#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use lib 't/lib/03'; { use_ok('Foo::Conflicts::Good'); is_deeply( [ Foo::Conflicts::Good->calculate_conflicts ], [], "correct versions for all conflicts", ); is( exception { Foo::Conflicts::Good->check_conflicts }, undef, "no conflict error" ); } { use_ok('Foo::Conflicts::Bad'); is_deeply( [ Foo::Conflicts::Bad->calculate_conflicts ], [ { package => 'Foo', installed => '0.02', required => '0.03' }, { package => 'Foo::Two', installed => '0.02', required => '0.02' }, ], "correct versions for all conflicts", ); is( exception { Foo::Conflicts::Bad->check_conflicts }, "Conflicts detected for Foo:\n Foo is version 0.02, but must be greater than version 0.03\n Foo::Two is version 0.02, but must be greater than version 0.02\n", "correct conflict error" ); } { use_ok('Bar::Conflicts::Good'); is_deeply( [ Bar::Conflicts::Good->calculate_conflicts ], [], "correct versions for all conflicts", ); is( exception { Bar::Conflicts::Good->check_conflicts }, undef, "no conflict error" ); } { use_ok('Bar::Conflicts::Bad'); is_deeply( [ Bar::Conflicts::Bad->calculate_conflicts ], [ { package => 'Bar', installed => '0.02', required => '0.03' }, { package => 'Bar::Two', installed => '0.02', required => '0.02' }, ], "correct versions for all conflicts", ); is( exception { Bar::Conflicts::Bad->check_conflicts }, "Conflicts detected for Bar:\n Bar is version 0.02, but must be greater than version 0.03\n Bar::Two is version 0.02, but must be greater than version 0.02\n", "correct conflict error" ); } done_testing;