#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Deep; use List::Util qw/sum/; use Games::Word qw/is_substring all_substrings/; my %is_substring_tests = ( "" => [""], "abc", => ["", "abc", "ab", "ac"], "aaba" => ["a", "aa", "aaa", "aab", "aba"], "abcba" => ["aa", "bb", "c", "abc", "cba", "abba"], ); my %isnt_substring_tests = ( "" => ["a"], "abc" => ["z", "ba", "baz", "abz"], "aaba" => ["c", "abaa"], ); my %all_substrings_tests = ( "" => [''], "a" => ['', "a"], "ab" => ['', "a", "b", "ab"], "aab" => ['', "a", "a", "b", "aa", "ab", "ab", "aab"], "abc" => ['', "a", "b", "c", "ab", "ac", "bc", "abc"], ); plan tests => (sum map { scalar @$_ } values %is_substring_tests, values %isnt_substring_tests) + keys %all_substrings_tests; while (my ($word, $substrings) = each %is_substring_tests) { ok(is_substring($_, $word), "is '$_' a substring of '$word'?") for @$substrings; } while (my ($word, $substrings) = each %isnt_substring_tests) { ok(!is_substring($_, $word), "is '$_' not a substring of '$word'?") for @$substrings; } while (my ($word, $substrings) = each %all_substrings_tests) { cmp_deeply([all_substrings($word)], bag(@$substrings), "do we get all of the substrings of '$word'?"); }