package Image::PNM; use strict; use warnings; # ABSTRACT: parse and generate PNM (PBM, PGM, PPM) files =head1 SYNOPSIS use Image::PNM; my $image = Image::PNM->new("image.pbm"); my $pixel_value = $image->pixel(1, 2); open my $fh, '>', 'new_image.ppm'; $fh->print($image->as_string("P3")); # convert to rgb format =head1 DESCRIPTION This module can read and write images in any of the PNM formats (PBM, PGM, or PPM). =cut =method new($data) Creates a new image object. If C<$data> is a string, it is interpreted as a filename to open, otherwise if it is a scalar reference, it is interpreted as a reference to a string containing the contents of a PNM file. If it is not passed at all, a new PNM file is created with width and height of 1, a max pixel value of 1, and the sole pixel having value 0. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; my ($data) = @_; my $self = bless {}, $class; if (ref $data) { $self->_parse_string($data); } elsif ($data) { $self->_parse_file($data); } else { $self->{w} = 1; $self->{h} = 1; $self->{max} = 1; $self->{pixels} = [[0]]; } return $self; } =method as_string($format) Converts the image object into a PNM format (given by the required argument). Returns the PNM data as a string. =cut sub as_string { my $self = shift; my ($format) = @_; my $method = "_as_string_$format"; die "Unknown format $format" unless $self->can($method); return $self->$method; } =method width($w) Returns the width of the image in pixels. If C<$w> is given, sets the width of the image to C<$w>. =cut sub width { my $self = shift; my ($w) = @_; if (defined($w)) { for my $row (@{ $self->{pixels} }) { if ($w > $self->{w}) { push @$row, 0 for 1..($w - $self->{w}); } else { pop @$row for 1..($self->{w} - $w); } } $self->{w} = $w; } return $self->{w}; } =method height($h) Returns the height of the image in pixels. If C<$h> is given, sets the height of the image to C<$h>. =cut sub height { my $self = shift; my ($h) = @_; if (defined($h)) { if ($h > $self->{h}) { push @{ $self->{pixels} }, [ (0) x $self->{w} ] for 1..($h - $self->{h}); } else { pop @{ $self->{pixels} } for 1..($self->{h} - $h); } $self->{h} = $h; } return $self->{h}; } =method max_pixel_value Returns the maximum value allowed for a pixel. Pixel values must be integers, and they are interpreted as being scaled by this value. =cut sub max_pixel_value { my $self = shift; my ($max) = @_; if (defined($max)) { for my $row (@{ $self->{pixels} }) { @$row = map { $_ * $self->{max} / $max } @$row; } $self->{max} = $max; } return $self->{max}; } =method pixel($row, $col, $new_value) Returns the value of a pixel at the given C<$row> and C<$col>. The value is returned as an arrayref of three RGB values, where each value ranges from C<0.0> to C<1.0>. =cut sub pixel { my $self = shift; my ($row, $col, $new_value) = @_; if (defined($new_value)) { $new_value = ref($new_value) ? [ map { $_ * $self->{max} } @$new_value ] : $new_value * $self->{max}; } my $pixel = $self->raw_pixel($row, $col, $new_value); return [ map { $_ / $self->{max} } @$pixel ]; } =method raw_pixel($row, $col, $new_value) Returns the value of a pixel at the given C<$row> and C<$col>. The value is returned as an arrayref of three RGB values, where each value is an integer ranging from C<0> to C<< $image->max_pixel_value >>. =cut sub raw_pixel { my $self = shift; my ($row, $col, $new_value) = @_; my $pixel = $self->{pixels}[$row][$col]; die "invalid pixel location ($row, $col)" unless defined $pixel; if (defined($new_value)) { $self->{pixels}[$row][$col] = $new_value; $pixel = $new_value; } if (!ref $pixel) { $pixel = [ $pixel, $pixel, $pixel ]; } return $pixel; } sub _as_string_P1 { my $self = shift; my $data = <{w} $self->{h} HEADER for my $row (@{ $self->{pixels} }) { $data .= join(' ', map { my $val; if (ref($_)) { $val = $self->_to_greyscale(@$_); } else { $val = $_; } $val * 2 > $self->{max} ? '0' : '1' } @$row) . "\n"; } return $data; } sub _as_string_P2 { my $self = shift; my $data = <{w} $self->{h} $self->{max} HEADER for my $row (@{ $self->{pixels} }) { $data .= join(' ', map { if (ref($_)) { $self->_to_greyscale(@$_) } else { $_ } } @$row) . "\n"; } return $data; } sub _as_string_P3 { my $self = shift; my $data = <{w} $self->{h} $self->{max} HEADER for my $row (@{ $self->{pixels} }) { $data .= join(' ', map { ref($_) ? join(' ', @$_) : "$_ $_ $_" } @$row) . "\n"; } return $data; } sub _as_string_P4 { my $self = shift; my $data = <{w} $self->{h} HEADER for my $row (@{ $self->{pixels} }) { my @vals = map { my $val; if (ref($_)) { $val = $self->_to_greyscale(@$_); } else { $val = $_; } $val * 2 > $self->{max} ? '0' : '1' } @$row; push @vals, '0' until @vals % 8 == 0; while (@vals) { my $bits = join('', splice(@vals, 0, 8)); my $byte = oct("0b$bits"); $data .= pack("C", $byte); } } return $data; } sub _as_string_P5 { my $self = shift; my $data = <{w} $self->{h} $self->{max} HEADER for my $row (@{ $self->{pixels} }) { $data .= pack("C*", map { if (ref($_)) { $self->_to_greyscale(@$_) } else { $_ } } @$row); } return $data; } sub _as_string_P6 { my $self = shift; my $data = <{w} $self->{h} $self->{max} HEADER for my $row (@{ $self->{pixels} }) { $data .