# Motivation Rust is a new systems language being developed by Mozilla. It is still in development, but the first stable release is planned for later this year. As a heads up, the details in this talk will be based on the state of the current master branch, *not* the latest development release. Rust's goal is to provide an alternative for projects which would otherwise be written in C or C++. The problem with C-based languages is that they are extremely difficult to use correctly, as a project gets big enough. It is very easy to accidentally write C++ code that causes segmentation faults (unrecoverable errors caused by accessing memory that doesn't exist), silent memory corruption, and all kinds of other issues that can result in security issues and data loss. Now, the reason that people still use C++ is because of the high level of control that it gives you. This control allows you to write code which wouldn't even be possible in other languages (how would you write an interrupt handler in Perl?), and also allows you to write extremely efficient code (computation-heavy code can run several orders of magnitude faster in C++ compared to Perl). We often talk about premature optimization, and how getting that last 10 or 15% of performance out of a piece of code isn't actually worth it, but that is largely a factor of the field that most of us work in. We can ignore those optimizations because of how insignificant they are compared to the time it takes for the OS to read some data in from disk or from a database, but that does imply that a 10% difference in speed in the disk controller or database code can actually matter. Rust's goal, therefore, is to provide the same level of control you get when writing in C++ while removing as many of the dangerous sharp edges as possible. Its philosophy is based strongly on the idea of zero cost abstractions. One of the main benefits of writing in C++ is that it is fairly straightforward to see how a given piece of C++ code translates down into machine instructions. To succeed, Rust needs to retain that. This means no mandatory boxing of variables, no mandatory garbage collection or reference counting, and really no mandatory runtime at all. Instead, Rust has things like the ability to optionally box variables explicitly, and have the compiler verify that they are used and cleaned up properly, using the same sort of memory management you would write by hand in C++ using new and delete. When it introduces an entirely new abstraction like closures, it makes sure that those closures are inlinable, so code written using them can end up just as efficient as code written without the abstraction layer. These new abstractions can be used by Rust's compiler to completely eliminate things like null pointers, memory corruption, data races in concurrent code, and use of uninitialized data while adding no overhead at all. Sometimes avoiding those kinds of things isn't possible, though - for instance, Rust is self-hosting, and so it needs to be able to talk to the operating system somehow. Also, there are situations where a safe implementation of an algorithm would be possible, but being able to "cheat" internally can make the code much faster while still providing an entirely safe public API. For this case, Rust also provides a way to disable most of its safety checking within specific scopes. In effect, the code within these unsafe blocks becomes an alternative syntax for C, so anything you would be able to express in C should be possible within that limited scope. Now, a common question at this point is "Why a new language? Couldn't you just write a better C++ compiler instead?" There are a couple answers here. First, given the level of safety that Rust is targeting, effectively no existing C++ programs would even compile. So much of the reasoning behind why existing programs are safe is implicit that there is no hope of writing a compiler which can figure it all out. So at this point, you need to start adding additional annotations and such in order to make it all explicit, and then you already basically have another language. Also, Rust is still built on top of LLVM (the backend for clang), so it's not like it's starting entirely from scratch - Rust isn't throwing out the years of work that has gone into optimizing C++ code because most of that optimization only happens once it gets to the compiler backend, and that is still the same. Another common question is "Why Mozilla?" Well, as mentioned earlier, there are a few places where every bit of speed counts, and these days, web browsers are definitely one of those places. Really, if you squint a bit, web browsers are basically on the level of operating systems at this point. They run all kinds of untrusted code, all of that untrusted code has to go through them to access the hardware, and their job is to keep it all safe, sandboxed, and secure. Firefox, though, is around 8 million lines of C++ code at this point, and it's effectively impossible to write 8 million lines of C++ code without a memory or concurrency bug showing up somewhere. The issue with those kinds of bugs though is that they are completely invisible until the exact right circumstances occur, and so the normal strategies of testing and things like that don't really help all that much. Mozilla and the other browser makers are doing an excellent job at keeping things running the way they are, but it's not clear at all if that's going to be sustainable in the long term. With that in mind, Mozilla is using Rust to write a new browser rendering engine called Servo, which is built from the ground up to be both secure, leveraging Rust's stronger safety guarantees, and fast, being built from the ground up to support pervasive (and safe) parallelism, among other things. It already has parallel layout and rendering, and passes the Acid2 test, and while it's not likely to replace Firefox for quite some time yet, the goal is to have a usable browser based on Servo implemented by the end of the year. # Overview ## Language structure Rust's syntax is based on C and ML, among a few others. Like Perl, it's a whitespace-insensitive, brace-based language, but unlike Perl, pretty much everything is an expression, including things like if