/* * (C)opyright 2007-2009 Robert Manea * See LICENSE file for license details. * */ #include "dzen.h" #include "action.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef HOST_NAME_MAX #define HOST_NAME_MAX 255 #endif Dzen dzen = {0}; static int last_cnt = 0; typedef void sigfunc(int); click_a sens_areas[MAX_CLICKABLE_AREAS]; int sens_areas_cnt=0; static void clean_up(void) { int i; free_event_list(); #ifndef DZEN_XFT if(dzen.font.set) XFreeFontSet(dzen.dpy, dzen.font.set); else XFreeFont(dzen.dpy, dzen.font.xfont); #endif XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.drawable); if(dzen.slave_win.max_lines) { for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) { XFreePixmap(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.drawable[i]); XDestroyWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.line[i]); } free(dzen.slave_win.line); XDestroyWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.win); } XFreeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.gc); XFreeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.rgc); XFreeGC(dzen.dpy, dzen.tgc); XDestroyWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win); XCloseDisplay(dzen.dpy); } static void catch_sigusr1(int s) { (void)s; do_action(sigusr1); } static void catch_sigusr2(int s) { (void)s; do_action(sigusr2); } static void catch_sigterm(int s) { (void)s; do_action(onexit); } static void catch_alrm(int s) { (void)s; do_action(onexit); clean_up(); exit(0); } static sigfunc * setup_signal(int signr, sigfunc *shandler) { struct sigaction nh, oh; nh.sa_handler = shandler; sigemptyset(&nh.sa_mask); nh.sa_flags = 0; if(sigaction(signr, &nh, &oh) < 0) return SIG_ERR; return NULL; } char *rem=NULL; static int chomp(char *inbuf, char *outbuf, int start, int len) { int i=0; int off=start; if(rem) { strncpy(outbuf, rem, strlen(rem)); i += strlen(rem); free(rem); rem = NULL; } while(off < len) { if(i > MAX_LINE_LEN) { outbuf[i] = '\0'; return ++off; } if(inbuf[off] != '\n') { outbuf[i++] = inbuf[off++]; } else if(inbuf[off] == '\n') { outbuf[i] = '\0'; return ++off; } } outbuf[i] = '\0'; rem = estrdup(outbuf); return 0; } void free_buffer(void) { int i; for(i=0; ix = t->x < 0 ? scr.width + t->x + scr.x : t->x + scr.x; t->y = t->y < 0 ? scr.height + t->y + scr.y : t->y + scr.y; if(t->x < scr.x || scr.x + scr.width < t->x) t->x = scr.x; if(!t->width) t->width = scr.width; if((t->x + t->width) > (scr.x + scr.width) && (t->expand != left)) t->width = scr.width - (t->x - scr.x); if(t->expand == left) { t->x_right_corner = t->x + t->width; t->x = t->width ? t->x_right_corner - t->width : scr.x; } if(!s->width) { s->x = scr.x; s->width = scr.width; } if(t->width == s->width) s->x = t->x; if(s->width != scr.width) { s->x = t->x + (t->width - s->width)/2; if(s->x < scr.x) s->x = scr.x; if(s->x + s->width > scr.x + scr.width) s->x = scr.x + (scr.width - s->width); } if(!dzen.line_height) dzen.line_height = dzen.font.height + 2; if(t->y + dzen.line_height > scr.y + scr.height) t->y = scr.y + scr.height - dzen.line_height; } static void qsi_no_xinerama(Display *dpy, XRectangle *rect) { rect->x = 0; rect->y = 0; rect->width = DisplayWidth( dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)); rect->height = DisplayHeight(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)); } #ifdef DZEN_XINERAMA static void queryscreeninfo(Display *dpy, XRectangle *rect, int screen) { XineramaScreenInfo *xsi = NULL; int nscreens = 1; if(XineramaIsActive(dpy)) xsi = XineramaQueryScreens(dpy, &nscreens); if(xsi == NULL || screen > nscreens || screen <= 0) { qsi_no_xinerama(dpy, rect); } else { rect->x = xsi[screen-1].x_org; rect->y = xsi[screen-1].y_org; rect->width = xsi[screen-1].width; rect->height = xsi[screen-1].height; } } #endif static void set_docking_ewmh_info(Display *dpy, Window