from tornado.escape import json_encode, json_decode, utf8 import tornado.websocket import tornado.ioloop import tornado.template import os import subprocess import logging import signal import time, datetime import codecs import random import zlib import config import checkoutput from userdb import * from util import * sockets = set() current_id = 0 shutting_down = False login_tokens = {} rand = random.SystemRandom() def shutdown(): global shutting_down shutting_down = True for socket in list(sockets): socket.shutdown() def update_global_status(): write_dgl_status_file() def update_all_lobbys(game): lobby_entry = game.lobby_entry() for socket in list(sockets): if socket.is_in_lobby(): socket.send_message("lobby_entry", **lobby_entry) def remove_in_lobbys(process): for socket in list(sockets): if socket.is_in_lobby(): socket.send_message("lobby_remove", def write_dgl_status_file(): f = None try: f = open(config.dgl_status_file, "w") for socket in list(sockets): if socket.username and socket.is_running(): f.write("%s#%s#%s#0x0#%s#%s#\n" % (socket.username, socket.game_id, (socket.process.human_readable_where()), str(socket.process.idle_time()), str(socket.process.watcher_count()))) except (OSError, IOError) as e: logging.warning("Could not write dgl status file: %s", e) finally: if f: f.close() def purge_login_tokens(): for token in list(login_tokens): if > login_tokens[token]: del login_tokens[token] def purge_login_tokens_timeout(): purge_login_tokens() ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() ioloop.add_timeout(time.time() + 60 * 60 * 1000, purge_login_tokens_timeout) def status_file_timeout(): write_dgl_status_file() ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() ioloop.add_timeout(time.time() + config.status_file_update_rate, status_file_timeout) def find_user_sockets(username): for socket in list(sockets): if socket.username and socket.username.lower() == username.lower(): yield socket def find_running_game(charname, start): from process_handler import processes for process in processes.values(): if (process.where.get("name") == charname and process.where.get("start") == start): return process return None milestone_file_tailers = [] def start_reading_milestones(): if config.milestone_file is None: return if isinstance(config.milestone_file, basestring): files = [config.milestone_file] else: files = config.milestone_file for f in files: milestone_file_tailers.append(FileTailer(f, handle_new_milestone)) def handle_new_milestone(line): data = parse_where_data(line) if "name" not in data: return game = find_running_game(data.get("name"), data.get("start")) if game: game.log_milestone(data) class CrawlWebSocket(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler): def __init__(self, app, req, **kwargs): tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler.__init__(self, app, req, **kwargs) self.username = None self.timeout = None self.watched_game = None self.process = None self.game_id = None self.received_pong = None self.ioloop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() global current_id = current_id current_id += 1 self.deflate = True self._compressobj = zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, zlib.DEFLATED, -zlib.MAX_WBITS) self.total_message_bytes = 0 self.compressed_bytes_sent = 0 self.uncompressed_bytes_sent = 0 self.message_queue = [] self.subprotocol = None self.logger = logging.LoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger(), {}) self.logger.process = self._process_log_msg self.message_handlers = { "login": self.login, "token_login": self.token_login, "set_login_cookie": self.set_login_cookie, "forget_login_cookie": self.forget_login_cookie, "play": self.start_crawl, "pong": self.pong, "watch":, "chat_msg": self.post_chat_message, "register": self.register, "go_lobby": self.go_lobby, "get_rc": self.get_rc, "set_rc": self.set_rc, } client_closed = property(lambda self: (not self.ws_connection) or self.ws_connection.client_terminated) def _process_log_msg(self, msg, kwargs): return "#%-5s %s" % (, msg), kwargs def __hash__(self): return def __eq__(self, other): return == def allow_draft76(self): return True def select_subprotocol(self, subprotocols): if "no-compression" in subprotocols: self.deflate = False self.subprotocol = "no-compression" return "no-compression" return None def open(self): compression = "on" if isinstance(self.ws_connection, getattr(tornado.websocket, "WebSocketProtocol76", ())): # Old Websocket versions don't support binary messages self.deflate = False compression = "off, old websockets" elif self.subprotocol == "no-compression": compression = "off, client request" if hasattr(self, "get_extensions"): if any(s.endswith("deflate-frame") for s in self.get_extensions()): self.deflate = False compression = "deflate-frame extension""Socket opened from ip %s (fd%s, compression: %s).", self.request.remote_ip,, compression) sockets.add(self) self.reset_timeout() if config.max_connections < len(sockets): self.write_message("connection_closed('The maximum number of connections " + "has been reached, sorry :(');") self.close() elif shutting_down: self.close() else: if config.dgl_mode: if hasattr(config, "autologin") and config.autologin: self.do_login(config.autologin) self.send_lobby() else: self.start_crawl(None) def idle_time(self): return self.process.idle_time() def is_running(self): return self.process is not None def is_in_lobby(self): return