use db; use util; use clap; pub struct Command { query: String, tsv: bool, } pub fn subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> clap::App<'a, 'b> { clap::SubCommand::with_name("sql") .about("Run a query against the local database") .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("query") .required(true) .help("query to run"), ) .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("tsv") .long("tsv") .help("format output as tsv"), ) } impl Command { pub fn new<'a>(matches: &clap::ArgMatches<'a>) -> Command { Command { query: matches.value_of("query").unwrap().to_string(), tsv: matches.is_present("tsv"), } } } impl super::Command for Command { fn run(&self) -> failure::Fallible<()> { let db = db::DB::new(&util::db_path()?)?; let mut rows = vec![]; let cols = db.query(&self.query, |row| { let display_row: Vec = (0..row.column_count()) .map(|i| row.get_raw(i)) .map(|v| format_value(&v)) .collect(); rows.push(display_row); })?; if self.tsv { print_tsv(&rows); } else { print_table(&cols, &rows); } Ok(()) } } fn print_table(cols: &[String], rows: &[Vec]) { let widths = column_widths(&cols, &rows); print_row(&widths, &cols); let border: Vec = widths.iter().map(|l| "-".repeat(*l)).collect(); println!("{}", &border.join("-+-")); for row in rows { print_row(&widths, &row); } } fn print_tsv(rows: &[Vec]) { for row in rows { println!("{}", row.join("\t")); } } fn format_value(v: &rusqlite::types::ValueRef) -> String { match v { rusqlite::types::ValueRef::Null => "null".to_string(), rusqlite::types::ValueRef::Integer(i) => format!("{}", i), rusqlite::types::ValueRef::Real(f) => format!("{}", f), rusqlite::types::ValueRef::Text(s) => s.to_string(), rusqlite::types::ValueRef::Blob(b) => format!("{:?}", b), } } fn column_widths(cols: &[String], rows: &[Vec]) -> Vec { let mut max_widths: Vec = cols.iter().map(|s| s.len()).collect(); for row in rows { for (i, col) in row.iter().enumerate() { if col.len() > max_widths[i] { max_widths[i] = col.len(); } } } max_widths } fn print_row(widths: &[usize], row: &[String]) { let fixed_width_row: Vec = row .iter() .zip(widths.iter()) .map(|(s, width)| format!("{:width$}", s, width = width)) .collect(); println!("{}", &fixed_width_row.join(" | ")); }