= pack("C*", map { ref($_) ? @$_ : ($_, $_, $_) } @$row); } return $data; } sub _parse_string { my $self = shift; my ($string) = @_; return $self->_parse_pnm(sub { my ($line, $rest) = split /\n/, $string, 2; return unless length($line) || length($rest); $string = $rest; return "$line\n"; }); } sub _parse_file { my $self = shift; my ($filename) = @_; open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "Couldn't open $filename for reading: $!"; return $self->_parse_pnm(sub { scalar <$fh> }); } sub _parse_pnm { my $self = shift; my ($next_line) = @_; my $next_line_nocomments = sub { my $line; while (!length($line)) { $line = $next_line->(); return unless defined($line); $line =~ s/#.*//s; } return $line; }; chomp(my $format = $next_line_nocomments->()); chomp(my $dimensions = $next_line_nocomments->()); my ($w, $h) = $dimensions =~ /^([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)$/; die "Invalid dimensions: $dimensions" unless $w && $h; $self->{w} = $w; $self->{h} = $h; my $method = "_parse_pnm_$format"; die "Don't know how to parse PNM files of format $format" unless $self->can($method); return $self->$method($next_line_nocomments); } sub _parse_pnm_P1 { my $self = shift; my ($next_line) = @_; $self->{max} = 1; my $next_word = $self->_make_next_word($next_line, 0); $self->{pixels} = []; for my $i (1..$self->{h}) { my $row = []; for my $j (1..$self->{w}) { push @$row, $next_word->() ? '0' : '1'; } push @{ $self->{pixels} }, $row; } } sub _parse_pnm_P2 { my $self = shift; my ($next_line) = @_; chomp (my $max = $next_line->()); die "Invalid max color value: $max" unless $max =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $max > 0; $self->{max} = $max; my $next_word = $self->_make_next_word($next_line, 1); $self->{pixels} = []; for my $i (1..$self->{h}) { my $row = []; for my $j (1..$self->{w}) { push @$row, $next_word->(); } push @{ $self->{pixels} }, $row; } } sub _parse_pnm_P3 { my $self = shift; my ($next_line) = @_; chomp (my $max = $next_line->()); die "Invalid max color value: $max" unless $max =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $max > 0; $self->{max} = $max; my $next_word = $self->_make_next_word($next_line, 1); $self->{pixels} = []; for my $i (1..$self->{h}) { my $row = []; for my $j (1..$self->{w}) { push @$row, [ $next_word->(), $next_word->(), $next_word->(), ]; } push @{ $self->{pixels} }, $row; } } sub _parse_pnm_P4 { my $self = shift; my ($next_line) = @_; $self->{max} = 1; my $next_word = $self->_make_next_bitfield($next_line, 1); $self->{pixels} = []; for my $i (1..$self->{h}) { my $row = []; for my $j (1..$self->{w}) { push @$row, $next_word->() ? '0' : '1'; } push @{ $self->{pixels} }, $row; } } sub _parse_pnm_P5 { my ($self) = shift; my ($next_line) = @_; chomp (my $max = $next_line->()); die "Invalid max color value: $max" unless $max =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $max > 0; $self->{max} = $max; my $next_word = $self->_make_next_bitfield($next_line, 0); $self->{pixels} = []; for my $i (1..$self->{h}) { my $row = []; for my $j (1..$self->{w}) { push @$row, $next_word->(); } push @{ $self->{pixels} }, $row; } } sub _parse_pnm_P6 { my $self = shift; my ($next_line) = @_; chomp (my $max = $next_line->()); die "Invalid max color value: $max" unless $max =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $max > 0; $self->{max} = $max; my $next_word = $self->_make_next_bitfield($next_line, 0); $self->{pixels} = []; for my $i (1..$self->{h}) { my $row = []; for my $j (1..$self->{w}) { push @$row, [ $next_word->(), $next_word->(), $next_word->(), ]; } push @{ $self->{pixels} }, $row; } } sub _make_next_word { my $self = shift; my ($next_line, $ws) = @_; my @words; return sub { if (!@words) { my $line = $next_line->(); return unless $line; chomp($line); if ($ws) { @words = split ' ', $line; } else { @words = split '', $line; } } my $word = shift @words; die "Invalid color: $word" unless $word =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $word >= 0 && $word <= $self->{max}; return $word; }; } sub _make_next_bitfield { my $self = shift; my ($next_line, $bits) = @_; my @words; return sub { if (!@words) { my $line = $next_line->(); return unless $line; if ($bits) { my $padding = 8 - ($self->{w} % 8); my $per = int($self->{w} / 8) + 1; while (length($line)) { my $chunk = substr($line, 0, $per, ''); push @words, map { split '', sprintf("%08b", $_) } unpack("C*", $chunk); pop @words for 1..$padding; } } else { @words = unpack("C*", $line); } } my $word = shift @words; die "Invalid color: $word" unless $word =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $word >= 0 && $word <= $self->{max}; return $word; }; } sub _to_greyscale { my $self = shift; my ($r, $g, $b) = @_; # luma calculation # int(0.2126*$r + 0.7152*$g + 0.0722*$b + 0.5) } =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs to GitHub Issues at L. =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Image::PNM You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * MetaCPAN L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * Github L =item * CPAN Ratings L =back =cut 1;