """Returns an iterator to a list of (key, value) tuples, depending on what is selected in res_index.changes and what is found in self.diff. When diff_only is true, only return changed or new values (for diff and edit). When it is false, return the original value for unchanged ones (for writing file).""" items = [] for key in self.source_keys(): found_diff = False for change_t in res_index.changes: if change_t == 'removed' or change_t not in self.diff: continue if key in self.diff[change_t]: items.append((key, self.diff[change_t][key])) found_diff = True if not found_diff and not diff_only and key in self.entries \ and not key in self.diff['removed']: items.append((key, self.entries[key])) return iter(items) def diff_count(self): """Returns a Counter object representing what's in self.diff""" c = Counter() for change_t in self.diff: count = len(self.diff[change_t]) if count: c[change_t] = count return c def lang(self): """Source files have self.language empty, but they are in english""" return self.language if self.language else 'en' def clear(self, keep_entries = False): if not keep_entries: self.entries.clear() self.diff.clear() def changed(self): """Returns true if there are pending change for the file depending on what is selected in res_index.changes""" for change_t in res_index.changes: if change_t in self.diff: return True return False def source_keys(self): """Returns an ordered list of the keys of the source corresponding to this resource file. This list is used as a reference when iterating through keys. It helps keep the order consistent and translations can't exist if there isn't a source associated to them anyway.""" keys = self.source_res.entries.keys() # To allow submitting new quotes from another resource, they are sorted if self.resource == 'quotes' and 'new' in self.diff: for k in self.diff['new']: if k not in keys: keys.append(k) keys.sort() return keys def diff_txt(self, diff_format): """When diff_format is True, returns a string with a diff for each new or changed entry. When it is False, returns the new value instead (for editing purpose).""" diff_txt = '' for (key, value) in self.items(True): if key in self.entries: orig = self.format_entry(key, self.entries[key]) else: orig = "" value = self.format_entry(key, value) if diff_format: diff_txt += diff(orig.splitlines(), value.splitlines()) + "\n" else: diff_txt += value diff_txt += self.separator() if 'removed' in res_index.changes and 'removed' in self.diff: for k, v in self.diff['removed'].items(): value = self.format_entry(k, v) if diff_format: diff_txt += diff(value.splitlines(), []) + "\n" else: diff_txt += value diff_txt += self.separator() return diff_txt def load(self): if not self.entries and not self.diff: self.read_file() def read_file(self): """Called by the subclasses to handle the basic checks. Returns the content of the file (list of lines) to the subclass which does the actual parsing.""" if not os.path.exists(self.path): return [] # If the corresponding source file isn't loaded we load it first if self.language and not len(self.source_keys()): self.source_res.read_file() # Don't reload the file if it hasn't changed since we loaded it before. file_mtime = os.stat(self.path).st_mtime if self.mtime == file_mtime: self.clear(True) return [] else: self.clear() self.mtime = file_mtime return codecs.open(self.path, encoding='utf-8').readlines() def merge_file(self): """Iterate through the entries loaded from the file, convert them in a raw format and store them in raw_entries""" entries = raw_entries[(self.lang(), self.resource)] entries.clear() for (key, value) in self.entries.items(): entries[key] = self.raw_entry(value) def update(self, update_removed_keys = True): """Update the resource file with the content of raw_entries. New values will be converted in the resource format and stored in the appropriate diff dictionary by the __setitem__ methods""" entries = raw_entries[(self.lang(), self.resource)] for key in self.source_keys(): if key not in entries: continue self[key] = entries[key] if update_removed_keys and (self.lang() != 'en' or self.ext == 'ini'): self.update_removed_keys() def write_file(self): """Write the content of the resource to a file""" f = codecs.open(self.path, "w", encoding='utf-8') f.write(self.header()) for key, e in self.items(False): f.write(self.format_entry(key, e)) f.write(self.separator()) self.modified = True self.mtime = 0 def update_removed_keys(self): """If the resource has keys which are not present in the source, they will be removed. Store them in self.diff['removed'] to show them