#!perl -T use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 4; use Test::Exception; use Games::Word::Wordlist; my $word_file = ''; $word_file = '/usr/dict/words' if -r '/usr/dict/words'; $word_file = '/usr/share/dict/words' if -r '/usr/share/dict/words'; SKIP: { skip "Can't find a system word list", 2 if $word_file eq ''; my $wl; lives_ok { $wl = Games::Word::Wordlist->new($word_file, cache => 0) } "opening a word list from a file doesn't die"; open my $fh, '<', $word_file or die "Couldn't open $word_file"; for (<$fh>) {} is($wl->words, $., "we read in the correct number of words"); throws_ok { $wl->add_words([qw/foo bar baz/]) } qr/Can't add words to a non-cached word list/, "adding words dies"; throws_ok { $wl->remove_words("word", "throw") } qr/Can't remove words from a non-cached word list/, "removing words dies"; }