w, int dock) { unsigned long strut[12] = { 0 }; unsigned long strut_s[4] = { 0 }; XWindowAttributes wa; Atom type; unsigned int desktop; pid_t cur_pid; char *host_name; XTextProperty txt_prop; XRectangle si; #ifdef DZEN_XINERAMA XineramaScreenInfo *xsi; int screen_count,i,max_height; #endif host_name = emalloc(HOST_NAME_MAX); if( (gethostname(host_name, HOST_NAME_MAX) > -1) && (cur_pid = getpid()) ) { XStringListToTextProperty(&host_name, 1, &txt_prop); XSetWMClientMachine(dpy, w, &txt_prop); XFree(txt_prop.value); XChangeProperty( dpy, w, XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_PID", False), XInternAtom(dpy, "CARDINAL", False), 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&cur_pid, 1 ); } free(host_name); XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, w, &wa); #ifdef DZEN_XINERAMA queryscreeninfo(dpy,&si,dzen.xinescreen); #else qsi_no_xinerama(dpy,&si); #endif if(wa.y - si.y == 0) { strut[2] = si.y + wa.height; strut[8] = wa.x; strut[9] = wa.x + wa.width - 1; strut_s[2] = strut[2]; } else if((wa.y - si.y + wa.height) == si.height) { #ifdef DZEN_XINERAMA max_height = si.height; xsi = XineramaQueryScreens(dpy,&screen_count); for(i=0; i < screen_count; i++) { if(xsi[i].height > max_height) max_height = xsi[i].height; } XFree(xsi); /* Adjust strut value if there is a larger screen */ strut[3] = max_height - (si.height + si.y) + wa.height; #else strut[3] = wa.height; #endif strut[10] = wa.x; strut[11] = wa.x + wa.width - 1; strut_s[3] = strut[3]; } if(strut[2] != 0 || strut[3] != 0) { XChangeProperty( dpy, w, XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL", False), XInternAtom(dpy, "CARDINAL", False), 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&strut, 12 ); XChangeProperty( dpy, w, XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STRUT", False), XInternAtom(dpy, "CARDINAL", False), 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&strut, 4 ); } if(dock) { type = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK", False); XChangeProperty( dpy, w, XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False), XInternAtom(dpy, "ATOM", False), 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&type, 1 ); /* some window managers honor this properties*/ type = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE", False); XChangeProperty( dpy, w, XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE", False), XInternAtom(dpy, "ATOM", False), 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&type, 1 ); type = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY", False); XChangeProperty( dpy, w, XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE", False), XInternAtom(dpy, "ATOM", False), 32, PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *)&type, 1 ); desktop = 0xffffffff; XChangeProperty( dpy, w, XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", False), XInternAtom(dpy, "CARDINAL", False), 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&desktop, 1 ); } } static void x_create_gcs(void) { XGCValues gcv; gcv.graphics_exposures = 0; /* normal GC */ dzen.gc = XCreateGC(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), GCGraphicsExposures, &gcv); XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.gc, dzen.norm[ColFG]); XSetBackground(dzen.dpy, dzen.gc, dzen.norm[ColBG]); /* reverse color GC */ dzen.rgc = XCreateGC(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), GCGraphicsExposures, &gcv); XSetForeground(dzen.dpy, dzen.rgc, dzen.norm[ColBG]); XSetBackground(dzen.dpy, dzen.rgc, dzen.norm[ColFG]); /* temporary GC */ dzen.tgc = XCreateGC(dzen.dpy, RootWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), GCGraphicsExposures, &gcv); } static void x_connect(void) { dzen.dpy = XOpenDisplay(0); if(!dzen.dpy) eprint("dzen: cannot open