in diff and allow editing (useful to fix renamed keys).""" entries = raw_entries[(self.lang(), self.resource)] for k in self.entries.keys(): if k not in self.source_keys() or k not in entries: self.diff['removed'][k] = self.entries[k] def edit_file(self): """Create a temporary file with the values of the changed keys, start a text editor, then load the file.""" tmp = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=self.language + "-" + self.resource, suffix="." + self.ext, delete=False) tmp.file.write(self.diff_txt(False).encode('utf-8')) tmp.file.close() EDITOR = os.environ.get('EDITOR','vim') try: call([EDITOR, tmp.name]) except OSError: print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot start text editor." \ "Set the EDITOR environement variable." return False tmp_res = self.__class__(self.language, self.resource) tmp_res.path = tmp.name tmp_res.read_file() tmp_res.merge_file() os.remove(tmp.name) self.update(False) return True class TxtFile(ResourceFile): """Subclass of ResourceFile to handle files in crawl's native format of description files.""" def __init__(self, lang, res): if lang: self.entries = dict() self.source_res = txt_files[('', res)] self.lang_dir = lang[:2] else: self.entries = OrderedDict() self.source_res = self self.lang_dir = '' self.key_comment = dict() self.value_comment = dict() self.ext = 'txt' self.eac = lang in east_asian_languages self.no_space = lang in no_space_languages ResourceFile.__init__(self, lang, res) def __setitem__(self, key, entry): """Converts a generic entry in txt format then calls the base class __setitem__ method to store it in the appropriate self.diff dict""" value = "" for tag, tag_value in entry.tags.items(): # If it has a quote tag, we store the new quote in its own entry if tag == 'quote': e = Entry() e.value = tag_value quote_res = txt_files[(self.language, 'quotes')] quote_res.load() quote_res[key] = e # add the quote resource to the index if 'quotes' not in res_index.resources: res_index.resources.append('quotes') # If we're adding a foreign quote and the source doesn't have # one, we also create it in the corresponding source if self.language and key not in quote_res.source_res.entries: en_quote_res = txt_files[('', 'quotes')] en_quote_res.load() en_quote_res[key] = e # Add english to the index if 'en' not in res_index.languages: res_index.languages.insert(0, 'en') elif tag_value is True: value += ":%s\n" % tag else: value += ":%s %s\n" % (tag, tag_value) if options.auto_fix: raw_value = auto_fix(entry.value, self.lang()) else: raw_value = entry.value if entry['nowrap']: value += raw_value else: value += wrap(raw_value, self.eac, self.no_space) value += "\n" ResourceFile.__setitem__(self, key, value) def format_entry(self, key, value): """Convert the key/value pair in crawl's native desc format""" ret = self.key_comment.get(key, "") ret += key + "\n\n" ret += self.value_comment.get(key, "") ret += value return ret def header(self): """Added to the beginning of the file""" return self.separator() def separator(self): """Separate entries in the file""" return "%%%%\n" def raw_entry(self, value): """Convert a value in txt format to a raw entry.""" e = Entry() for line in value.splitlines(): if len(line) > 1 and line[0] == ':' and line[1] != ' ': l = line[1:].rstrip().split(' ', 1) e[l[0]] = l[1] if len(l) == 2 else True else: e.value += line + "\n" e.value = e.value.rstrip() if not e['nowrap']: e.value = unwrap(e.value, self.no_space) return e def read_file(self): """Parse the content of a txt file and stores it in self.entries""" te = TxtEntry() for line in ResourceFile.read_file(self): if line[0] == '#': if te.key: te.value_comment += line else: te.key_comment += line elif txt_sep_re.match(line): if te.key: te.save(self) elif line[0] == '\n' and not te.value: continue elif not te.key: te.key = line.strip() else: te.value += line if te.key: te.save(self) return len(self.entries) def search_removed_keys(self): # No removed key in the source, it's the reference if self.language: ResourceFile.search_removed_keys(self) class IniFile(ResourceFile): """Subclass of ResourceFile to handle files in ini format to be pushed to or pulled from transifex.""" def __init__(self, lang, res): self.entries = dict() self.source_res = txt_files[('', res)] self.ext = 'ini' self.lang_dir = lang ResourceFile.