/* * (C)opyright MMVII Robert Manea * See LICENSE file for license details. * */ #include "dzen.h" #include #include #include #ifdef DZEN_XPM #include #endif #define ARGLEN 256 int otx; /* command types for the in-text parser */ enum ctype {bg, fg, icon, rect, recto, circle, circleo, pos, abspos, titlewin, ibg, fn, sa}; int get_tokval(const char* line, char **retdata); int get_token(const char* line, int * t, char **tval); static unsigned int textnw(const char *text, unsigned int len) { XRectangle r; if(dzen.font.set) { XmbTextExtents(dzen.font.set, text, len, NULL, &r); return r.width; } return XTextWidth(dzen.font.xfont, text, len); } void drawtext(const char *text, int reverse, int line, int align) { if(!reverse) { XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.gc, dzen.norm[ColBG]); XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.drawable[line], dzen.gc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.h); XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.gc, dzen.norm[ColFG]); } else { XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.rgc, dzen.norm[ColFG]); XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.drawable[line], dzen.rgc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.h); XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.rgc, dzen.norm[ColBG]); } parse_line(text, line, align, reverse, 0); } long getcolor(const char *colstr) { Colormap cmap = DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen); XColor color; if(!XAllocNamedColor(dzen.dpy, cmap, colstr, &color, &color)) return -1; return color.pixel; } void setfont(const char *fontstr) { char *def, **missing; int i, n; missing = NULL; if(dzen.font.set) XFreeFontSet(dzen.dpy, dzen.font.set); dzen.font.set = XCreateFontSet(dzen.dpy, fontstr, &missing, &n, &def); if(missing) XFreeStringList(missing); if(dzen.font.set) { XFontSetExtents *font_extents; XFontStruct **xfonts; char **font_names; dzen.font.ascent = dzen.font.descent = 0; font_extents = XExtentsOfFontSet(dzen.font.set); n = XFontsOfFontSet(dzen.font.set, &xfonts, &font_names); for(i = 0, dzen.font.ascent = 0, dzen.font.descent = 0; i < n; i++) { if(dzen.font.ascent < (*xfonts)->ascent) dzen.font.ascent = (*xfonts)->ascent; if(dzen.font.descent < (*xfonts)->descent) dzen.font.descent = (*xfonts)->descent; xfonts++; } } else { if(dzen.font.xfont) XFreeFont(dzen.dpy, dzen.font.xfont); dzen.font.xfont = NULL; if(!(dzen.font.xfont = XLoadQueryFont(dzen.dpy, fontstr))) eprint("dzen: error, cannot load font: '%s'\n", fontstr); dzen.font.ascent = dzen.font.xfont->ascent; dzen.font.descent = dzen.font.xfont->descent; } dzen.font.height = dzen.font.ascent + dzen.font.descent; } unsigned int textw(const char *text) { return textnw(text, strlen(text)) + dzen.font.height; } int get_tokval(const char* line, char **retdata) { int i; char tokval[ARGLEN]; for(i=0; i < ARGLEN && (*(line+i) != ')'); i++) tokval[i] = *(line+i); tokval[i] = '\0'; *retdata = strdup(tokval); return i+1; } int get_token(const char *line, int * t, char **tval) { int off=0, next_pos=0; char *tokval = NULL; if(*(line+1) == ESC_CHAR) return 0; line++; /* ^bg(#rrggbb) background color, type: bg */ if( (*line == 'b') && (*(line+1) == 'g') && (*(line+2) == '(')) { off = 3; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = bg; } /* ^ib(bool) ignore background color, type: ibg */ else if((*line == 'i') && (*(line+1) == 'b') && (*(line+2) == '(')) { off=3; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = ibg; } /* ^fg(#rrggbb) foreground color, type: fg */ else if((*line == 'f') && (*(line+1) == 'g') && (*(line+2) == '(')) { off=3; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = fg; } /* ^tw() draw to title window, type: titlewin */ else if((*line == 't') && (*(line+1) == 