not self.is_running() and self.watched_game is None def send_lobby(self): self.queue_message("lobby_clear") from process_handler import processes for process in processes.values(): self.queue_message("lobby_entry", **process.lobby_entry()) self.send_message("lobby_complete") def send_game_links(self): # Rerender Banner banner_html = self.render_string("banner.html", username = self.username) self.queue_message("html", id = "banner", content = banner_html) play_html = self.render_string("game_links.html", games = self.send_message("set_game_links", content = play_html) def reset_timeout(self): if self.timeout: self.ioloop.remove_timeout(self.timeout) self.received_pong = False self.send_message("ping") self.timeout = self.ioloop.add_timeout(time.time() + config.connection_timeout, self.check_connection) def check_connection(self): self.timeout = None if not self.received_pong:"Connection timed out.") self.close() else: if self.is_running() and self.process.idle_time() > config.max_idle_time:"Stopping crawl after idle time limit.") self.process.stop() if not self.client_closed: self.reset_timeout() def start_crawl(self, game_id): if config.dgl_mode and game_id not in self.go_lobby() return if config.dgl_mode: game_params = dict([game_id]) if self.username == None: if self.watched_game: self.stop_watching() self.send_message("login_required", game = game_params["name"]) return if self.process: # ignore multiple requests for the same game, can happen when # logging in with cookies if self.game_id != game_id: self.go_lobby() return self.game_id = game_id import process_handler if config.dgl_mode: game_params["id"] = game_id args = (game_params, self.username, self.logger, self.ioloop) if (game_params.get("compat_mode") or "client_prefix" in game_params): self.process = process_handler.CompatCrawlProcessHandler(*args) else: self.process = process_handler.CrawlProcessHandler(*args) else: self.process = process_handler.DGLLessCrawlProcessHandler(self.logger, self.ioloop) self.process.end_callback = self._on_crawl_end self.process.add_watcher(self) try: self.process.start() except Exception: self.logger.warning("Exception starting process!", exc_info=True) self.process = None self.go_lobby() else: if self.process is None: # Can happen if the process creation fails self.go_lobby() return self.send_message("game_started") if config.dgl_mode: if self.process.where == {}: # If location info was found, the lobbys were already # updated by set_where_data update_all_lobbys(self.process) update_global_status() def _on_crawl_end(self): if config.dgl_mode: remove_in_lobbys(self.process) reason = self.process.exit_reason message = self.process.exit_message dump_url = self.process.exit_dump_url self.process = None if self.client_closed: sockets.remove(self) else: if shutting_down: self.close() else: # Go back to lobby self.send_message("game_ended", reason = reason, message = message, dump = dump_url) if config.dgl_mode: if not self.watched_game: self.send_message("go_lobby") self.send_lobby() else: self.start_crawl(None) if config.dgl_mode: update_global_status() if shutting_down and len(sockets) == 0: # The last crawl process has ended, now we can go self.ioloop.stop() def init_user(self): with open("/dev/null", "w") as f: result =[config.init_player_program, self.username], stdout = f, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT) return result == 0 def stop_watching(self): if self.watched_game:"Stopped watching %s.", self.watched_game.username) self.watched_game.remove_watcher(self) self.watched_game = None def shutdown(self): if not self.client_closed: msg = self.render_string("shutdown.html", game=self) self.send_message("close", reason = msg) self.close() if self.is_running(): self.process.stop() def do_login(self, username): self.username = username self.logger.extra["username"] = username if not self.init_user(): msg = ("Could not initialize your rc and morgue!
" + "This probably means there is something wrong " + "with the server configuration.") self.send_message("close", reason = msg) self.logger.warning("User initialization returned an error for user %s!", self.username) self.username = None self.close() return self.queue_message("login_success", username = username) if self.watched_game: self.watched_game.update_watcher_description() else: self.send_game_links() def login(self, username, password): real_username = user_passwd_match(username, password) if real_username:"User %s logged in.", real_username) self.do_login(real_username) else: self.logger.warning("Failed login for user %s.", username) self.send_message("login_fail") def token_login(self, cookie): username, _, token = cookie.partition(' ') try: token = long(token) except ValueError: token = None if (token, username) in login_tokens: del login_tokens[(token, username)]"User %s logged in (via token).", username) self.do_login(username) else: self.logger.warning("Wrong login token for user %s.", username) self.send_message("login_fail") def set_login_cookie(self): if self.username is None: return token = rand.getrandbits(128) expires = + datetime.timedelta(config.login_token_lifetime) login_tokens[(token, self.username)] = expires cookie = self.username + " " + str(token) self.send_message("login_cookie", cookie = cookie, expires = config.login_token_lifetime) def forget_login_cookie(self, cookie): try: username, _, token = cookie.partition(' ') try: token = long(token) except