display\n"); dzen.screen = DefaultScreen(dzen.dpy); } /* Read display styles from X resources. */ static void x_read_resources(void) { XrmDatabase xdb; char* xrm; char* datatype[20]; XrmValue xvalue; XrmInitialize(); xrm = XResourceManagerString(dzen.dpy); if( xrm != NULL ) { xdb = XrmGetStringDatabase(xrm); if( XrmGetResource(xdb, "dzen2.font", "*", datatype, &xvalue) == True ) dzen.fnt = estrdup(xvalue.addr); if( XrmGetResource(xdb, "dzen2.foreground", "*", datatype, &xvalue) == True ) dzen.fg = estrdup(xvalue.addr); if( XrmGetResource(xdb, "dzen2.background", "*", datatype, &xvalue) == True ) dzen.bg = estrdup(xvalue.addr); if( XrmGetResource(xdb, "dzen2.titlename", "*", datatype, &xvalue) == True ) dzen.title_win.name = estrdup(xvalue.addr); if( XrmGetResource(xdb, "dzen2.slavename", "*", datatype, &xvalue) == True ) dzen.slave_win.name = estrdup(xvalue.addr); XrmDestroyDatabase(xdb); } } static void x_create_windows(int use_ewmh_dock) { XSetWindowAttributes wa; Window root; int i; XRectangle si; XClassHint *class_hint; root = RootWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen); /* style */ if((dzen.norm[ColBG] = getcolor(dzen.bg)) == ~0lu) eprint("dzen: error, cannot allocate color '%s'\n", dzen.bg); if((dzen.norm[ColFG] = getcolor(dzen.fg)) == ~0lu) eprint("dzen: error, cannot allocate color '%s'\n", dzen.fg); setfont(dzen.fnt); x_create_gcs(); /* window attributes */ wa.override_redirect = (use_ewmh_dock ? 0 : 1); wa.background_pixmap = ParentRelative; wa.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonMotionMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | KeyPressMask; #ifdef DZEN_XINERAMA queryscreeninfo(dzen.dpy, &si, dzen.xinescreen); #else qsi_no_xinerama(dzen.dpy, &si); #endif x_check_geometry(si); /* title window */ dzen.title_win.win = XCreateWindow(dzen.dpy, root, dzen.title_win.x, dzen.title_win.y, dzen.title_win.width, dzen.line_height, 0, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &wa); /* set class property */ class_hint = XAllocClassHint(); class_hint->res_name = "dzen2"; class_hint->res_class = "dzen"; XSetClassHint(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, class_hint); XFree(class_hint); /* title */ XStoreName(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, dzen.title_win.name); dzen.title_win.drawable = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, root, dzen.title_win.width, dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen)); XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.drawable, dzen.rgc, 0, 0, dzen.title_win.width, dzen.line_height); /* set some hints for windowmanagers*/ set_docking_ewmh_info(dzen.dpy, dzen.title_win.win, use_ewmh_dock); /* TODO: Smarter approach to window creation so we can reduce the * size of this function. */ if(dzen.slave_win.max_lines) { dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis = 0; dzen.slave_win.last_line_vis = 0; dzen.slave_win.line = emalloc(sizeof(Window) * dzen.slave_win.max_lines); dzen.slave_win.drawable = emalloc(sizeof(Drawable) * dzen.slave_win.max_lines); /* horizontal menu mode */ if(dzen.slave_win.ishmenu) { /* calculate width of menuentries - this is a very simple * approach but works well for general cases. */ int ew = dzen.slave_win.width / dzen.slave_win.max_lines; int r = dzen.slave_win.width - ew * dzen.slave_win.max_lines; dzen.slave_win.issticky = True; dzen.slave_win.y = dzen.title_win.y; dzen.slave_win.win = XCreateWindow(dzen.dpy, root, dzen.slave_win.x, dzen.slave_win.y, dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.line_height, 0, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &wa); XStoreName(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.win, dzen.slave_win.name); for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) { dzen.slave_win.drawable[i] = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, root, ew+r, dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen)); XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.drawable[i], dzen.rgc, 