#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 20; use Games::Word qw/random_permutation is_permutation/; ok( is_permutation("", ""), "testing empty string"); ok( is_permutation("blah", "blah"), "testing same string"); ok( is_permutation("blah", "alhb"), "testing permuted string"); ok(!is_permutation("blah", "blh"), "testing word with letter deleted"); ok(!is_permutation("blah", "blahs"), "testing word with letter added"); ok(!is_permutation("blah", "blahh"), "testing word with repeated letter"); ok( is_permutation("blaah", "hbala"), "testing word with duplicate letters"); ok(!is_permutation("blaah", "bblah"), "more duplicate letter tests"); for (1..12) { ok(is_permutation("blah", random_permutation("blah")), "random tests"); }