#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 10; use IO::Socket::Telnet::HalfDuplex; # send more than a single send buffer is capable of - make sure that it gets # the whole thing my $IAC = chr(255); my $DO = chr(253); my $WONT = chr(252); my $PONG = chr(99); my $localport = 23359; my $pid; unless ($pid = fork) { my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalAddr => '', LocalPort => $localport, Listen => 1, ); die "can't create server: $!" if !$server; my $connection = $server->accept; my $buf; while (defined $connection->recv($buf, 4096)) { # read of 0 bytes means that the socket is closed last unless defined $buf && length $buf; my $gotpong = ($buf =~ s/$IAC$DO$PONG//); # sometimes the IAC DO PONG and the request come in different packets, # don't send things if it's just a ping $connection->send('test' x 10000) if length $buf; if ($gotpong) { $connection->send("$IAC$WONT$PONG"); } } exit; } # give the server time to set up sleep 1; my $client = IO::Socket::Telnet::HalfDuplex->new( PeerAddr => '', PeerPort => $localport, ); for (1..10) { $client->send('blah'); my $str = $client->read; is($str, 'test' x 10000, "client got the right string"); } $client->close;