0, 0, ew+r, dzen.line_height); } /* windows holding the lines */ for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) dzen.slave_win.line[i] = XCreateWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.win, i*ew, 0, (i == dzen.slave_win.max_lines-1) ? ew+r : ew, dzen.line_height, 0, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &wa); /* As we don't use the title window in this mode, * we reuse its width value */ dzen.title_win.width = dzen.slave_win.width; dzen.slave_win.width = ew+r; } /* vertical slave window */ else { dzen.slave_win.issticky = False; dzen.slave_win.y = dzen.title_win.y + dzen.line_height; if(dzen.title_win.y + dzen.line_height*dzen.slave_win.max_lines > si.y + si.height) dzen.slave_win.y = (dzen.title_win.y - dzen.line_height) - dzen.line_height*(dzen.slave_win.max_lines) + dzen.line_height; dzen.slave_win.win = XCreateWindow(dzen.dpy, root, dzen.slave_win.x, dzen.slave_win.y, dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.slave_win.max_lines * dzen.line_height, 0, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &wa); XStoreName(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.win, dzen.slave_win.name); for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) { dzen.slave_win.drawable[i] = XCreatePixmap(dzen.dpy, root, dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.line_height, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen)); XFillRectangle(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.drawable[i], dzen.rgc, 0, 0, dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.line_height); } /* windows holding the lines */ for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) dzen.slave_win.line[i] = XCreateWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.win, 0, i*dzen.line_height, dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.line_height, 0, DefaultDepth(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dzen.dpy, dzen.screen), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &wa); } } } static void x_map_window(Window win) { XMapRaised(dzen.dpy, win); XSync(dzen.dpy, False); } static void x_redraw(Window w) { int i; if(!dzen.slave_win.ishmenu && w == dzen.title_win.win) drawheader(NULL); if(!dzen.tsupdate && w == dzen.slave_win.win) { for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.drawable[i], dzen.slave_win.line[i], dzen.gc, 0, 0, dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.line_height, 0, 0); } else { for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) if(w == dzen.slave_win.line[i]) { XCopyArea(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.drawable[i], dzen.slave_win.line[i], dzen.gc, 0, 0, dzen.slave_win.width, dzen.line_height, 0, 0); } } } static void handle_xev(void) { XEvent ev; int i, sa_clicked=0; char buf[32]; KeySym ksym; XNextEvent(dzen.dpy, &ev); switch(ev.type) { case Expose: if(ev.xexpose.count == 0) x_redraw(ev.xexpose.window); break; case EnterNotify: if(dzen.slave_win.ismenu) { for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) if(ev.xcrossing.window == dzen.slave_win.line[i]) x_hilight_line(i); } if(!dzen.slave_win.ishmenu && ev.xcrossing.window == dzen.title_win.win) do_action(entertitle); if(ev.xcrossing.window == dzen.slave_win.win) do_action(enterslave); break; case LeaveNotify: if(dzen.slave_win.ismenu) { for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) if(ev.xcrossing.window == dzen.slave_win.line[i]) x_unhilight_line(i); } if(!dzen.slave_win.ishmenu && ev.xcrossing.window == dzen.title_win.win) do_action(leavetitle); if(ev.xcrossing.window == dzen.slave_win.win) { do_action(leaveslave); } break; case