ValueError: token = None if (token, username) in login_tokens: del login_tokens[(token, username)] except ValueError: return def pong(self): self.received_pong = True def rcfile_path(self, game_id): if game_id not in return None if not self.username: return None path = dgl_format_str([game_id]["rcfile_path"], self.username,[game_id]) return os.path.join(path, self.username + ".rc") def send_json_options(self, game_id, player_name): def do_send(data, returncode): if returncode != 0: # fail silently for returncode 1 for now, probably just an old # version missing the command line option if returncode != 1: self.logger.warning("Error while getting JSON options!") return self.write_message('{"msg":"options","watcher":true,"options":' + data + '}') if not self.username: return if game_id not in return game =[game_id] if not "send_json_options" in game or not game["send_json_options"]: return call = [game["crawl_binary"]] if "pre_options" in game: call += game["pre_options"] call += ["-name", player_name, "-rc", self.rcfile_path(game_id)] if "options" in game: call += game["options"] call.append("-print-webtiles-options") checkoutput.check_output(call, do_send, self.ioloop) def watch(self, username): if self.is_running(): self.process.stop() from process_handler import processes procs = [process for process in processes.values() if process.username.lower() == username.lower()] if len(procs) >= 1: process = procs[0] if self.watched_game: if self.watched_game == process: return self.stop_watching()"Started watching %s (P%s).", process.username, self.watched_game = process process.add_watcher(self) self.send_message("watching_started", username = process.username) else: if self.watched_game: self.stop_watching() self.go_lobby() def post_chat_message(self, text): receiver = None if self.process: receiver = self.process elif self.watched_game: receiver = self.watched_game if receiver: if self.username is None: self.send_message("chat", content = 'You need to log in to send messages!') return receiver.handle_chat_message(self.username, text) def register(self, username, password, email): error = register_user(username, password, email) if error is None:"Registered user %s.", username) self.do_login(username) else:"Registration attempt failed for username %s: %s", username, error) self.send_message("register_fail", reason = error) def go_lobby(self): if self.is_running(): self.process.stop() elif self.watched_game: self.stop_watching() self.send_message("go_lobby") self.send_lobby() else: self.send_message("go_lobby") def get_rc(self, game_id): if game_id not in return with open(self.rcfile_path(game_id), 'r') as f: contents = self.send_message("rcfile_contents", contents = contents) def set_rc(self, game_id, contents): rcfile_path = dgl_format_str([game_id]["rcfile_path"], self.username,[game_id]) rcfile_path = os.path.join(rcfile_path, self.username + ".rc") with open(rcfile_path, 'w') as f: f.write(contents.encode("utf8")) def on_message(self, message): if message.startswith("{"): try: obj = json_decode(message) if obj["msg"] in self.message_handlers: handler = self.message_handlers[obj["msg"]] del obj["msg"] handler(**obj) elif self.process: self.process.handle_input(message) elif not self.watched_game: self.logger.warning("Didn't know how to handle msg: %s", obj["msg"]) except Exception: self.logger.warning("Error while handling JSON message!", exc_info=True) elif self.process: # This is just for compatibility with 0.9, 0.10 only sends # JSON self.process.handle_input(message) def flush_messages(self): if self.client_closed or len(self.message_queue) == 0: return msg = "{\"msgs\":[" + ",".join(self.message_queue) + "]}" self.message_queue = [] try: self.total_message_bytes += len(msg) if self.deflate: # Compress like in deflate-frame extension: # Apply deflate, flush, then remove the 00 00 FF FF # at the end compressed = self._compressobj.compress(msg) compressed += self._compressobj.flush(zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH) compressed = compressed[:-4] self.compressed_bytes_sent += len(compressed) super(CrawlWebSocket, self).write_message(compressed, binary=True) else: self.uncompressed_bytes_sent += len(msg) super(CrawlWebSocket, self).write_message(msg) except: self.logger.warning("Exception trying to send message.", exc_info = True) if self.ws_connection != None: self.ws_connection._abort() def write_message(self, msg, send=True): if self.client_closed: return self.message_queue.append(utf8(msg)) if send: self.flush_messages() def send_message(self, msg, **data): """Sends a JSON message to the client.""" data["msg"] = msg if not self.client_closed: self.write_message(json_encode(data)) def queue_message(self, msg, **data): data["msg"] = msg if not self.client_closed: self.write_message(json_encode(data), False) def on_close(self): if self.process is None and self in sockets: sockets.remove(self) if shutting_down and len(sockets) == 0: # The last socket has been closed, now we can go self.ioloop.stop() elif self.is_running(): self.process.stop() if self.watched_game: self.watched_game.remove_watcher(self) if self.timeout: self.ioloop.remove_timeout(self.timeout) if self.total_message_bytes == 0: comp_ratio = "N/A" else: comp_ratio = 100 - 100 * (self.compressed_bytes_sent + self.uncompressed_bytes_sent) / self.total_message_bytes"Socket closed. (%s bytes sent, compression ratio %s%%)", self.total_message_bytes, comp_ratio)