statements. This is what "hello world" looks like in Rust. Functions are declared with 'fn', the entry point to the program is the function 'main' (just like in C), and 'println!' is Rust's equivalent to printf. Here's a more complicated example (from the main page of the Rust website). As you can see, variables are declared using 'let', must be initialized at the point of declaration, and are immutable by default. Mutable variables are declared using 'let mut'. Iteration is done through 'for' and 'while' loops. In this example, the 'chars' method on a string returns an iterator which returns each character in the string in turn. Characters in Rust are four byte Unicode codepoints, and strings are stored internally in utf8. Another minor point is that like Perl 6, for loops (and while loops, and conditionals) don't require parentheses around the condition. Rust also has pattern matching, similar to ML. Matching can be done on arbitrary data structures, and the compiler verifies that the match is exhaustive, so not only is it more readable than a series of if statements, it is also more safe. Finally, you can see a more complicated example of 'println!' at the end. The trailing '!' indicates that 'println!' is a macro, so it can do things not normally possible in the language syntax. This is a general rule in order to make the language more easily parsable by external tools - macros are introduced with an identifier that ends with an exclamation mark, and must be delimited by matching parentheses, brackets, or braces. The pattern language that println! uses is actually based on Python rather than printf. A bare set of braces means to automatically choose the correct stringification based on the type of the given parameter (for types that define one, which includes most builtin types). You can also pass the specifier explicitly if you need to pass arguments to it, and the special '{:?}' specifier uses reflection mechanisms in order to print out complicated data structures for debugging, even if they haven't implemented a stringification. As mentioned earlier, for loops use iterators for iteration. This lets them avoid using more memory than necessary, and also allows operations to be easily composed. In this example, for instance, we take the chars iterator and filter out the spaces, leaving only the characters we care about. This is all done without ever building a new list - the character values are calculated out of the string directly. The filter method (and most of the other iterator methods) can (most likely) then be inlined, and the resulting code is no different from what you would write otherwise by manually moving pointers around. Another thing to note is that the filter method takes a closure as an argument. Closure syntax is based on Ruby's block syntax. In this case, the closure takes a borrowed pointer to the character to be filtered, which is why the parameter is declared as '&x'. We'll get into what exactly that means later in the talk. Notice also that the closure doesn't require a return statement. Rust works the same way that Perl does, in that return statements are optional at the end of a function body, whether it's a closure or a named function. There is one minor difference in that just as in Perl, semicolons are statement separators rather than terminators, but unlike in Perl, empty statements aren't ignored, so if you want to implicitly return a value, the final semicolon must be omitted, or else your function will be returning nil. ## Type System In addition to basic types like integers floating point values, and arrays, Rust also has several different ways to build more complicated data structures. The most basic way is using structs, like this. Structs in Rust are pretty much the same as structs in C, but you can actually initialize them anywhere you allocate them (in fact, you're required to). These structs are also entirely compatible on the memory representation level with C, and so passing structs back and forth between Rust and C is guaranteed to work. Rust also has enum types, just like C. One advantage to them over C enums is that when they are used in a pattern match, the compiler checks that your match statement covers all of the possible enum values (like this), and that it doesn't include values that don't exist (like this). A bigger advantage though is that Rust enums aren't just enums - they are actually algebraic data types in disguise. For instance, the Color enum could be extended to include a custom color, like this. Here, the Custom enum value includes data attached to it, which we can extract through destructuring bind in the match statement (note that destructuring bind also works identically in 'let' statements). The Rust standard library includes some useful examples of enums, such as an Option type, which looks like this. The option type is also a good example of Rust's support for generics. Structs, enums, and functions (as well as a few other things) can be parameterized by types. This works pretty much identically to C++ templates, in that the compiler will see which types are actually being used for the parameter, and generate separate copies of the type or function for each type argument that was used. As you can see from these examples, Rust is also capable of type inference. You almost never have to explicitly specify types when defining variables or calling functions, even when using things like destructuring bind. One exception here is method signatures. One of Rust's design principles is that public API should always be explicit to avoid accidental incompatibilities, and so things like function signatures require explicit types. Another exception is that you can't infer on return values, but that's usually only relevant when using generics. In addition to the basic builtin types, Rust's standard library also includes a lot of helpful data structures. The two that you'll probably be using most often are Vec and str (roughly corresponding to vector and string in C++). Here's an example of using vectors - you can see the vector being initialized and modified, and printing the length and the individual values. Here's a similar example using strings. Something to notice is how both vectors and strings have special