use db; use lastfm; use paths; use clap; pub struct Options { username: String, } pub fn subcommand<'a, 'b>() -> clap::App<'a, 'b> { clap::SubCommand::with_name("sync") .about("Updates the local copy of track data from") .arg( clap::Arg::with_name("username") .required(true) .help(" username to fetch tracks for") ) } pub fn options<'a>(matches: &clap::ArgMatches<'a>) -> Options { Options { username: matches.value_of("username").unwrap().to_string(), } } pub fn run(options: &Options) -> failure::Fallible<()> { let db = db::DB::new(&paths::db_path()?)?; let lastfm = lastfm::LastFMClient::new(&options.username)?; let from = db.most_recent_timestamp()?.map(|x| x + 1); let to_fetch = lastfm.track_count(from)?; if to_fetch > 0 { let bar = indicatif::ProgressBar::new(to_fetch); bar.set_style( indicatif::ProgressStyle::default_bar() .progress_chars("=> ") .template("Downloading {pos}/{len} tracks...\n{percent:>3}% [{wide_bar}] {eta:5}") ); db.insert_tracks(bar.wrap_iter(lastfm.tracks(from)))?; bar.finish_with_message("done"); } Ok(()) }