============================== dbar, (c) 2007 by Robert Manea ============================== dbar is an application that generates semi graphical progress meters, from some values you supply to it. See the usage examples for a description of the expacted input format. Options: -------- -max : Value to be considered 100% (default: 100) -min : Value to be considered 0% (default: 0 ) -w : Number of charcaters to be considered 100% in the meter (default: 25 ) -s : Symbol represeting the percentage value in the meter (default: = ) -l : label to be prepended to the bar (default: '' ) -nonl: no new line, don't put '\n' at the end of the bar (default: do print '\n') dbar lets you define static 0% and 100% marks with the '-min' and '-max' options or you can provide these marks dynamically at runtime. Static and dynamic marks can be mixed, in this case the value specified at runtime will have a higher priority. You can specify ranges of numbers, negative, positive or ranges with a negative min value and positive max value. All numbers are treated as double precision floating point, i.e. the input is NOT limited to integers. Usage examples: 1) Static 0% and 100% mark or single value input: echo 25 | dbar -m 100 -l Sometext Output: Sometext 25% [====== ] 2) If your 100% mark changes dynamically or 2-values input: echo "50 150" | dbar ^ ^ | |__ max. value | |__ value to display Output: 33% [======== ] 3) If your value range is not between [0, maxval] or 3-values input: echo "50 -25 150" | dbar ^ ^ ^ | | |__ max. value 100% mark | | | |_____ min. value 0% mark | |________ value to display Output: 43% [=========== ] 4) Multiple runs: for i in 2 20 50 75 80; do echo $i; sleep 1; done | dbar | dzen2 Output: Find out yourself.