use chrono; use regex; use std; use users; use std::fmt::Write; use std::os::linux::fs::MetadataExt; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; use colors; use power; use vcs; pub struct Prompt { colors: colors::Colors, data: PromptData, } pub struct PromptData { pub shell: colors::ShellType, pub error_code: u8, pub hostname: Option, pub terminal_cols: Option, pub pwd: Option, pub home: Option, pub user: Option, pub is_root: bool, pub time: chrono::DateTime, pub power_info: power::PowerInfo, pub vcs_info: Option>, } impl Prompt { pub fn new(data: PromptData) -> Prompt { let colors = colors::Colors::new(; Prompt { colors, data, } } pub fn display(&self) { let user = .as_ref() .map(String::as_ref) .unwrap_or_else(|| "???"); let host = .as_ref() .map(String::as_ref) .unwrap_or_else(|| "???"); let max_vcs_len = 20; // "g*+?:mybr...nch:+1-1" let vcs = self.format_vcs(); let vcs =|vcs| compress_vcs(&vcs, max_vcs_len)); let battery_len = 10; let cols =; // " (~/a/...cde|g*+?:mybr:+1-1) -- {--<=======} doy@lance [19:40:50] " let mut max_path_len = cols - 1 // " " - vcs .as_ref() .map(|vcs| vcs.len() + 1) // "|g*+?:mybr:+1-1" .unwrap_or(0) - 2 // "()" - 1 // " " - 1 // "-" - 1 // " " - user.len() - 1 - host.len() // "doy@lance" - 1 // " " - 10 // "[19:40:50]" - 1; // " " if { max_path_len -= battery_len + 2 // "{<=========}" + 1; // " " } if max_path_len < 10 { // "~/a/...cde" panic!( "terminal too small (need at least {} cols)", cols + 10 - max_path_len ); } let path = compress_path(&, &, max_path_len); self.colors.pad(1); self.display_path( &path, &path_color(, ), vcs.as_ref().map(String::as_ref), &self.vcs_color(), ); self.colors.pad(1); self.display_border(max_path_len - path.len() + 1); self.colors.pad(1); if { self.display_battery(battery_len); self.colors.pad(1); } self.display_identity(user, host); self.colors.pad(1); self.display_time(); self.colors.pad(1); self.colors.newline(); self.display_error_code(); self.colors.pad(1); self.display_prompt(); self.colors.pad(1); #[cfg(feature = "verbose")] self.colors.newline(); } fn display_path( &self, path: &str, path_color: &str, vcs: Option<&str>, vcs_color: &str, ) { self.print_host("("); self.colors.print(path_color, path); if let Some(vcs) = vcs { self.print_host("|"); self.colors.print(vcs_color, vcs); } self.print_host(")"); } fn display_border(&self, len: usize) { self.colors.print("default", &"-".repeat(len)); } fn display_battery(&self, len: usize) { self.print_host("{"); if let Some(battery_usage) = { let charging =; let color = battery_discharge_color(battery_usage, charging); let filled = (battery_usage * (len as f64)).ceil() as usize; if len > filled { let unfilled = len - filled; self.colors.print(color, &"-".repeat(unfilled)); } if len >= filled { if charging { self.colors.print("battery_charging", "<"); } else { self.colors.print(color, ">"); } } if filled > 1 { self.colors .print("battery_charging", &"=".repeat(filled - 1)); } } else { self.colors.print("error", &"?".repeat(len)); } self.print_host("}"); } fn display_identity(&self, user: &str, host: &str) { self.print_user(user); self.colors.print("default", "@"); self.print_host(host); } fn display_time(&self) { self.print_host("["); self.colors.print( "default", &format!("{}","%H:%M:%S")), ); self.print_host("]"); } fn display_error_code(&self) { let error_code_color = if == 0 { "default" } else { "error" }; self.colors .print(error_code_color, &format!