ButtonRelease: if(dzen.slave_win.ismenu) { for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) if(ev.xbutton.window == dzen.slave_win.line[i]) dzen.slave_win.sel_line = i; } /* clickable areas */ for(i=0; i= sens_areas[i].start_x+xorig && ev.xbutton.x <= sens_areas[i].end_x+xorig) && (ev.xbutton.y >= sens_areas[i].start_y && ev.xbutton.y <= sens_areas[i].end_y)) { spawn(sens_areas[i].cmd); sa_clicked++; break; } } if(!sa_clicked) { switch(ev.xbutton.button) { case Button1: do_action(button1); break; case Button2: do_action(button2); break; case Button3: do_action(button3); break; case Button4: do_action(button4); break; case Button5: do_action(button5); break; case Button6: do_action(button6); break; case Button7: do_action(button7); break; } } break; case KeyPress: XLookupString(&ev.xkey, buf, sizeof buf, &ksym, 0); do_action(ksym+keymarker); break; /* TODO: XRandR rotation and size */ } } static void handle_newl(void) { XWindowAttributes wa; if(dzen.slave_win.max_lines && (dzen.slave_win.tcnt > last_cnt)) { do_action(onnewinput); if (XGetWindowAttributes(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.win, &wa), wa.map_state != IsUnmapped /* autoscroll and redraw only if we're * currently viewing the last line of input */ && (dzen.slave_win.last_line_vis == last_cnt)) { dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis = 0; dzen.slave_win.last_line_vis = 0; x_draw_body(); } /* needed for a_scrollhome */ else if(wa.map_state != IsUnmapped && dzen.slave_win.last_line_vis == dzen.slave_win.max_lines) x_draw_body(); /* forget state if window was unmapped */ else if(wa.map_state == IsUnmapped || !dzen.slave_win.last_line_vis) { dzen.slave_win.first_line_vis = 0; dzen.slave_win.last_line_vis = 0; x_draw_body(); } last_cnt = dzen.slave_win.tcnt; } } static void event_loop(void) { int xfd, ret, dr=0; fd_set rmask; xfd = ConnectionNumber(dzen.dpy); while(dzen.running) { FD_ZERO(&rmask); FD_SET(xfd, &rmask); if(dr != -2) FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &rmask); while(XPending(dzen.dpy)) handle_xev(); ret = select(xfd+1, &rmask, NULL, NULL, NULL); if(ret) { if(dr != -2 && FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &rmask)) { if((dr = read_stdin()) == -1) return; handle_newl(); } if(dr == -2 && dzen.timeout > 0) { /* set an alarm to kill us after the timeout */ struct itimerval t; memset(&t, 0, sizeof t); t.it_value.tv_sec = dzen.timeout; t.it_value.tv_usec = 0; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &t, NULL); } if(FD_ISSET(xfd, &rmask)) handle_xev(); } } return; } static void x_preload(const char *fontstr, int p) { char *def, **missing; int i, n; missing = NULL; dzen.fnpl[p].set = XCreateFontSet(dzen.dpy, fontstr, &missing, &n, &def); if(missing) XFreeStringList(missing); if(dzen.fnpl[p].set) { XFontSetExtents *font_extents; XFontStruct **xfonts; char **font_names; dzen.fnpl[p].ascent = dzen.fnpl[p].descent = 0; font_extents = XExtentsOfFontSet(dzen.fnpl[p].set); n = XFontsOfFontSet(dzen.fnpl[p].set, &xfonts, &font_names); for(i = 0, dzen.fnpl[p].ascent = 0, dzen.fnpl[p].descent = 0; i < n; i++) { if(dzen.fnpl[p].ascent < (*xfonts)->ascent) dzen.fnpl[p].ascent = (*xfonts)->ascent; if(dzen.fnpl[p].descent < (*xfonts)->descent) dzen.fnpl[p].descent = (*xfonts)->descent; xfonts++; } } else { if(dzen.fnpl[p].xfont) XFreeFont(dzen.dpy, dzen.fnpl[p].xfont); dzen.fnpl[p].xfont = NULL; if(!