initialization syntax (the vec! macro and the String::from_str function). This is because the builtin vectors and string that you can use with bare brackets or a bare quoted string are fixed size, which allows them to be allocated in place, which is much more efficient in general. If you want to be able to modify the string or vector, you need to create a modifiable version, which requires special initialization. You can easily get fixed size slices out of the data stored in a growable vector or string, though, and this is useful because the majority of functions in the Rust standard library operate on fixed size slices. One other thing you may have noticed in the previous examples is that I was calling methods on the vectors and strings. Rust allows you to define implementations of types using the impl keyword. You can define class methods, which are called just like normal functions, as well as instance methods, which are distinguished from class methods by taking an initial 'self' parameter (we'll talk about what that '&' means later). Methods use static dispatch - dynamic dispatch does exist, but it's more complicated and not really in the scope of this talk. One final aspect to the type system I'd like to cover is traits. Traits work pretty similar to implementations elsewhere - they represent a common bundle of behavior that can be implemented by any given type. Traits can have default implementations for their methods, and can be implemented on a type either by the author of the trait or by the author of the type, for maximum flexibility. Traits can also be used as bounds on type parameters, in order to write functions that only operate on types that implement a given trait. Traits are also used to implement various builtin features like operator overloading, as well as things in the standard library - for instance, the Show trait implements the default formatting behavior for println! as seen here. The details of this implementation aren't important, just the fact that this is all handled through traits. ## Pointers and ownership You may have heard that Rust has all of these different kinds of pointers and it's all confusing. This is no longer really the case. As the language is moving towards a stable release, the development team has been putting a lot of effort into simplifying the language and removing features that don't really pull their weight. In general, most data you will deal with will be values allocated statically on the stack. If you need an integer, you can just declare an integer variable and use it. The same thing holds true for more complicated data structures - for instance, the Point example earlier. Allocating as much as possible on the stack is a good thing because stack allocation is extremely fast. Stack variables have limitations though, in that they are only valid in the function in which they are declared. They can only be passed into functions and returned from functions by copying. This is fine for small types like integers, but can have a significant impact for larger types. In order to pass data around without requiring copying it everywhere, you'll need to use pointers. The most common type of pointer you'll encounter is the borrowed pointer. When you take a borrowed pointer to a piece of data, the compiler verifies that the data it's pointing to lives as least as long as the pointer - if it doesn't, then it throws a compile-time error. Once it has verified this, you can use it however you want, and you'll know that it will never end up pointing to invalid data. This means that borrowed pointers have no runtime impact at all - they don't require any cleanup because the compiler already verified that the data will be cleaned up elsewhere. Take this C++ example, for instance. This program will happily compile, and result in undefined behavior since the variable being pointed to no longer exists once the function returns. This is called a "dangling pointer", and can also happen when you dynamically allocate memory, but free it too early. In contrast, if we translate the same example into Rust, a compile time error is issued, telling us that we're trying to make a borrowed pointer live longer than the thing it points to. Borrowed pointers allow you to take references to existing data easily enough, but sometimes you need to create data that will outlive the current function's scope. In other words, you need to allocate a new chunk of memory that you own, and ensure that it is cleaned up. For this case, Rust allows you to "box" values, which just means to allocate a chunk of memory and give you a pointer to it instead. For instance, we can fix our earlier example like this. Here we create a new boxed value with the integer 2 inside it, and then we return that boxed value. Since this memory was dynamically allocated rather than allocated on the stack, it still exists when the function in which it was allocated returns, and so we can then use it by dereferencing it. One thing you'll notice here is that there is no deallocation code anywhere. We're not actually leaking memory here - Rust can determine at compile time where the allocated memory is done being used, and it automatically inserts the call to free the memory at that point. The way it determines this is by using a concept called "ownership" (boxed values are sometimes called "owned pointers"). See this example: if I create a boxed value and then try to store it in two different variables, I get a compiler error. This is because boxed values aren't copied, they are "moved". Assigning a boxed value to a different variable doesn't copy anything at all, it just changes the name of the variable that can be used to access the same data. Only a single variable can own a boxed value at any given point, and given that constraint, it is trivial to just trace through the code to see where the value is no longer used. Boxed values are not usually used on their own like this, however. In almost all cases, for simple values, stack allocated values with borrowed pointers are sufficient, and where they aren't, copying values doesn't have a large enough performance impact to worry about. Where boxed values are useful is in building data structures. Take this linked list example, for instance. If you try to compile this code, you'll get an error, because the compiler has no way of knowing how big the List data structure is, since it contains a copy of itself. The solution here is to instead make it contain a pointer to a copy of itself, which works because pointers have a fixed size. Boxed values are also used in the implementation of things like strings and vectors, since the data they contain may need to be reallocated as they grow, and so storing the data externally makes that possible. Finally, we also have unsafe pointers (also called raw pointers), but these are only intended for use when interoperating with C (these pointers work exactly like C pointers). You can ignore their existence entirely when writing normal Rust code. Something you may have noticed in how we are using borrowed pointers and boxed values is that they must always be initialized. Null pointers do not exist in Rust (except when using unsafe pointers). Instead, you can use the Option type mentioned earlier to wrap any pointers you want. The compiler has an optimization for this which allows it to use a single normal pointer as the representation, since it knows that null is an invalid value for these pointers and the Option type has a single "extra" value outside of the normal pointer range, and so using Option with pointers actually has no overhead at all. This eliminates a huge range of potential errors, since it's no longer possible to forget to check a value for null - if you do, your program will fail to compile. ## Concurrency Rust has also put a lot of effort into concurrency. In the interest of time, I'm just going to give a brief overview, but the most interesting point is that not only can the Rust type system ensure that your code uses memory safely, it can also ensure that your code has no data races when accessing the same memory from different threads. This allows you to use parallelism quite a bit more effectively than you would be able to without those guarantees, because figuring out where data races might be in your code is incredibly hard to do on your own, and so usually languages just fall back on copying a lot more than is necessary. Rust just expands the ownership semantics I mentioned earlier with regards to boxed values to also be applied to shared memory. Rust's concurrency model is based around tasks. Tasks default to mapping directly to threads (1:1 model), but they also have an optional M:N scheduler if OS-level threads are too heavy. The basic idea is that all data races are caused by data that is both mutable and aliasable, and so any memory that is shared between tasks must be either entirely immutable, or it must be owned by the task. Here's a basic example which calculates the value of the Ackermann function at a given point in a background task, and the main task waits for the result and then prints it out. The channel function here is similar to the 'pipe' operator in Perl - it just creates a one-way communication channel that the tasks can communicate with. Now, clearly the channel can't be entirely immutable, since you have to be able to send data across it, so the thing that makes this example work is the 'proc' keyword here. A 'proc' is a special type of closure which takes ownership of anything it closes over (normal closures just take borrowed pointers to things they close over). In this case, it closes over the writing end of the channel, and so the main task can no longer access that end of the pipe, and neither can any other tasks you might try to spawn in the same scope (if you tried to, you would get a compilation error). This ensures that at any given point in your program's execution, there is only a single task trying to write to the pipe at any given time, and only a single task trying to read from the pipe at any given time, so your program remains deterministic. On the other hand, 'm' and 'n' are entirely immutable, and so there are no issues with them being accessed from both the main task and the calculation task. ## Misc Rust also has quite a few other useful features that I didn't touch on. It has namespacing and a module system with privacy controls. It has integrated testing and benchmarks. It has quite a few compiler lint checks, from warnings about things like unused variables and dead code to optional errors about entire language features like "allocation" or "unsafe blocks", and they can all be adjusted to be ignored, to warn, or to error independently. It can interoperate with C directly, via extern "C" blocks. The entire runtime and standard library can even be left out or replaced in order to write things like kernels or embedded code - there are already existing projects for writing a simple kernel in Rust and running Rust code on Arduinos. There is a powerful macro system available which is still constrained enough to not make writing external parsing tools impossible. And the language is very flexible - most language features are implemented via normal Rust functions which can be overriden - either via traits for operations on new data types, or via special "language items" for low level operations like memory allocation. # Contributing So you've heard all of this and you're interested in learning more? A good start to getting into the language is the tutorial on the Rust website, as well as play.rust-lang.org and rustbyexample.com. If you're interested in getting into Rust development, Rust is developed entirely openly, and is always welcoming of new contributors. Discussion happens both on IRC (on irc.mozilla.org) and on the rust-dev mailing list, and decisions are made during open meetings between Mozilla's Rust team. For keeping up with the language changes until 1.0 is released, This Week In Rust is an excellent resource - it documents the major changes to the language and libraries on a weekly basis, in case you don't have the time to keep up with everything going on. Finally, Rust has a community Standards of Conduct that is regularly enforced by the core team, and this has helped to make the Rust community to be, in my experience, one of the friendliest and most pleasant programming communities I've seen. If this talk seemed interesting to you at all, I highly recommend getting involved. Any questions?