("{:03}",; } fn display_prompt(&self) { let prompt = if { "#" } else { "$" }; self.print_user(prompt); } fn format_vcs(&self) -> Option { format_vcs(|v| &**v)) } fn vcs_color(&self) -> String { vcs_color(|v| &**v)) } fn print_host(&self, text: &str) { self.colors.print_host(self.hostname(), text); } fn print_user(&self, text: &str) { self.colors.print_user(self.user(), text); } fn hostname(&self) -> Option<&str> { } fn user(&self) -> Option<&str> { } } fn battery_discharge_color(usage: f64, charging: bool) -> &'static str { if usage >= 0.8 { "battery_full" } else if charging { "default" } else if usage >= 0.4 { "default" } else if usage >= 0.15 { "battery_warn" } else if usage >= 0.05 { "battery_crit" } else { "battery_emerg" } } fn path_color(path: Option<&std::path::Path>) -> String { path.as_ref() .and_then(|path| { std::fs::metadata(path) .map(|stat| { // XXX there really has to be a better option here let euid = users::get_effective_uid(); let egid = users::get_effective_gid(); let file_uid = stat.st_uid(); let file_gid = stat.st_gid(); let file_mode = stat.permissions().mode(); if euid == 0 { String::from("default") } else if (file_uid == euid) && (file_mode & 0o200 != 0) { String::from("default") } else if (file_gid == egid) && (file_mode & 0o020 != 0) { String::from("default") } else if file_mode & 0o002 != 0 { String::from("default") } else { String::from("path_not_writable") } }) .ok() }) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("path_not_exist")) } fn format_vcs(vcs_info: Option<&vcs::VcsInfo>) -> Option { vcs_info.as_ref().map(|vcs_info| { let mut vcs = String::new(); write!(vcs, "{}", vcs_id(vcs_info.vcs())).unwrap(); if vcs_info.has_modified_files() { write!(vcs, "*").unwrap(); } if vcs_info.has_staged_files() { write!(vcs, "+").unwrap(); } if vcs_info.has_new_files() { write!(vcs, "?").unwrap(); } if !vcs_info.has_commits() { write!(vcs, "!").unwrap(); return vcs; } let branch = vcs_info .branch() .map(|branch| { if branch == "master" { String::new() } else { branch } }) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("???")); if branch != "" { write!(vcs, ":").unwrap(); } write!(vcs, "{}", branch).unwrap(); if let Some((local, remote)) = vcs_info.remote_branch_diff() { if local > 0 || remote > 0 { write!(vcs, ":").unwrap(); } if local > 0 { write!(vcs, "+{}", local).unwrap(); } if remote > 0 { write!(vcs, "-{}", remote).unwrap(); } } else { write!(vcs, ":-").unwrap(); } match vcs_info.active_operation() { vcs::ActiveOperation::None => {} op => { write!(vcs, "({})", active_operation_id(op)).unwrap(); } } vcs }) } fn vcs_color(vcs_info: Option<&vcs::VcsInfo>) -> String { vcs_info .as_ref() .map(|vcs_info| { if vcs_info.is_error() { String::from("vcs_error") } else if vcs_info.is_dirty() { String::from("vcs_dirty") } else { String::from("default") } }) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("vcs_error")) } fn compress_path( path: &Option, home: &Option, len: usize, ) -> String where T: AsRef, U: AsRef, { if let Some(ref path) = *path { let mut path_str = path.as_ref().to_string_lossy().into_owned(); if let Some(ref home) = *home { let home_str = home.as_ref().to_string_lossy().into_owned(); let home_re = regex::Regex::new( &(String::from(r"^") + ®ex::escape(&home_str)), ).unwrap(); path_str = home_re.replace(&path_str, "~").into_owned(); } let path_compress_re = regex::Regex::new(r"/([^/])[^/]+/").unwrap(); while path_str.len() > len { let prev_len = path_str.len(); path_str = path_compress_re.replace(&path_str, "/$1/").into_owned(); if prev_len == path_str.len() { break; } } if path_str.len() > len { path_str = String::from(&path_str[..len - 6]) + "..." + &path_str[path_str.len() - 3..] } path_str } else { String::from("???") } } fn compress_vcs(vcs: &str, len: usize) -> String { if vcs.len() > len { let vcs_parts_re = regex::Regex::new(r"^([^:]+):.*?(?::([^:]+))?