(dzen.fnpl[p].xfont = XLoadQueryFont(dzen.dpy, fontstr))) eprint("dzen: error, cannot load font: '%s'\n", fontstr); dzen.fnpl[p].ascent = dzen.fnpl[p].xfont->ascent; dzen.fnpl[p].descent = dzen.fnpl[p].xfont->descent; } dzen.fnpl[p].height = dzen.fnpl[p].ascent + dzen.fnpl[p].descent; } static void font_preload(char *s) { int k = 0; char *buf = strtok(s,","); while( buf != NULL ) { if(k<64) x_preload(buf, k++); buf = strtok(NULL,","); } } /* Get alignment from character 'l'eft, 'r'ight and 'c'enter */ static char alignment_from_char(char align) { switch(align) { case 'l' : return ALIGNLEFT; case 'r' : return ALIGNRIGHT; case 'c' : return ALIGNCENTER; default : return ALIGNCENTER; } } static void init_input_buffer(void) { if(MIN_BUF_SIZE % dzen.slave_win.max_lines) dzen.slave_win.tsize = MIN_BUF_SIZE + (dzen.slave_win.max_lines - (MIN_BUF_SIZE % dzen.slave_win.max_lines)); else dzen.slave_win.tsize = MIN_BUF_SIZE; dzen.slave_win.tbuf = emalloc(dzen.slave_win.tsize * sizeof(char *)); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, use_ewmh_dock=0; char *action_string = NULL; char *endptr, *fnpre = NULL; /* default values */ dzen.title_win.name = "dzen title"; dzen.slave_win.name = "dzen slave"; dzen.cur_line = 0; dzen.ret_val = 0; dzen.title_win.x = dzen.slave_win.x = 0; dzen.title_win.y = 0; dzen.title_win.width = dzen.slave_win.width = 0; dzen.title_win.alignment = ALIGNCENTER; dzen.slave_win.alignment = ALIGNLEFT; dzen.fnt = FONT; dzen.bg = BGCOLOR; dzen.fg = FGCOLOR; dzen.slave_win.max_lines = 0; dzen.running = True; dzen.xinescreen = 0; dzen.tsupdate = 0; dzen.line_height = 0; dzen.title_win.expand = noexpand; /* Connect to X server */ x_connect(); x_read_resources(); /* cmdline args */ for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-l", 3)){ if(++i < argc) { dzen.slave_win.max_lines = atoi(argv[i]); if(dzen.slave_win.max_lines) init_input_buffer(); } } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-geometry", 10)) { if(++i < argc) { int t; int tx, ty; unsigned int tw, th; t = XParseGeometry(argv[i], &tx, &ty, &tw, &th); if(t & XValue) dzen.title_win.x = tx; if(t & YValue) { dzen.title_win.y = ty; if(!ty && (t & YNegative)) /* -0 != +0 */ dzen.title_win.y = -1; } if(t & WidthValue) dzen.title_win.width = (signed int) tw; if(t & HeightValue) dzen.line_height = (signed int) th; } } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-u", 3)){ dzen.tsupdate = True; } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-expand", 8)){ if(++i < argc) { switch(argv[i][0]){ case 'l': dzen.title_win.expand = left; break; case 'c': dzen.title_win.expand = both; break; case 'r': dzen.title_win.expand = right; break; default: dzen.title_win.expand = noexpand; } } } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-p", 3)) { dzen.ispersistent = True; if (i+1 < argc) { dzen.timeout = strtoul(argv[i+1], &endptr, 10); if(*endptr) dzen.timeout = 0; else i++; } } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-ta", 4)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.title_win.alignment = alignment_from_char(argv[i][0]); } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-sa", 4)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.slave_win.alignment = alignment_from_char(argv[i][0]); } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-m", 3)) { dzen.slave_win.ismenu = True; if(i+1 < argc) { if( argv[i+1][0] == 'v') { ++i; break; } dzen.slave_win.ishmenu = (argv[i+1][0] == 'h') ? ++i, True : False; } } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-fn", 4)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.fnt = argv[i]; } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-e", 3)) { if(++i < argc) action_string = argv[i]; } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-title-name", 12)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.title_win.name = argv[i]; } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-slave-name", 12)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.slave_win.name = argv[i]; } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-bg", 4)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.bg = argv[i]; } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-fg", 