#!perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 5; use IO::Pty::Easy; my $pty = IO::Pty::Easy->new; $pty->spawn("$^X -ple ''"); $pty->write("testing\n"); like($pty->read, qr/testing/, "basic read/write testing"); is($pty->read(0.1), undef, "read returns undef on timeout"); $pty->kill; $pty->spawn("$^X -e 'sleep(1) while 1'"); eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { is($pty->write("should fail", 0.1), undef, "write returns undef on timeout"); $SIG{ALRM} = 'DEFAULT'; alarm 1; }; alarm 1; $pty->write('a'x(1024*1024)); }; $pty->kill; $pty->close; # create an entirely new pty to clear the input buffer $pty = IO::Pty::Easy->new; $pty->spawn("$^X -e 'sleep(1) while 1'"); my $result = "wrong"; $result = eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; alarm 2; my $write_result = $pty->write('a'x(1024*1024), 0.1); defined($write_result) ? "wrong" : "right"; }; TODO: { local $TODO = "need to figure this one out"; is($result, "right", "write times out properly even on the first call"); isnt($@, "alarm\n", "write times out properly even on the first call"); } # if the perl script ends with a subprocess still running, the test will exit # with the exit status of the signal that the subprocess dies with, so we have # to kill the subprocess before exiting. $pty->close;