use lastfm; use failure::Fail; const SCHEMA: &'static str = " CREATE TABLE `tracks` ( artist varchar(1024) NOT NULL, album varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL, name varchar(1024) NOT NULL, timestamp integer(11) NOT NULL ); CREATE VIEW `yearly_tracks` as SELECT * FROM tracks WHERE strftime('%s') - timestamp < 60*60*24*365; CREATE VIEW `monthly_tracks` as SELECT * FROM tracks WHERE strftime('%s') - timestamp < 60*60*24*30; CREATE VIEW `weekly_tracks` as SELECT * FROM tracks WHERE strftime('%s') - timestamp < 60*60*24*7; "; pub struct DB { conn: rusqlite::Connection, } impl DB { pub fn new>(path: &P) -> failure::Fallible { let conn = if path.as_ref().exists() { rusqlite::Connection::open(path) .map_err(|e| { let msg = format!( "couldn't open db at {}", path.as_ref().display() ); e.context(msg) })? } else { Self::create(path)? }; return Ok(DB { conn }) } fn create>( path: &P ) -> failure::Fallible { eprintln!( "Initializing database at {}", path.as_ref().to_string_lossy(), ); if let Some(parent) = path.as_ref().parent() { std::fs::create_dir_all(parent)?; let conn = rusqlite::Connection::open(path) .map_err(|e| { let msg = format!( "couldn't create db at {}", path.as_ref().display() ); e.context(msg) })?; conn.execute(SCHEMA, rusqlite::NO_PARAMS) .map_err(|e| e.context("failed to execute schema"))?; Ok(conn) } else { unimplemented!(); } } pub fn most_recent_timestamp(&self) -> failure::Fallible> { Ok(self.conn.query_row( "SELECT timestamp FROM tracks ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1", rusqlite::NO_PARAMS, |row| Some(row.get(0)) ).or_else(|e| { match e { rusqlite::Error::QueryReturnedNoRows => Ok(None), _ => Err(e), } })?) } pub fn insert_tracks( &self, tracks: impl Iterator, ) -> failure::Fallible<()> { let mut sth = self.conn.prepare("INSERT INTO tracks VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)")?; for track in tracks { sth.execute( &[ &track.artist as &rusqlite::types::ToSql, &track.album, &, &track.timestamp, ]).map(|_| ())?; } Ok(()) } pub fn query( &self, query: &str, f: F ) -> failure::Fallible> { let mut sth = self.conn.prepare(query)?; let cols = sth.column_names() .iter() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect(); let rows = sth.query_and_then( rusqlite::NO_PARAMS, |row| { f(row); Ok(()) }, )?; // this call to collect() forces it to actually consume the iterator // (and therefore call the callbacks). what i really want here is for // there to be a query_for_each or something like that, but the weird // way lifetimes work for rows makes it difficult to emulate this any // other way let errs: failure::Fallible> = rows.collect();|_| cols) } }