'w') && (*(line+2) == '(')) { off=3; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = titlewin; } /* ^i(iconname) bitmap icon, type: icon */ else if((*line == 'i') && (*(line+1) == '(')) { off = 2; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = icon; } /* ^r(widthxheight) filled rectangle, type: rect */ else if((*line == 'r') && (*(line+1) == '(')) { off = 2; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = rect; } /* ^ro(widthxheight) outlined rectangle, type: recto */ else if((*line == 'r') && (*(line+1) == 'o') && (*(line+2) == '(')) { off = 3; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = recto; } /* ^p(pixel) relative position, type: pos */ else if((*line == 'p') && (*(line+1) == '(')) { off = 2; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = pos; } /* ^pa(pixel) absolute position, type: pos */ else if((*line == 'p') && (*(line+1) == 'a') && (*(line+2) == '(')) { off = 3; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = abspos; } /*^c(radius) filled circle, type: circle */ else if((*line == 'c') && (*(line+1) == '(')) { off = 2; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = circle; } /* ^co(radius) outlined circle, type: circleo */ else if((*line == 'c') && (*(line+1) == 'o') && (*(line+2) == '(')) { off = 3; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = circleo; } /* ^fn(fontname) change font, type: fn */ else if((*line == 'f') && (*(line+1) == 'n') && (*(line+2) == '(')) { off = 3; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = fn; } /* ^sa(string) sensitive areas, type: sa */ else if((*line == 's') && (*(line+1) == 'a') && (*(line+2) == '(')) { off = 3; next_pos = get_tokval(line+off, &tokval); *t = sa; } *tval = tokval; return next_pos+off; } static void setcolor(Drawable *pm, int x, int width, long tfg, long tbg, int reverse, int nobg) { if(nobg) return; XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, reverse ? tfg : tbg); XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, x, 0, width, dzen.line_height); XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, reverse ? tbg : tfg); XSetBackground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, reverse ? tfg : tbg); } static void get_rect_vals(char *s, int *w, int *h, int *x, int *y) { int i, j; char buf[128]; *w=*h=*x=*y=0; for(i=0; s[i] && s[i] != 'x' && i<128; i++) { buf[i] = s[i]; } buf[i] = '\0'; *w = atoi(buf); for(j=0, ++i; s[i] && s[i] != '+' && s[i] != '-' && j<128; j++, i++) buf[j] = s[i]; buf[j] = '\0'; *h = atoi(buf); for(j=0, ++i; s[i] && s[i] != '+' && s[i] != '-' && j<128; j++, i++) buf[j] = s[i]; if(j<2) { buf[j] = '\0'; *x = atoi(buf); *y = atoi(s+i); } } static int get_circle_vals(char *s, int *d, int *a) { int i, ret; char buf[128]; *d=*a=ret=0; for(i=0; s[i] && i<128; i++) { if(s[i] == '+' || s[i] == '-') { ret=1; break; } else buf[i]=s[i]; } buf[i+1]='\0'; *d=atoi(buf); *a=atoi(s+i); return ret; } static int get_pos_vals(char *s, int *d, int *a) { int i=0, ret=3; char buf[128]; *d=*a=0; for(i=0; s[i] && i<128; i++) { if(s[i] == ';') { break; } else buf[i]=s[i]; } if(i) { buf[i+2]='\0'; *d=atoi(buf); } else ret=2; if(s[++i]) { *a=atoi(s+i); } else ret = 1; return ret; } char * parse_line(const char *line, int lnr, int align, int reverse, int nodraw) { unsigned int bm_w, bm_h; int bm_xh, bm_yh; int rectw, recth, rectx, recty; int n_posx, n_posy, set_posy=0; int i, next_pos=0, j=0, px=0, py=0, xorig, h=0, tw, ow; char lbuf[MAX_LINE_LEN], *rbuf = NULL; int t=-1, nobg=0; char *tval=NULL; long lastfg = dzen.norm[ColFG], lastbg = dzen.norm[ColBG]; XGCValues gcv; Drawable *pm, bm; Drawable opm=0; #ifdef DZEN_XPM int free_xpm_attrib = 0; Pixmap xpm_pm; XpmAttributes xpma; XpmColorSymbol xpms; #endif /* sensitive areas */ Window sa_win=0; Drawable sapm=0; int opx=0; XSetWindowAttributes sawa; sawa.background_pixmap = ParentRelative; sawa.