#!perl package Games::Word; require Exporter; @ISA = qw/Exporter/; @EXPORT_OK = qw/random_permutation is_permutation all_permutations shared_letters shared_letters_by_position random_string_from is_substring all_substrings is_subpermutation all_subpermutations/; use strict; use warnings; use Math::Combinatorics qw/factorial/; use Test::Deep::NoTest; =head1 NAME Games::Word - utility functions for writing word games =head1 VERSION Version 0.01 released ??? =cut our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 SYNOPSIS use Games::Word; print "permutation!\n" if is_permutation 'word', 'orwd'; my $mm_solution = random_string_from "abcdefgh"; my $mm_guess = <>; chomp $mm_guess; my $mm_correct_letters = shared_letters $mm_solution, $mm_guess; my $mm_correct_positions = shared_letters_by_position $mm_solution, $mm_guess; =head1 DESCRIPTION Games::Word provides several utility functions for writing word games, such as manipulating permutations of strings, testing for similarity of strings, and finding strings from a given source of characters. =over 4 =item random_permutation STRING Returns a string which is a random permutation of the letters in STRING. =cut sub random_permutation { my $word = shift; return '' if $word eq ''; my $letter = substr $word, int(rand length $word), 1, ''; return $letter . random_permutation($word); } =item is_permutation STRING1, STRING2 Returns true of STRING1 is a permutation of STRING2, and false otherwise. =cut sub is_permutation { my @word_letters = split //, shift; my @perm_letters = split //, shift; return eq_deeply(\@word_letters, bag(@perm_letters)); } sub _permutation { my $word = shift; my $perm_index = shift; return '' if $word eq ''; my $len = length $word; die "invalid permutation index" if $perm_index >= factorial($len) || $perm_index < 0; use integer; my $current_index = $perm_index / factorial($len - 1); my $rest = $perm_index % factorial($len - 1); my $first_letter = substr($word, $current_index, 1); substr($word, $current_index, 1) = ''; return $first_letter . _permutation($word, $rest); } =item all_permutations STRING Returns a list containing all permutations of the characters in STRING. =cut sub all_permutations { my $word = shift; my @ret = (); push @ret, _permutation($word, $_) for 0..(factorial(length $word) - 1); return @ret; } =item shared_letters STRING1 STRING2 Returns a list of the characters that STRING1 and STRING2 have in common, ignoring their position in the string. =cut sub shared_letters { my @a = sort split //, shift; my @b = sort split //, shift; my @letters = (); my ($a, $b) = (shift @a, shift @b); while (defined $a && defined $b) { if ($a eq $b) { push @letters, $a; ($a, $b) = (shift @a, shift @b); } elsif ($a lt $b) { $a = shift @a; } else { $b = shift @b; } } return @letters; } =item shared_letters_by_position STRING1 STRING2 In list context, returns a list that is the length of the larger of STRING1 and STRING2, which contains the character at that position in both strings if they are the same, and undef otherwise. In scalar context, returns the number of characters that are the same in both value and position between STRING1 and STRING2. =cut sub shared_letters_by_position { my @a = split //, shift; my @b = split //, shift; my @letters = (); while (my ($a, $b) = (shift @a, shift @b)) { last unless (defined $a && defined $b); if ($a eq $b) { push @letters, $a; } else { push @letters, undef; } } return wantarray ? @letters : grep { defined } @letters; } =item random_string_from STRING LENGTH Uses STRING as an alphabet to generate a random string of length LENGTH. Characters in STRING may be repeated. =cut sub random_string_from { my ($letters, $length) = @_; die "invalid letter list" if length $letters < 1 && $length > 0; my @letters = split //, $letters; my $ret = ''; $ret .= $letters[int rand @letters] for 1..$length; return $ret; } =item is_substring SUBSTRING STRING Returns true if SUBSTRING consists of only characters from STRING, in order. For example, 'word' is a substring of 'awobbrcd', but not of 'dcrbbowa' or 'awbbrcd'. =cut sub is_substring { my ($substring, $string) = @_; return 1 if $substring eq ''; my $re = join('?', map { quotemeta } split(//, $string)) . '?'; return $substring =~ $re; } =item all_substrings STRING Returns a list of all substrings (see L) of STRING. =cut sub all_substrings { my $string = shift; return ('') if $string eq ''; my @substrings = ($string); my $before = ''; my $current = substr $string, 0, 1, ''; while ($current) { @substrings = (@substrings, map { $before . $_ } all_substrings($string)); $before .= $current; $current = substr $string, 0, 1, ''; } return @substrings; } =item is_subpermutation SUBSTRING STRING Returns true if SUBSTRING is a subpermutation (like L, but without caring about order) of STRING, and false otherwise. =cut sub is_subpermutation { my @subword = split //, shift; my @word = split //, shift; return eq_deeply(\@subword, subbagof(@word)); } =item all_subpermutations STRING Like L, except using L instead. =cut sub all_subpermutations { return map { all_permutations $_ } all_substrings shift; } =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Jesse Luehrs, C<< >> =head1 BUGS No known bugs. Please report any bugs through RT: email C, or browse L. =head1 SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Games::Word You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * Search CPAN L =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2008 Jesse Luehrs. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;