Revision history for Dist-CheckConflicts {{$NEXT}} 0.07 2013-07-08 - instead of silently ignoring conflicts that do not compile, issue a conflict warning. (RT#75486, Karen Etheridge) 0.06 2013-06-21 - make the runtime conflict warnings optional, since i'm not sure how stable of an idea this really is - use Exporter instead of Sub::Exporter 0.05-TRIAL 2011-01-17 - require 5.8.1, clean up a few things and add a few more tests 0.04-TRIAL 2011-01-13 - fix an issue with certain other perls 0.03-TRIAL 2011-01-13 - add runtime conflict warnings 0.02 2011-01-02 - ignore 'also' packages that aren't found, and also check for a corresponding ::Conflicts package 0.01 2010-11-21 - Initial release