package Crawl::Bot::Plugin::Commit; use Moose; use autodie; use File::pushd; extends 'Crawl::Bot::Plugin'; has repo_uri => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => 'git://', ); has announce_commits => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 1, ); # Maximum number of commits to announce from a large batch. If there # are exactly announce_limits + 1 new commits, all of them will be # announced, to avoid a useless "and 1 more commit" message. has announce_limit => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 10, ); has colour_announce => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 1, ); has colour_query => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 1, ); has checkout => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; my $checkout = File::Spec->catdir($self->data_dir, 'crawl-ref'); mkdir $checkout unless -d $checkout; my $dir = pushd($checkout); if (!-f 'HEAD') { system('git clone --mirror ' . $self->repo_uri . " $checkout"); } $checkout; }, ); has heads => ( traits => [qw(Hash)], isa => 'HashRef[Str]', lazy => 1, handles => { has_branch => 'exists', head => 'accessor', }, default => sub { my $self = shift; my $dir = pushd($self->checkout); return { map { $_ => `git rev-parse $_` } $self->branches }; }, ); my %colour_codes = ( author => 3, author_query => 7, branch => 7, stats => 10, url => 13 ); sub make_web_uri { my $self = shift; my $commit = shift; return ";a=commitdiff;h=$commit"; } sub colour { my $self = shift; my $context = shift; my $type = shift; if ($context eq "announce") { return "" unless $self->colour_announce; } elsif ($context eq "query") { return "" unless $self->colour_query; } if ($type eq "reset") { return "\017"; } elsif ($type eq "colon" or $type eq "rev") { return "\002"; } else { my $code = $colour_codes{$type}; return defined($code) ? sprintf("\003%02d", $code) : ""; } } sub said { my $self = shift; my ($args) = @_; my @keys = (who => $args->{who}, channel => $args->{channel}, "body"); if ($args->{body} =~ /^%git(?:\s+(.*))?$/) { my $rev = $1; $rev = "HEAD" unless $rev; my $commit = $self->parse_commit($rev); if (defined $commit) { my $abbr = substr($commit->{hash}, 0, 12); my $pl = ($commit->{nfiles} == 1 ? "" : "s"); my $rev = $commit->{revname} || "r$abbr"; $self->say(@keys, sprintf( "%s%s%s * %s%s%s:%s %s%s%s %s(%s, %s file%s, %s+ %s-)%s %s%s%s", $self->colour(query => "author_query"), $commit->{author}, $self->colour(query => "reset"), $self->colour(query => "rev"), $rev, $self->colour(query => "colon"), $self->colour(query => "reset"), $self->colour(query => "subject"), $commit->{subject}, $self->colour(query => "reset"), $self->colour(query => "stats"), $commit->{date}, $commit->{nfiles}, $pl, $commit->{nins}, $commit->{ndel}, $self->colour(query => "reset"), $self->colour(query => "url"), $self->make_web_uri($abbr), $self->colour(query => "reset"), ) ); } else { my $ev = $? >> 8; $self->say(@keys, "Could not find commit $rev (git returned $ev)"); } } } sub tick { my $self = shift; my $dir = pushd($self->checkout); warn "fetch"; system('git fetch'); for my $branch ($self->branches) { my $old_head = $self->head($branch) || ''; warn "rev-parse $branch"; my $head = `git rev-parse $branch`; chomp ($old_head, $head); next if $old_head eq $head; # Exclude merges from master into other branches. my $exclude_master = $branch eq "master" ? "" : "^master"; my $exclude_old = $old_head ? "^$old_head" : ""; warn "rev-list $head $exclude_old $exclude_master"; my @revs = split /\n/, `git rev-list $head $exclude_old $exclude_master`; warn "rev-list done"; if (!$self->has_branch($branch)) { my $nrev = scalar @revs; my $pl = $nrev == 1 ? "" : "s"; $self->say_all("New branch created: $branch ($nrev commit$pl)"); } if ($self->announce_commits) { my %commits = map { $_, $self->parse_commit($_) } @revs; my $cherry_picks = @revs; @revs = grep { $commits{$_}->{subject} !~ /\(cherry picked from / && $commits{$_}->{body} !~ /\(cherry picked from / } @revs; $cherry_picks -= @revs; my $pl = $cherry_picks == 1 ? "" : "s"; $self->say_all("Cherry-picked $cherry_picks commit$pl into $branch") if $cherry_picks > 0; my $count = 0; for my $rev (reverse @revs) { # If it's just one more than the announce limit, don't bother with # the message and announce the last commit anyway. if (++$count > $self->announce_limit and scalar @revs > 1) { $self->say_all("... and " . (scalar @revs - $count + 1) . " more commits"); last; } my $commit = $commits{$rev}; my $br = $branch eq "master" ? "" : "[$branch] "; my $abbr = substr($commit->{hash}, 0, 12); my $pl = ($commit->{nfiles} == 1 ? "" : "s"); my $revname = $commit->{revname} || "r$abbr"; $self->say_all( sprintf( "%s%s%s %s%s%s* %s%s%s:%s %s%s%s %s(%s, %s file%s, %s+ %s-)%s %s%s%s", $self->colour(announce => "author"), $commit->{author}, $self->colour(announce => "reset"), $self->colour(announce => "branch"), $br, $self->colour(announce => "reset"), $self->colour(announce => "rev"), $revname, $self->colour(announce => "colon"), $self->colour(announce => "reset"), $self->colour(announce => "subject"), $commit->{subject}, $self->colour(announce => "reset"), $self->colour(announce => "stats"), $commit->{date}, $commit->{nfiles}, $pl, $commit->{nins}, $commit->{ndel}, $self->colour(announce => "reset"), $self->colour(announce => "url"), $self->make_web_uri($abbr), $self->colour(announce => "reset"), ) ); } } $self->head($branch => $head); } } sub branches { my $self = shift; my $dir = pushd($self->checkout); return map { s/^[ \*]*//; $_ } split /\n/, `git branch`; } sub parse_commit { my $self = shift; my ($rev) = @_; my $dir = pushd($self->checkout); CORE::open(F, "-|:encoding(UTF-8)", qw(git log -1 --shortstat --pretty=format:%H%x00%aN%x00%s%x00%b%x00%ar%x00), $rev) or return undef; local $/ = undef; my $info = ; CORE::close(F) or return undef; my $revname; if (CORE::open(F, "-|:encoding(UTF-8)", qw(git describe), $rev)) { $revname = ; $revname =~ s/\n.*//; CORE::close(F); } $info =~ /(.*?)\x00(.*?)\x00(.*?)\x00(.*?)\x00(.*?)\x00(.*)/s or return undef; my ($hash, $author, $subject, $body, $date, $stat) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); my ($nfiles, $nins, $ndel); ($stat =~ /(\d+) files changed/) and $nfiles = $1; ($stat =~ /(\d+) insertions/) and $nins = $1; ($stat =~ /(\d+) deletions/) and $ndel = $1; return { hash => $hash, author => $author, subject => $subject, body => $body, date => $date, nfiles => $nfiles, nins => $nins, ndel => $ndel, revname => $revname, }; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; no Moose; 1;