__init__(self, lang, res) def __setitem__(self, key, e): """Converts a generic entry in ini format then calls the base class __setitem__ method to store it in the appropriate self.diff dict""" # Delete entries with only a link. There's no point in translating them. if len(e.value) > 1 and e.value[0] == '<' and e.value[-1] == '>'\ and e.value.find("\n") == -1 and e.value[1:].find("<") == -1: if key in self.entries: self.diff['removed'][key] = self.entries[key] del self.entries[key] return value = "" for tag, tag_value in e.tags.items(): if tag_value is True: value += r":%s\n" % tag else: value += r":%s %s\n" % (tag, tag_value) value += e.value.replace("\n", r'\n') + "\n" ResourceFile.__setitem__(self, key, value) def header(self): return "" def separator(self): return "" def format_entry(self, key, value): """Convert the key/value pair in ini format""" return "%s=%s" % (key, value) def read_file(self): """Parse the content of an ini file and stores it in self.entries""" for line in ResourceFile.read_file(self): if not line or line[0] == '#' or line.find('=') == -1: continue (key, value) = line.split('=', 1) self.entries[key] = value.replace('"', '"').replace('\\\\', '\\') return len(self.entries) def raw_entry(self, value): """Convert a value in ini format to a raw entry.""" e = Entry() tag_name = '' for line in value.rstrip().split(r'\n'): if len(line) > 1 and line[0] == ':' and line[1] != ' ': if not e.value: l = line[1:].split(' ', 1) e[l[0]] = l[1] if len(l) == 2 else True else: tag_name = line[1:] elif tag_name: if e[tag_name]: e[tag_name] += "\n" e[tag_name] += line else: e.value += line + "\n" e.value = e.value.rstrip() return e class ResourceCollection(OrderedDict): """A container class holding a collection of resource files. It uses res_index to iterate through its resources""" def __init__(self): OrderedDict.__init__(self) self.diff_count = Counter() self.git_count = Counter() self.modified = False def __iter__(self): return iter([self[res_i] for res_i in res_index]) def __len__(self): return len(res_index) def clear(self): self.diff_count.clear() self.modified = False def paths(self): return [res.path for res in self] def merge_files(self): for i, res in enumerate(self, start=1): progress("Merging %s files" % self.ext, i, len(self)) res.merge_file() def load_files(self): self.clear() n_files = n_entries = 0 for i, res in enumerate(self, start=1): progress("Loading %s files" % self.ext, i, len(self)) n = res.read_file() if n: n_files += 1 n_entries += n if n_files: print "Loaded %d entr%s from %d %s file%s" \ % (n_entries, ["y", "ies"][n_entries!=1], n_files, self.ext, "s"[n_files==1:]) def update(self): for i, res in enumerate(self, start=1): progress("Updating %s files" % self.ext, i, len(self)) res.update() self.update_diff_count() def update_diff_count(self): self.diff_count.clear() for res in self: self.diff_count += res.diff_count() res_index.changes = self.diff_count.keys() def diff(self, diff_format): diff_text = '' for res in self: if res.changed(): diff_text += title(res.path) + "\n" diff_text += res.diff_txt(diff_format) + "\n" return diff_text def show_diff(self): diff_text = self.diff(True) try: Popen("less", stdin=PIPE).communicate(diff_text.encode('utf-8')) except OSError: print diff_text def edit_files(self): for res in self: if res.changed(): if not res.edit_file(): break self.update_diff_count() def write_files(self): for res in self: if res.changed() or options.force and list(res.items(False)): res.write_file() for change_t in res_index.changes: if change_t in res.diff: del res.diff[change_t] self.update_diff_count() def undo_changes(self): for res in self: res.clear(True) self.diff_count.clear() class TxtCollection(ResourceCollection): """Collection of txt files. It holds a few git methods""" def __init__(self): self.ext = 'txt' ResourceCollection.__init__(self) def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = TxtFile(*key) return self[key] def refresh_state(self): """Run git status and check the result for each file in the collection""" if not git: return git_states = dict() self.git_count.clear() for line in Popen(["git", "status", "--porcelain"] + self.paths(), stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].splitlines(): git_states[line[3:]] = line[0:2] for res in self: if res.git_path not in git_states: res.modified = res.staged = res.new = False continue st = git_states[res.git_path] if st[0] == 'M' or st[0] == 'A': res.staged = True self.git_count['staged'] += 1 if st[1] == 'M': res.modified = True self.git_count['modified'] += 1 elif st == '??': res.new = True self.git_count['new'] += 1 def git_status(self): call(["git", "status"] + self.paths()) def git_add_hunks(self): self.git_add(True) def git_add(self, hunks = False): files = [] for res in self: if res.modified or res.new: files.append(res.path) cmd_list = ['git', 'add'] if hunks: cmd_list.append('-p') cmd_list += files call(cmd_list) def git_reset(self): files = [] for res in self: if res.modified: files.append(res.path) elif res.new: os.remove(res.path) cmd_list = ['git', 'checkout'] cmd_list += files call(cmd_list) class IniCollection(ResourceCollection): """Collection of ini files with methods to interface with the transifex client push and pull commands""" def __init__(self): self.ext = 'ini' ResourceCollection.