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | KeyPressMask; /* parse line and return the text without control commands */ if(nodraw) { rbuf = emalloc(MAX_LINE_LEN); rbuf[0] = '\0'; if( (lnr + dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis) >= dzen.slave_win.tcnt) line = NULL; else line = dzen.slave_win.tbuf[dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis+lnr]; } /* parse line and render text */ else { h = dzen.font.height; //py = dzen.font.ascent + (dzen.line_height - h) / 2; py = (dzen.line_height - h) / 2 - dzen.font.descent; xorig = 0; if(lnr != -1) { opm = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, DefaultScreen(dzen.dpy)), dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen)); } else { opm = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, DefaultScreen(dzen.dpy)), dzen.title_win.width, dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen)); } sapm = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, DefaultScreen(dzen.dpy)), dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen)); pm = &opm; if(!reverse) { XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColBG]); #ifdef DZEN_XPM xpms.pixel = dzen.norm[ColBG]; #endif } else { XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColFG]); #ifdef DZEN_XPM xpms.pixel = dzen.norm[ColFG]; #endif } XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.h); if(!reverse) { XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColFG]); } else { XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, dzen.norm[ColBG]); } #ifdef DZEN_XPM xpms.name = NULL; xpms.value = (char *)"none"; xpma.colormap = DefaultColormap(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen); xpma.depth = DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen); xpma.visual = DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen); xpma.colorsymbols = &xpms; xpma.numsymbols = 1; xpma.valuemask = XpmColormap|XpmDepth|XpmVisual|XpmColorSymbols; #endif if(!dzen.font.set){ gcv.font = dzen.font.xfont->fid; XChangeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, GCFont, &gcv); } if( lnr != -1 && (lnr + dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis >= dzen.slave_win.tcnt)) { XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.slave_win.drawable[lnr], dzen.gc, 0, 0, px, dzen.line_height, xorig, 0); XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, *pm); return NULL; } } for(i=0; (unsigned)i < strlen(line); i++) { if(*(line+i) == ESC_CHAR) { lbuf[j] = '\0'; if(nodraw) { strcat(rbuf, lbuf); } else { if(t != -1 && tval) { switch(t) { case icon: if(XReadBitmapFile(dzen.dpy, *pm, tval, &bm_w, &bm_h, &bm, &bm_xh, &bm_yh) == BitmapSuccess && (h/2 + px + (signed)bm_w < dzen.w)) { setcolor(pm, px, bm_w, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XCopyPlane(dzen.dpy, bm, *pm, dzen.tgc, 0, 0, bm_w, bm_h, px, set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height >= (signed)bm_h ? (dzen.line_height - bm_h)/2 : 0), 1); XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, bm); px += bm_w; } #ifdef DZEN_XPM else if(XpmReadFileToPixmap(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, tval, &xpm_pm, NULL, &xpma) == XpmSuccess) { setcolor(pm, px, xpma.width, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, xpm_pm, *pm, dzen.tgc, 0, 0, xpma.width, xpma.height, px, set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height >= (signed)xpma.height ? (dzen.line_height - xpma.height)/2 : 0)); px += xpma.width; XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, xpm_pm); free_xpm_attrib = 1; } #endif break; case rect: get_rect_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth, &rectx, &recty); recth = recth > dzen.line_height ? dzen.line_height : recth; recty = (recty == 0) ? (dzen.line_height - recth)/2 : recty; px = (rectx == 0) ? px : rectx+px; setcolor(pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, (int)px, set_posy ? py : ((int)recty<0 ? dzen.line_height + recty : recty), rectw, recth); px += rectw; break; case recto: get_rect_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth, &rectx, &recty); if (!rectw) break; recth = recth > dzen.line_height ? dzen.line_height-2 : recth-1; recty = recty == 0 ? (dzen.line_height - recth)/2 : recty; px = (rectx == 0) ? px : rectx+px; /* prevent from stairs effect when rounding recty */ if (!((dzen.line_height - recth) % 2)) recty--; setcolor(pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XDrawRectangle(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py : ((int)recty<0 ? dzen.line_height + recty : recty), rectw-1, recth); px += rectw; break; case circle: rectx = get_circle_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth); setcolor(pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XFillArc(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py :(dzen.line_height - rectw)/2, rectw, rectw, 90*64, rectx?recth*64:64*360); px += rectw; break; case circleo: rectx = get_circle_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth); setcolor(pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XDrawArc(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height - rectw)/2, rectw, rectw, 90*64, rectx?recth*64:64*360); px += rectw; break; case pos: if(tval[0]) { set_posy = get_pos_vals(tval, &n_posx, &n_posy); if(set_posy != 2) px = px+n_posx<0? 0 : px + n_posx; if(set_posy != 1) py += n_posy; set_posy = set_posy == 3 || set_posy == 2 ? 1 : 0; } else { set_posy = 0; py = (dzen.line_height - h) / 2 - dzen.font.descent; } break; case abspos: if(tval[0]) { set_posy = get_pos_vals(tval, &n_posx, &n_posy); n_posx = n_posx < 0 ? n_posx*-1 : n_posx; if(set_posy != 2) px = n_posx; if(set_posy != 1) py = n_posy; set_posy = set_posy == 3 || set_posy == 2 ? 1 : 0; } else { set_posy = 0; py = (dzen.line_height - h) / 2 - dzen.font.descent; } break; case ibg: nobg = atoi(tval); break; case bg: lastbg = tval[0] ? (unsigned)getcolor(tval) : dzen.norm[ColBG]; break; case fg: lastfg = tval[0] ? (unsigned)getcolor(tval) : dzen.norm[ColFG]; XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, lastfg); break; case fn: if(tval[0]) setfont(tval); else setfont(dzen.fnt); break; /* case sa: if(tval[0]) { opx = px; pm = &sapm; } else { pm = &opm; dzen.sa_win = XCreateWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.line[lnr], opx, 0, px-opx, dzen.line_height, 0, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CWEventMask, &sawa); XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, sapm, dzen.sa_win, dzen.gc, 0, 0, opx-px, dzen.line_height, 0, 0); } break; */ } free(tval); } /* check if text is longer than window's width */ ow = j; tw = textnw(lbuf, strlen(lbuf)); while( ((tw + px) > (dzen.w - h)) && j>=0) { lbuf[--j] = '\0'; tw = textnw(lbuf, strlen(lbuf)); } if(j < ow) { if(j > 1) lbuf[j - 1] = '.'; if(j > 2) lbuf[j - 2] = '.'; if(j > 3) lbuf[j - 3] = '.'; } if(!nobg) setcolor(pm, px, tw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); if(dzen.font.set) XmbDrawString(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.font.set, dzen.tgc, px, py+dzen.font.ascent, lbuf, strlen(lbuf)); else XDrawString(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, px, py+dzen.font.ascent, lbuf, strlen(lbuf)); px += tw; } j=0; t=-1; tval=NULL; next_pos = get_token(line+i, &t, &tval); i += next_pos; /* ^^ escapes */ if(next_pos == 0) lbuf[j++] = line[i++]; } else lbuf[j++] = line[i]; } lbuf[j] = '\0'; if(nodraw) { strcat(rbuf, lbuf); } else { if(t != -1 && tval) { switch(t) { case icon: if(XReadBitmapFile(dzen.dpy, *pm, tval, &bm_w, &bm_h, &bm, &bm_xh, &bm_yh) == BitmapSuccess && (h/2 + px + (signed)bm_w < dzen.w)) { setcolor(pm, px, bm_w, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XCopyPlane(dzen.dpy, bm, *pm, dzen.tgc, 0, 0, bm_w, bm_h, px, set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height >= (signed)bm_h ? (dzen.line_height - bm_h)/2 : 0), 1); XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, bm); px += bm_w; } #ifdef DZEN_XPM else if(XpmReadFileToPixmap(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, tval, &xpm_pm, NULL, &xpma) == XpmSuccess) { setcolor(pm, px, xpma.width, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, xpm_pm, *pm, dzen.tgc, 0, 0, xpma.width, xpma.height, px, set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height >= (signed)xpma.height ? (dzen.line_height - xpma.height)/2 : 0)); px += xpma.width; XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, xpm_pm); free_xpm_attrib = 1; } #endif break; case rect: get_rect_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth, &rectx, &recty); recth = recth > dzen.line_height ? dzen.line_height : recth; recty = (recty == 0) ? (dzen.line_height - recth)/2 : recty; px = (rectx == 0) ? px : rectx+px; setcolor(pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, (int)px, set_posy ? py : ((int)recty<0 ? dzen.line_height + recty : recty), rectw, recth); px += rectw; break; case recto: get_rect_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth, &rectx, &recty); if (!rectw) break; recth = recth > dzen.line_height ? dzen.line_height-2 : recth-1; recty = recty == 0 ? (dzen.line_height - recth)/2 : recty; px = (rectx == 0) ? px : rectx+px; /* prevent from stairs effect when rounding recty */ if (!((dzen.line_height - recth) % 2)) recty--; setcolor(pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XDrawRectangle(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py : ((int)recty<0 ? dzen.line_height + recty : recty), rectw-1, recth); px += rectw; break; case circle: rectx = get_circle_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth); setcolor(pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XFillArc(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py :(dzen.line_height - rectw)/2, rectw, rectw, 90*64, rectx?recth*64:64*360); px += rectw; break; case circleo: rectx = get_circle_vals(tval, &rectw, &recth); setcolor(pm, px, rectw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); XDrawArc(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, px, set_posy ? py : (dzen.line_height - rectw)/2, rectw, rectw, 90*64, rectx?recth*64:64*360); px += rectw; break; case pos: if(tval[0]) { set_posy = get_pos_vals(tval, &n_posx, &n_posy); if(set_posy != 2) px = px+n_posx<0? 0 : px + n_posx; if(set_posy != 1) py += n_posy; set_posy = set_posy == 3 || set_posy == 2 ? 1 : 0; } else { set_posy = 0; py = (dzen.line_height - h) / 2 - dzen.font.descent; } break; case abspos: if(tval[0]) { set_posy = get_pos_vals(tval, &n_posx, &n_posy); n_posx = n_posx < 0 ? n_posx*-1 : n_posx; if(set_posy != 2) px = n_posx; if(set_posy != 1) py = n_posy; set_posy = set_posy == 3 || set_posy == 2 ? 