$").unwrap(); vcs_parts_re .captures(vcs) .map(|cap| { let prefix_len = cap.get(1) .map(|mat| mat.end() - mat.start() + 1) .unwrap_or(0); let suffix_len = cap.get(2) .map(|mat| mat.end() - mat.start() + 1) .unwrap_or(0); let branch_len = len - prefix_len - suffix_len; let branch_re = regex::Regex::new(&format!( r"(:[^:]{{{}}})[^:]*([^:]{{3}}:?)", (branch_len - 6).to_string() )).unwrap(); branch_re.replace(vcs, "$1...$2").into_owned() }) .unwrap_or_else(|| vcs.to_string()) } else { vcs.to_string() } } fn vcs_id(vcs: vcs::VcsType) -> String { match vcs { vcs::VcsType::Git => String::from("g"), } } fn active_operation_id(op: vcs::ActiveOperation) -> String { match op { vcs::ActiveOperation::None => String::new(), vcs::ActiveOperation::Merge => String::from("m"), vcs::ActiveOperation::Revert => String::from("v"), vcs::ActiveOperation::CherryPick => String::from("c"), vcs::ActiveOperation::Bisect => String::from("b"), vcs::ActiveOperation::Rebase => String::from("r"), } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[derive(Clone)] struct TestVcs { vcs: vcs::VcsType, has_modified_files: bool, has_staged_files: bool, has_new_files: bool, has_commits: bool, active_operation: vcs::ActiveOperation, branch: Option, remote_branch_diff: Option<(usize, usize)>, } impl vcs::VcsInfo for TestVcs { fn vcs(&self) -> vcs::VcsType { self.vcs } fn has_modified_files(&self) -> bool { self.has_modified_files } fn has_staged_files(&self) -> bool { self.has_staged_files } fn has_new_files(&self) -> bool { self.has_new_files } fn has_commits(&self) -> bool { self.has_commits } fn active_operation(&self) -> vcs::ActiveOperation { self.active_operation } fn branch(&self) -> Option { self.branch.clone() } fn remote_branch_diff(&self) -> Option<(usize, usize)> { self.remote_branch_diff } } #[test] fn test_compress_path() { { let home = &Some("/home/doy"); let path = &Some("/home/doy/coding/fancy-prompt"); let expecteds = vec![ "~/coding/fancy-prompt", // 25 "~/coding/fancy-prompt", "~/coding/fancy-prompt", "~/coding/fancy-prompt", "~/coding/fancy-prompt", "~/c/fancy-prompt", // 20 "~/c/fancy-prompt", "~/c/fancy-prompt", "~/c/fancy-prompt", "~/c/fancy-prompt", "~/c/fancy...mpt", // 15 "~/c/fanc...mpt", "~/c/fan...mpt", "~/c/fa...mpt", "~/c/f...mpt", "~/c/...mpt", ]; for (i, &expected) in expecteds.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!(compress_path(path, home, 25 - i), expected); } } } #[test] fn test_compress_vcs() { { let vcs = "g:this-is-a-branch:-"; let expecteds = vec![ "g:this-is-a-branch:-", // 25 "g:this-is-a-branch:-", "g:this-is-a-branch:-", "g:this-is-a-branch:-", "g:this-is-a-branch:-", "g:this-is-a-branch:-", "g:this-is-a...nch:-", // 19 "g:this-is-...nch:-", "g:this-is...nch:-", "g:this-i...nch:-", "g:this-...nch:-", "g:this...nch:-", "g:thi...nch:-", "g:th...nch:-", "g:t...nch:-", "g:...nch:-", ]; for (i, &expected) in expecteds.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!(compress_vcs(vcs, 25 - i), expected); } } { let vcs = "g:this-is-a-branch"; let expecteds = vec![ "g:this-is-a-branch", // 23 "g:this-is-a-branch", "g:this-is-a-branch", "g:this-is-a-branch", "g:this-is-a-branch", "g:this-is-a-branch", "g:this-is-a...nch", // 17 "g:this-is-...nch", "g:this-is...nch", "g:this-i...nch", "g:this-...nch", "g:this...nch", "g:thi...nch", "g:th...nch", "g:t...nch", "g:...nch", ]; for (i, &expected) in expecteds.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!