#!perl -T use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 3; use Test::Exception; use Games::Word qw/set_word_list random_word is_word/; my $word_file = ''; $word_file = '/usr/dict/words' if (-f '/usr/dict/words'); $word_file = '/usr/share/dict/words' if (-f '/usr/share/dict/words'); lives_ok(sub { is_word "blah" }, "testing calling a function before setting a word list"); SKIP: { skip "Can't find a system word list", 2 if $word_file eq ''; set_word_list $word_file; my $result; lives_ok(sub { $result = is_word random_word }, "testing calling random_word with a good word list"); ok($result, "testing checking to see if a random word from the word list is a word"); }