__init__(self) def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = IniFile(*key) return self[key] def refresh_state(self): self.modified = False for res in self: if res.modified: self.modified = True def tx_pull(self): tx_cmd = ['pull'] if options.force: tx_cmd.append('-f') all_lang = res_index.is_default('languages') all_res = res_index.is_default('resources') if all_lang and all_res: call_tx(tx_cmd + ['-a']) elif all_res: for lang in res_index.languages: call_tx(tx_cmd + ['-l', lang]) elif all_lang: for res in res_index.resources: call_tx(tx_cmd + ['-r', 'dcss.' + res]) else: for res in self: call_tx(tx_cmd + ['-l', res.lang(), '-r', 'dcss.' + res.resource]) def tx_push(self): tx_push = ['push'] if options.force: tx_push.append('-f') for res in self: if not res.modified: continue resource = ['-r', 'dcss.' + res.resource] language = ['-l', res.lang()] if not res.language: # We push the source then reset the fake translation resource ret = call_tx(tx_push + ['-s'] + resource) if self[('en', res.resource)].entries: a = raw_input("Reset the %s fake translation (y/n)? " % res.resource).lower() if a and a[0] == 'y': call_tx(['delete', '-f'] + language + resource) else: ret = call_tx(tx_push + ['-t'] + language + resource) if ret == 0: res.modified = False class Menu(OrderedDict): """Create a simple text based interactive menu. The inherited OrderedDict is used to store groups of commands cmds keys are the command hotkey letter, values are either a function or a list whose first member is the function and the next ones are arguments. cmd is the command string, it can be used to queue several commands. res_files points to the current resource file collection which is being worked on.""" def __init__(self, cmd = ''): OrderedDict.__init__(self) self.cmds = dict() self.cmd = cmd self.menu_desc = '' self.res_files = txt_files self.show_res = len(res_index.languages) == 1 def __missing__(self, key): self[key] = [] return self[key] def change_summary(self): if not self.res_files.diff_count: print "No changes\n" return print "Change summary:" lang_total = defaultdict(Counter) padding_size = 5 for res in self.res_files: if not res.diff: continue if self.show_res: padding_size = max(padding_size, len(res.path)) else: lang_total[res.lang()] += res.diff_count() cur_lang = '' for res in self.res_files: if not res.diff: continue lang = res.lang() if lang != cur_lang and lang_total[lang]: print "%-*s %s" % (padding_size, lang, change_counter(lang_total[lang])) cur_lang = lang if self.show_res: print "%-*s %s" % (padding_size, res.path, change_counter(res.diff_count())) print "%-*s %s" % (padding_size, 'Total', change_counter(self.res_files.diff_count)) print def git_summary(self): if not self.res_files.git_count: return padding_size = 5 print "Git status:" for key, count in self.res_files.git_count.most_common(): print "%-*s: %d" % (padding_size, key, count) print def git_commit(self): call(['git', 'commit', '-e', '-s', '-m', '[Transifex]', '--author=' + options.commit_author]) def toggle_details(self): self.show_res = not self.show_res def set_languages(self): res_index.set_languages() self.res_files.update_diff_count() self.show_res = len(res_index.languages) == 1 def set_resources(self): res_index.set_resources() self.res_files.update_diff_count() def set_changes(self): """Creates a submenu to select which kind of change to work on.""" submenu = Menu() lbl = "Select entries" change_ts = self.res_files.diff_count.keys() for type in change_ts + ['all']: cmd_lbl = '<' + type[0] + '>' + type[1:] if type == 'all': submenu.add_cmd(lbl, cmd_lbl, [res_index.set_changes, change_ts]) else: submenu.add_cmd(lbl, cmd_lbl, [res_index.set_changes, [type]]) submenu.build_menu_desc() submenu.show_menu() def next_index(self, index_t): """When only one index is selected (language or resource), this commands allows to jump to the next one. It will search for one with pending changes. If none is found after having looped through all of them, we simply select the next one""" current = res_index.get_index(index_t) while 1: res_index.next_index(index_t) self.res_files.update_diff_count() if self.res_files.diff_count or current == res_index.get_index(index_t): break # If we haven't found something with a change, we looped. In this case, # we advance one more time. if not self.res_files.diff_count: res_index.next_index(index_t) res_index.print_index(index_t, True) def add_cmd(self, group, label, cmd): """Adds a command to the menu. The label must contain a letter between chevrons which will be the command hotkey""" m = cmd_re.search(label) if not m: sys.exit("Invalid command: %s" % label) key = m.group(1) if key in self: sys.exit("Duplicate command for key %s: %s and %s" \ % (key, label, self[key])) if system() != 'Windows': label = label.replace("<" + key + ">", emphasize(key)) self[group].append(label) self.cmds[key] = cmd def build_main_menu(self): self.cmds.clear() self.clear() self.menu_desc = '' lbl_cmds = "Commands" self.add_cmd(lbl_cmds, 'wrap xt files', wrap_txt) self.add_cmd(lbl_cmds, 'erge ini files', merge_ini) self.add_cmd(lbl_cmds, 'update ni files', create_ini) self.add_cmd(lbl_cmds, 'uit', sys.exit) lbl_review = "Review changes" if self.res_files.diff_count or options.force: self.add_cmd(lbl_review, "rite files", self.res_files.write_files) if self.res_files.diff_count: if self.show_res: self.add_cmd(lbl_review, "iew languages", self.toggle_details) else: self.add_cmd(lbl_review, "iew resources", self.toggle_details) self.add_cmd(lbl_review, "show iff", self.res_files.show_diff) self.add_cmd(lbl_review, "dit", self.res_files.edit_files) self.add_cmd(lbl_review, "epunge changes", self.res_files.undo_changes) lbl_select = "Select" self.add_cmd(lbl_select, "anguages", self.set_languages) self.add_cmd(lbl_select, "esources", self.set_resources) if len(self.res_files.diff_count) > 1: self.add_cmd(lbl_select, "chanes", self.set_changes) if len(res_index.resources) == 1: self.add_cmd(lbl_select, "ext resource", [self.next_index, 'resources']) elif len(res_index.languages) == 1: self.add_cmd(lbl_select, "ext language", [self.next_index, 'languages']) if git: lbl_git = "Git" if self.res_files.git_count: self.add_cmd(lbl_git, "tatus", self.res_files.git_status) if self.res_files.git_count['modified'] or self.res_files.git_count['new']: self.add_cmd(lbl_git, "dd", self.res_files.git_add) self.add_cmd(lbl_git, "select unks", self.res_files.git_add_hunks) self.add_cmd(lbl_git, "checout", self.res_files.git_reset) if self.res_files.git_count['staged']: self.add_cmd(lbl_git, "ommit", self.git_commit) if transifex: lbl_tx = "Transifex" self.add_cmd(lbl_tx, "

ull", ini_files.tx_pull) if self.res_files.modified: self.add_cmd(lbl_tx, "psh", self.res_files.tx_push) self.build_menu_desc() print print self.change_summary() self.git_summary() def build_menu_desc(self): for group, labels in self.items(): self.menu_desc += "%s: %s" % (group, ", ".join(labels)) + "\n" def show_menu(self): """It reads the command line argument and treat each letter as a command When there is no more command, it switches to interactive mode.""" if not self.cmd: self.cmd = raw_input(self.menu_desc).lower() choice = self.cmd[:1] self.cmd = self.cmd[1:] if choice in self.cmds: func = self.cmds[choice] if isinstance(func, list): # If it's a list, then the first item is the function, # the other ones are arguments func[0](*func[1:]) else: func() else: print "Huh?" self.cmd = "" def main_menu(self): print res_index, while 1: self.res_files.refresh_state() self.build_main_menu() self.show_menu() wrapper_args = { 'width' : 79, 'break_on_hyphens' : False, 'break_long_words' : False, 'replace_whitespace' : False} wrapper = TextWrapper(**wrapper_args) # Use hardcoded whitespaces instead of \s because the latter matches # non-breaking spaces (see textwrap.py:30). wrapper.wordsep_simple_re_uni = re.compile(r'([%s]+)' % _whitespace) FWwrapper = FullWidthTextWrapper(**wrapper_args) wrapper_args['no_space'] = True FW_NS_wrapper = FullWidthTextWrapper(**wrapper_args) # We initialize the resource index early because we might need it if we have to # initialize the transifex configuration. res_index = ResourceIndex() # Can we use the transifex client? try: call_tx([], True) transifex = True except OSError: transifex = False # Is transifex configured? if transifex: if not os.path.exists(tx_config): setup_transifex() # Can we use git? try: call(['git'], stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb')) git = True except OSError: git = False # Create the global variables for managing resources. txt_files = TxtCollection() ini_files = IniCollection() menu = Menu(cmd) menu.main_menu()