/* * File: view.h * Summary: Misc function used to render the dungeon. * Written by: Linley Henzell */ #ifndef VIEW_H #define VIEW_H #include "externs.h" #include "show.h" void init_monsters_seens(); bool mons_near(const monsters *monster); bool mon_enemies_around(const monsters *monster); void find_features(const std::vector& features, unsigned char feature, std::vector *found); bool magic_mapping(int map_radius, int proportion, bool suppress_msg, bool force = false, bool deterministic = false, bool circular = false, coord_def origin = coord_def(-1, -1)); void reautomap_level(); struct level_pos; void show_map( level_pos &spec_place, bool travel_mode, bool allow_esc = false ); bool is_feature(int feature, const coord_def& where); void clear_feature_overrides(); void add_feature_override(const std::string &text); std::string screenshot(bool fullscreen = false); bool view_update(); void view_update_at(const coord_def &pos); void flash_view(int colour = BLACK); // inside #ifndef USE_TILE? void flash_view_delay(int colour = BLACK, long delay = 150); #ifndef USE_TILE void flash_monster_colour(const monsters *mon, unsigned char fmc_colour, int fmc_delay); #endif void viewwindow(bool monster_updates, bool show_updates = true); void update_monsters_in_view(); void handle_seen_interrupt(monsters* monster); void flush_comes_into_view(); void handle_terminal_resize(bool redraw = true); #endif