#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use Eval::Closure; { my $code = eval_closure( source => 'sub { die "called\n" }', ); ok($code, "got something"); like(exception { $code->() }, qr/^called$/, "got the right thing"); } { my $foo = []; my $code = eval_closure( source => 'sub { push @$bar, @_ }', environment => { '$bar' => \$foo, }, name => 'test', ); ok($code, "got something"); $code->(1); is_deeply($foo, [1], "got the right thing"); } { my $foo = [1, 2, 3]; my $code = eval_closure( # not sure if strict leaking into evals is intended, i think i remember # it being changed in newer perls source => 'do { no strict; sub { $foo } }', ); ok($code, "got something"); ok(!$code->(), "environment is clean"); } done_testing;