package Games::NES::SpriteMaker; use strict; use warnings; # ABSTRACT: manipulate PNM files and generate NES sprite data from them use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = ('image_to_sprite'); use Image::PNM; =head1 SYNOPSIS use Games::NES::SpriteMaker 'image_to_sprite'; open my $fh, '>', 'sprites.chr'; my $chr = image_to_sprite('spritemap.pgm'); $fh->print($chr); $fh->close; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains useful functions for manipulating images in the PNM format in order to create and modify sprite data (CHR-ROM banks) in NES roms. The idea is that drawing sprites is much easier in a real graphics editor, and then you can save the image as a .pbm/.pgm/.ppm file and convert it into sprite data directly, rather than having to edit sprites in a hex editor. Right now, the capabilities are pretty limited, but I'm open to adding more functionality as it becomes useful. =cut =func image_to_sprite($data, %opts) Converts PNM data to CHR-ROM data. C<$data> can either be a filename or a scalar reference which is a reference to a string containing PNM-format data. C<%opts> is a hash of options for how to generate the data. Currently the only option is C, which determines the size of the .chr file to generate. It defaults to C<8192>. =cut sub image_to_sprite { my ($data, %opts) = @_; $opts{rom_size} ||= 8192; my $image = Image::PNM->new($data); if ($image->width % 8 || $image->height % 8) { die "Sprite collections must be tiles of 8x8 sprites (not " . $image->width . "x" . $image->height . ")"; } my %colors = _get_palette_colors($image); my $sprite_x = $image->width / 8; my $sprite_y = $image->height / 8; my $bytes = ''; for my $base_y (0..$sprite_y-1) { for my $base_x (0..$sprite_x-1) { for my $pixel_y ($base_y*8..$base_y*8 + 7) { my $bits; for my $pixel_x ($base_x*8..$base_x*8 + 7) { my $pixel = $image->raw_pixel($pixel_y, $pixel_x); my $pixel_value = $colors{_color_key($pixel)}; $bits .= $pixel_value & 0x01 ? "1" : "0"; } $bytes .= pack("C", oct("0b$bits")); } for my $pixel_y ($base_y*8..$base_y*8 + 7) { my $bits; for my $pixel_x ($base_x*8..$base_x*8 + 7) { my $pixel = $image->raw_pixel($pixel_y, $pixel_x); my $pixel_value = $colors{_color_key($pixel)}; $bits .= $pixel_value & 0x02 ? "1" : "0"; } $bytes .= pack("C", oct("0b$bits")); } } } return $bytes . ("\x00" x ($opts{rom_size} - length($bytes))); } sub _get_palette_colors { my ($image) = @_; my %unique_values = ("1;1;1" => 0); my $idx = 1; for my $row (0..$image->height - 1) { for my $col (0..$image->width - 1) { my $pixel = $image->raw_pixel($row, $col); $unique_values{_color_key($pixel)} = $idx++ unless defined $unique_values{_color_key($pixel)}; } } if ($idx > 4) { die "Sprites can only use four colors"; } return %unique_values; } sub _color_key { my ($pixel) = @_; return "$pixel->[0];$pixel->[1];$pixel->[2]"; } =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs to GitHub Issues at L. =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Games::NES::SpriteMaker You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * MetaCPAN L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * Github L =item * CPAN Ratings L =back =cut 1;