(compress_vcs(vcs, 23 - i), expected); } } { let vcs = "g*:this-is-a-branch:+1-14(m)"; let expecteds = vec![ "g*:this-is-a-branch:+1-14(m)", // 33 "g*:this-is-a-branch:+1-14(m)", "g*:this-is-a-branch:+1-14(m)", "g*:this-is-a-branch:+1-14(m)", "g*:this-is-a-branch:+1-14(m)", "g*:this-is-a-branch:+1-14(m)", "g*:this-is-a...nch:+1-14(m)", // 27 "g*:this-is-...nch:+1-14(m)", "g*:this-is...nch:+1-14(m)", "g*:this-i...nch:+1-14(m)", "g*:this-...nch:+1-14(m)", "g*:this...nch:+1-14(m)", "g*:thi...nch:+1-14(m)", "g*:th...nch:+1-14(m)", "g*:t...nch:+1-14(m)", "g*:...nch:+1-14(m)", ]; for (i, &expected) in expecteds.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!(compress_vcs(vcs, 33 - i), expected); } } } #[test] fn test_format_vcs() { { assert_eq!(format_vcs(None), None) } { let test_vcs = TestVcs { vcs: vcs::VcsType::Git, has_modified_files: false, has_staged_files: false, has_new_files: false, has_commits: true, active_operation: vcs::ActiveOperation::None, branch: Some(String::from("master")), remote_branch_diff: Some((0, 0)), }; assert_eq!(format_vcs(Some(&test_vcs)), Some(String::from("g"))); assert_eq!(vcs_color(Some(&test_vcs)), String::from("default")); } { let test_vcs = TestVcs { vcs: vcs::VcsType::Git, has_modified_files: false, has_staged_files: false, has_new_files: false, has_commits: true, active_operation: vcs::ActiveOperation::None, branch: Some(String::from("dev")), remote_branch_diff: Some((0, 0)), }; assert_eq!( format_vcs(Some(&test_vcs)), Some(String::from("g:dev")) ); assert_eq!(vcs_color(Some(&test_vcs)), String::from("default")); } { let test_vcs = TestVcs { vcs: vcs::VcsType::Git, has_modified_files: false, has_staged_files: false, has_new_files: false, has_commits: true, active_operation: vcs::ActiveOperation::None, branch: Some(String::from("master")), remote_branch_diff: None, }; assert_eq!( format_vcs(Some(&test_vcs)), Some(String::from("g:-")) ); assert_eq!(vcs_color(Some(&test_vcs)), String::from("vcs_dirty")); } { let test_vcs = TestVcs { vcs: vcs::VcsType::Git, has_modified_files: false, has_staged_files: false, has_new_files: false, has_commits: true, active_operation: vcs::ActiveOperation::None, branch: Some(String::from("dev")), remote_branch_diff: None, }; assert_eq!( format_vcs(Some(&test_vcs)), Some(String::from("g:dev:-")) ); assert_eq!(vcs_color(Some(&test_vcs)), String::from("vcs_dirty")); } { let test_vcs = TestVcs { vcs: vcs::VcsType::Git, has_modified_files: true, has_staged_files: true, has_new_files: true, has_commits: true, active_operation: vcs::ActiveOperation::None, branch: Some(String::from("master")), remote_branch_diff: None, }; assert_eq!( format_vcs(Some(&test_vcs)), Some(String::from("g*+?:-")) ); assert_eq!(vcs_color(Some(&test_vcs)), String::from("vcs_dirty")); } { let test_vcs = TestVcs { vcs: vcs::VcsType::Git, has_modified_files: true, has_staged_files: true, has_new_files: true, has_commits: true, active_operation: vcs::ActiveOperation::None, branch: Some(String::from("dev")), remote_branch_diff: None, }; assert_eq!( format_vcs(Some(&test_vcs)), Some(String::from("g*+?:dev:-")) ); assert_eq!(vcs_color(Some(&test_vcs)), String::from("vcs_dirty")); } { let test_vcs = TestVcs { vcs: vcs::VcsType::Git, has_modified_files: false, has_staged_files: false, has_new_files: false, has_commits: false, active_operation: vcs::ActiveOperation::None, branch: None, remote_branch_diff: None, }; assert_eq!(format_vcs(Some(&test_vcs)), Some(String::from("g!"))); assert_eq!(vcs_color(Some(&test_vcs)), String::from("vcs_error")); } { let test_vcs = TestVcs { vcs: vcs::VcsType::Git, has_modified_files: false, has_staged_files: false, has_new_files: false, has_commits: true, active_operation: vcs::ActiveOperation::None, branch: Some(String::from("master")), remote_branch_diff: Some((2, 3)), }; assert_eq!( format_vcs(Some(&test_vcs)), Some(String::from("g:+2-3")) ); assert_eq!(vcs_color(Some(&test_vcs)), String::from("vcs_dirty")); } } }