#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use B; use Eval::Closure; use Test::Requires 'PadWalker'; SKIP: { skip "Devel::LexAlias not available", 1 unless Eval::Closure::HAS_DEVEL_LEXALIAS; my $foo = []; my $env = { '$foo' => \$foo }; my $code = eval_closure( source => 'sub { push @$foo, @_ }', environment => $env, ); is_deeply(scalar(PadWalker::closed_over($code)), $env, "closed over the right things"); } SKIP: { skip "Devel::LexAlias not available", 1 unless Eval::Closure::HAS_DEVEL_LEXALIAS; my $foo = {}; my $bar = []; my $env = { '$foo' => \$bar, '$bar' => \$foo }; my $code = eval_closure( source => 'sub { push @$foo, @_; $bar->{foo} = \@_ }', environment => $env, ); is_deeply(scalar(PadWalker::closed_over($code)), $env, "closed over the right things"); } { # i feel dirty my $c = eval_closure(source => 'sub { }'); my $b = B::svref_2object($c); my @scopes; while ($b->isa('B::CV')) { push @scopes, $b; $b = $b->OUTSIDE; } my @visible_in_outer_scope = grep { $_ ne '&' } map { $_->PV } grep { $_->isa('B::PV') } map { $_->PADLIST->ARRAYelt(0)->ARRAY } @scopes; # test to ensure we don't inadvertently screw up this test by rearranging # code. if the scope that encloses the eval ends up not declaring $e, then # change this test. ok(scalar(grep { $_ eq '$e' } @visible_in_outer_scope), "visible list is sane"); for my $outer_scope_pad_entry (@visible_in_outer_scope) { like( exception { eval_closure( source => "sub { $outer_scope_pad_entry }", ); }, qr/Global symbol "\Q$outer_scope_pad_entry/, "we don't close over $outer_scope_pad_entry" ); } } done_testing;