1 : 0; } else { set_posy = 0; py = (dzen.line_height - h) / 2 - dzen.font.descent; } break; case ibg: nobg = atoi(tval); break; case bg: lastbg = tval[0] ? (unsigned)getcolor(tval) : dzen.norm[ColBG]; break; case fg: lastfg = tval[0] ? (unsigned)getcolor(tval) : dzen.norm[ColFG]; XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc, lastfg); break; case fn: if(tval[0]) setfont(tval); else setfont(dzen.fnt); break; /* case sa: if(tval[0]) { opx = px; pm = &sapm; } else { pm = &opm; dzen.sa_win = XCreateWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.line[lnr], opx, 0, px-opx, dzen.line_height, 0, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CWEventMask, &sawa); XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, sapm, dzen.sa_win, dzen.rgc, 0, 0, opx-px, dzen.line_height, 0, 0); } break; */ } free(tval); } /* check if text is longer than window's width */ ow = j; tw = textnw(lbuf, strlen(lbuf)); while( ((tw + px) > (dzen.w - h)) && j>=0) { lbuf[--j] = '\0'; tw = textnw(lbuf, strlen(lbuf)); } if(j < ow) { if(j > 1) lbuf[j - 1] = '.'; if(j > 2) lbuf[j - 2] = '.'; if(j > 3) lbuf[j - 3] = '.'; } if(!nobg) setcolor(pm, px, tw, lastfg, lastbg, reverse, nobg); if(dzen.font.set) XmbDrawString(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.font.set, dzen.tgc, px, py+dzen.font.ascent, lbuf, strlen(lbuf)); else XDrawString(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.tgc, px, py+dzen.font.ascent, lbuf, strlen(lbuf)); px += tw; /* expand/shrink dynamically */ if(dzen.title_win.expand && lnr == -1){ i = px; switch(dzen.title_win.expand) { case left: /* grow left end */ otx = dzen.title_win.x_right_corner - i > dzen.title_win.x ? dzen.title_win.x_right_corner - i : dzen.title_win.x; XMoveResizeWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, otx, dzen.title_win.y, px, dzen.line_height); break; case right: XResizeWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, px, dzen.line_height); break; } } else { if(align == ALIGNLEFT) xorig = 0; if(align == ALIGNCENTER) { xorig = (lnr != -1) ? (dzen.slave_win.width - px)/2 : (dzen.title_win.width - px)/2; } else if(align == ALIGNRIGHT) { xorig = (lnr != -1) ? (dzen.slave_win.width - px) : (dzen.title_win.width - px); } } if(lnr != -1) { XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.slave_win.drawable[lnr], dzen.gc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.line_height, xorig, 0); } else { XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, *pm, dzen.title_win.drawable, dzen.gc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.line_height, xorig, 0); } XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, *pm); #ifdef DZEN_XPM if(free_xpm_attrib) { XFreeColors(dzen.dpy, xpma.colormap, xpma.pixels, xpma.npixels, xpma.depth); XpmFreeAttributes(&xpma); } #endif } return nodraw ? rbuf : NULL; } void drawheader(const char * text) { if(text){ dzen.w = dzen.title_win.width; dzen.h = dzen.line_height; XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.drawable, dzen.rgc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.h); parse_line(text, -1, dzen.title_win.alignment, 0, 0); } XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.drawable, dzen.title_win.win, dzen.gc, 0, 0, dzen.title_win.width, dzen.line_height, 0, 0); } void drawbody(char * text) { char *ec; int i; /* draw to title window this routine should be better integrated into the actual parsing process */ if((ec = strstr(text, "^tw()")) && (*(ec-1) != '^')) { dzen.w = dzen.title_win.width; dzen.h = dzen.line_height; XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.drawable, dzen.rgc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.h); parse_line(ec+5, -1, dzen.title_win.alignment, 0, 0); XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.drawable, dzen.title_win.win, dzen.gc, 0, 0, dzen.w, dzen.h, 0, 0); return; } if(dzen.slave_win.tcnt == dzen.slave_win.tsize) free_buffer(); if(text[0] == '^' && text[1] == 'c' && text[2] == 's') { free_buffer(); for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.drawable[i], dzen.rgc, 0, 0, dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.line_height); x_draw_body(); return; } if(dzen.slave_win.tcnt < dzen.slave_win.tsize) { dzen.slave_win.tbuf[dzen.slave_win.tcnt] = estrdup(text); dzen.slave_win.tcnt++; } }