path: root/lib/Games/SMTNocturne/Demons/
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1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Games/SMTNocturne/Demons/ b/lib/Games/SMTNocturne/Demons/
index cdfdcd8..4c1c901 100644
--- a/lib/Games/SMTNocturne/Demons/
+++ b/lib/Games/SMTNocturne/Demons/
@@ -2,9 +2,30 @@ package Games::SMTNocturne::Demons::Fusion;
use strict;
use warnings;
use overload '""' => 'to_string';
+# ABSTRACT: represents the results of a fusion
use Games::SMTNocturne::Demons::Demon;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Games::SMTNocturne::Demons 'fusions_for';
+ my @fusions = fusions_for('Jack Frost');
+ say $fusions[0]->demons->[0]; # <Divine Angel (11)>
+ say $fusions[0]->demons->[1]; # <Foul Will o' Wisp (1)>
+ say $fusions[0]->result; # <Fairy Jack Frost (7)>
+ say $fusions[0]; # Fuse <Divine Angel (11)> with <Foul Will o' Wisp (1)> resulting in <Fairy Jack Frost (7)>
+This class represents the result of a demon fusion which was calculated by the
+C<fusions_for> function in L<Games::SMTNocturne::Demons>. It includes various
+accessor methods to get information about the generated fusion, as well as a
+stringification overload to produce a readable summary.
sub new {
my ($class, $options, $demon1, $demon2, $sacrifice, $kagutsuchi) = @_;
@@ -33,6 +54,29 @@ sub new {
return bless $attrs, $class;
+=method demons
+An arrayref containing the two demons to be fused.
+=method sacrifice
+An optional third demon to be sacrificed (at full Kagutsuchi).
+=method deathstone
+True if this fusion requires a deathstone.
+=method kagutsuchi
+An optional arrayref containing the Kagutsuchi phases during which this fusion
+may take place.
+=method result
+The demon that will be created by the fusion.
sub options { $_[0]->{options} }
sub demons { $_[0]->{demons} }
sub sacrifice { $_[0]->{sacrifice} }