4)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.fg = argv[i]; } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-x", 3)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.title_win.x = dzen.slave_win.x = atoi(argv[i]); } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-y", 3)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.title_win.y = atoi(argv[i]); } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-w", 3)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.slave_win.width = atoi(argv[i]); } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-h", 3)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.line_height= atoi(argv[i]); } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-tw", 4)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.title_win.width = atoi(argv[i]); } else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-fn-preload", 12)) { if(++i < argc) { fnpre = estrdup(argv[i]); } } #ifdef DZEN_XINERAMA else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-xs", 4)) { if(++i < argc) dzen.xinescreen = atoi(argv[i]); } #endif else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-dock", 6)) use_ewmh_dock = 1; else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-v", 3)) { printf("dzen-"VERSION", (C)opyright 2007-2009 Robert Manea\n"); printf( "Enabled optional features: " #ifdef DZEN_XMP " XPM " #endif #ifdef DZEN_XFT " XFT" #endif #ifdef DZEN_XINERAMA " XINERAMA " #endif "\n" ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else eprint("usage: dzen2 [-v] [-p [seconds]] [-m [v|h]] [-ta ] [-sa ]\n" " [-x ] [-y ] [-w ] [-h ] [-tw ] [-u]\n" " [-e ] [-l ] [-fn ] [-bg ] [-fg ]\n" " [-geometry ] [-expand ] [-dock]\n" " [-title-name ] [-slave-name ]\n" #ifdef DZEN_XINERAMA " [-xs ]\n" #endif ); if(dzen.tsupdate && !dzen.slave_win.max_lines) dzen.tsupdate = False; if(!dzen.title_win.width) dzen.title_win.width = dzen.slave_win.width; if(!setlocale(LC_ALL, "") || !XSupportsLocale()) puts("dzen: locale not available, expect problems with fonts.\n"); if(action_string) fill_ev_table(action_string); else { if(!dzen.slave_win.max_lines) { char edef[] = "button3=exit:13"; fill_ev_table(edef); } else if(dzen.slave_win.ishmenu) { char edef[] = "enterslave=grabkeys;leaveslave=ungrabkeys;" "button4=scrollup;button5=scrolldown;" "key_Left=scrollup;key_Right=scrolldown;" "button1=menuexec;button3=exit:13;" "key_Escape=ungrabkeys,exit"; fill_ev_table(edef); } else { char edef[] = "entertitle=uncollapse,grabkeys;" "enterslave=grabkeys;leaveslave=collapse,ungrabkeys;" "button1=menuexec;button2=togglestick;button3=exit:13;" "button4=scrollup;button5=scrolldown;" "key_Up=scrollup;key_Down=scrolldown;" "key_Escape=ungrabkeys,exit"; fill_ev_table(edef); } } if((find_event(onexit) != -1) && (setup_signal(SIGTERM, catch_sigterm) == SIG_ERR)) fprintf(stderr, "dzen: error hooking SIGTERM\n"); if((find_event(sigusr1) != -1) && (setup_signal(SIGUSR1, catch_sigusr1) == SIG_ERR)) fprintf(stderr, "dzen: error hooking SIGUSR1\n"); if((find_event(sigusr2) != -1) && (setup_signal(SIGUSR2, catch_sigusr2) == SIG_ERR)) fprintf(stderr, "dzen: error hooking SIGUSR2\n"); if(setup_signal(SIGALRM, catch_alrm) == SIG_ERR) fprintf(stderr, "dzen: error hooking SIGALARM\n"); if(dzen.slave_win.ishmenu && !dzen.slave_win.max_lines) dzen.slave_win.max_lines = 1; x_create_windows(use_ewmh_dock); if(!dzen.slave_win.ishmenu) x_map_window(dzen.title_win.win); else { XMapRaised(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.win); for(i=0; i < dzen.slave_win.max_lines; i++) XMapWindow(dzen.dpy, dzen.slave_win.line[i]); } if( fnpre != NULL ) font_preload(fnpre); do_action(onstart); /* main loop */ event_loop(); do_action(onexit); clean_up(); if(dzen.ret_val) return dzen.ret_val; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }