#!perl package Language::TECO; use strict; use warnings; use Language::TECO::Buffer; use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast'; Language::TECO->mk_accessors qw/num at colon negate want_num ret/; Language::TECO->mk_ro_accessors qw/buf/; sub new { my $class = shift; my $initial_buffer = shift; my $object = { buf => Language::TECO::Buffer->new($initial_buffer) }; bless $object, $class; $object->reset; return $object; } sub buffer { shift->buf->buffer(@_) } sub pointer { shift->buf->curpos } sub buflen { shift->buf->endpos } sub has_range { defined shift->{num2} } sub reset { my $self = shift; $self->{num} = undef; $self->{num2} = undef; $self->{at} = 0; $self->{colon} = 0; $self->{negate} = 0; $self->{want_num} = 1; } sub ret { my $self = shift; $_[0] = $self->{ret} . $_[0] if (@_); return $self->_ret_accessor(@_); } sub clear_ret { shift->{ret} = '' } sub num { my $self = shift; if (@_ && $self->negate) { @_ = (-$_[0]); $self->negate(0); } if (wantarray && $self->has_range) { return ($self->{num2}, $self->_num_accessor(@_)); } return $self->_num_accessor(@_); } sub get_string { my $self = shift; my $command = shift; my $str; if ($self->at) { $command =~ s/(.)(.*?)\1//s; $str = $2; } else { $command =~ s/(.*?)\e//s; $str = $1; } return ($str, $command); } sub try_num { my $self = shift; my $command = shift; $self->want_num(0); if ($command =~ s/^([0-9]+)//) { $self->num($1); } elsif ($command =~ s/^-//) { $self->negate(1); $self->want_num(1); } elsif ($command =~ s/^b//i) { $self->num(0); } elsif ($command =~ s/^z//i) { $self->num($self->buflen); } elsif ($command =~ s/^\.//) { $self->num($self->pointer); } elsif ($command =~ s/^h//i) { $command = 'b,z'.$command; $self->want_num(1); } elsif ($command =~ s/^\cy//) { $command = ".+\cs,.".$command; $self->want_num(1); } return $command; } sub try_cmd { my $self = shift; my $command = shift; my $need_reset = 1; if ($command =~ s/^,//) { $self->{num2} = $self->num; $self->num(undef); $self->want_num(1); $need_reset = 0; } elsif ($command =~ s/^://) { $self->colon(1); $need_reset = 0; } elsif ($command =~ s/^@//) { $self->at(1); $need_reset = 0; } elsif ($command =~ s/^i//i) { if (defined $self->num) { $self->buf->insert(chr($self->num)) } else { my $str; ($str, $command) = $self->get_string($command); $self->buf->insert($str); } } elsif ($command =~ s/^d//i) { if ($self->has_range) { $command = 'k'.$command; $need_reset = 0; } else { if (!defined $self->num) { $self->num(1); } $self->buf->delete($self->pointer, $self->pointer + $self->num); } } elsif ($command =~ s/^k//i) { if ($self->has_range) { $self->buf->delete($self->num); } else { if (!defined $self->num) { $self->num(1); } $self->buf->delete($self->buf->get_line_offset(scalar $self->num)); } } elsif ($command =~ s/^j//i) { if (!defined $self->num) { $self->num(0); } $self->buf->set($self->num); } elsif ($command =~ s/^c//i) { if (!defined $self->num) { $self->num(1); } $self->buf->offset($self->num); } elsif ($command =~ s/^r//i) { if (!defined $self->num) { $self->num(1); } $self->num(-$self->num); $command = 'c'.$command; $need_reset = 0; } elsif ($command =~ s/^l//i) { if (!defined $self->num) { $self->num(1); } $self->buf->set(scalar $self->buf->get_line_offset(scalar $self->num)); } elsif ($command =~ s/^=//) { my $fmt = ($command =~ s/^=//) ? "%o%s" : "%d%s"; $self->ret(sprintf $fmt, $self->num, $self->colon ? "" : "\n"); } elsif ($command =~ s/^t//i) { if ($self->has_range) { $self->ret($self->buffer($self->num)); } else { if (!defined $self->num) { $self->num(1); } $self->ret($self->buffer($self->buf->get_line_offset(scalar $self->num))); } } $self->reset if $need_reset; return $command; } sub execute { my $self = shift; my $command = shift; $self->clear_ret; while ($command) { if ($self->want_num) { $command = $self->try_num($command); next; } $command = $self->try_cmd($command); } return $self->ret; } =head1 NAME Language::TECO - ??? =head1 VERSION Version 0.01 released ??? =cut our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 SYNOPSIS use Language::TECO; do_stuff(); =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHOR Jesse Luehrs, C<< >> =head1 BUGS No known bugs. Please report any bugs through RT: email C, or browse L. =head1 SUPPORT You can find this documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Language::TECO You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * Search CPAN L =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2008 Jesse Luehrs. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;