#include #include #include #include "vt100.h" #include "parser.h" static void vt100_screen_ensure_capacity(VT100Screen *vt, int size); static struct vt100_row *vt100_screen_row_at(VT100Screen *vt, int row); static struct vt100_cell *vt100_screen_cell_at(VT100Screen *vt, int row, int col); static void vt100_screen_scroll_down(VT100Screen *vt, int count); static void vt100_screen_scroll_up(VT100Screen *vt, int count); static int vt100_screen_scroll_region_is_active(VT100Screen *vt); static int vt100_screen_loc_is_between( VT100Screen *vt, struct vt100_loc loc, struct vt100_loc start, struct vt100_loc end); static int vt100_screen_row_max_col(VT100Screen *vt, int row); VT100Screen *vt100_screen_new() { VT100Screen *vt; vt = calloc(1, sizeof(VT100Screen)); vt100_screen_init(vt); return vt; } void vt100_screen_init(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->grid = calloc(1, sizeof(struct vt100_grid)); vt100_parser_yylex_init_extra(vt, &vt->scanner); } void vt100_screen_set_window_size(VT100Screen *vt) { struct vt100_loc old_size; int i; old_size.row = vt->grid->max.row; old_size.col = vt->grid->max.col; /* vt->grid->max.row = vt->display.ypixel / vt->display.fonty; */ /* vt->grid->max.col = vt->display.xpixel / vt->display.fontx; */ // XXX vt100 vt->grid->max.row = 24; vt->grid->max.col = 80; if (vt->grid->max.row == 0) { vt->grid->max.row = 1; } if (vt->grid->max.col == 0) { vt->grid->max.col = 1; } if (vt->grid->max.row == old_size.row && vt->grid->max.col == old_size.col) { return; } if (vt->grid->cur.row >= vt->grid->max.row) { vt->grid->cur.row = vt->grid->max.row - 1; } if (vt->grid->cur.col > vt->grid->max.col) { vt->grid->cur.col = vt->grid->max.col; } vt100_screen_ensure_capacity(vt, vt->grid->max.row); for (i = 0; i < vt->grid->row_count; ++i) { vt->grid->rows[i].cells = realloc( vt->grid->rows[i].cells, vt->grid->max.col * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); if (old_size.col < vt->grid->max.col) { memset( &vt->grid->rows[i].cells[old_size.col], 0, (vt->grid->max.col - old_size.col) * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); } } for (i = vt->grid->row_count; i < vt->grid->max.row; ++i) { vt->grid->rows[i].cells = calloc( vt->grid->max.col, sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); } if (vt->grid->row_count < vt->grid->max.row) { vt->grid->row_count = vt->grid->max.row; vt->grid->row_top = 0; } else { vt->grid->row_top = vt->grid->row_count - vt->grid->max.row; } vt->grid->scroll_top = 0; vt->grid->scroll_bottom = vt->grid->max.row - 1; } int vt100_screen_process_string(VT100Screen *vt, char *buf, size_t len) { int remaining; vt->state = vt100_parser_yy_scan_bytes(buf, len, vt->scanner); remaining = vt100_parser_yylex(vt->scanner); vt100_parser_yy_delete_buffer(vt->state, vt->scanner); return len - remaining; } int vt100_screen_loc_is_selected(VT100Screen *vt, struct vt100_loc loc) { struct vt100_loc start = vt->grid->selection_start; struct vt100_loc end = vt->grid->selection_end; if (!vt->has_selection) { return 0; } if (loc.row == start.row) { int start_max_col; start_max_col = vt100_screen_row_max_col(vt, start.row); if (start.col > start_max_col) { start.col = vt->grid->max.col; } } if (loc.row == end.row) { int end_max_col; end_max_col = vt100_screen_row_max_col(vt, end.row); if (end.col > end_max_col) { end.col = vt->grid->max.col; } } return vt100_screen_loc_is_between(vt, loc, start, end); } void vt100_screen_get_string( VT100Screen *vt, struct vt100_loc *start, struct vt100_loc *end, char **strp, size_t *lenp) { int row, col; size_t capacity = 8; *lenp = 0; if (end->row < start->row || (end->row == start->row && end->col <= start->col)) { return; } *strp = malloc(capacity); for (row = start->row; row <= end->row; ++row) { int start_col, end_col, max_col; struct vt100_row *grid_row = &vt->grid->rows[row]; max_col = vt100_screen_row_max_col(vt, row); if (row == start->row) { if (start->col > max_col) { start_col = vt->grid->max.col; } else { start_col = start->col; } } else { start_col = 0; } if (row == end->row) { if (end->col > max_col) { end_col = vt->grid->max.col; } else { end_col = end->col; } } else { end_col = vt->grid->max.col; } if (end_col > max_col) { end_col = max_col; } for (col = start_col; col < end_col; ++col) { struct vt100_cell *cell = &grid_row->cells[col]; char *contents = cell->contents; size_t len = cell->len; if (cell->len == 0) { contents = " "; len = 1; } if (*lenp + len > capacity) { capacity *= 1.5; *strp = realloc(*strp, capacity); } memcpy(*strp + *lenp, contents, len); *lenp += len; } if ((row != end->row || end->col > max_col) && !grid_row->wrapped) { if (*lenp + 1 > capacity) { capacity *= 1.5; *strp = realloc(*strp, capacity); } memcpy(*strp + *lenp, "\n", 1); *lenp += 1; } } } void vt100_screen_audible_bell(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->audible_bell = 1; } void vt100_screen_visual_bell(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->visual_bell = 1; } void vt100_screen_show_string_ascii(VT100Screen *vt, char *buf, size_t len) { size_t i; int col = vt->grid->cur.col; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { struct vt100_cell *cell; if (col >= vt->grid->max.col) { vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row)->wrapped = 1; vt100_screen_move_to(vt, vt->grid->cur.row + 1, 0); col = 0; } cell = vt100_screen_cell_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row, col++); cell->len = 1; cell->contents[0] = buf[i]; cell->attrs = vt->attrs; cell->is_wide = 0; } vt100_screen_move_to(vt, vt->grid->cur.row, col); vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_show_string_utf8(VT100Screen *vt, char *buf, size_t len) { char *c = buf, *next; int col = vt->grid->cur.col; /* XXX need to detect combining characters and append them to the previous * cell */ while ((next = g_utf8_next_char(c))) { gunichar uc; struct vt100_cell *cell = NULL; int is_wide, is_combining; GUnicodeType ctype; uc = g_utf8_get_char(c); /* XXX handle zero width characters */ is_wide = g_unichar_iswide(uc); ctype = g_unichar_type(uc); /* XXX should this also include spacing marks? */ is_combining = ctype == G_UNICODE_ENCLOSING_MARK || ctype == G_UNICODE_NON_SPACING_MARK; if (is_combining) { if (col > 0) { cell = vt100_screen_cell_at( vt, vt->grid->cur.row, col - 1); } else if (vt->grid->cur.row > 0 && vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row - 1)->wrapped) { cell = vt100_screen_cell_at( vt, vt->grid->cur.row - 1, vt->grid->max.col - 1); } if (cell) { char *normal; memcpy(cell->contents + cell->len, c, next - c); cell->len += next - c; /* some fonts have combined characters but can'vt handle * combining characters, so try to fix that here */ /* XXX it'd be nice if there was a way to do this that didn'vt * require an allocation */ normal = g_utf8_normalize( cell->contents, cell->len, G_NORMALIZE_NFC); memcpy(cell->contents, normal, cell->len); free(normal); } } else { if (col + (is_wide ? 2 : 1) > vt->grid->max.col) { vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row)->wrapped = 1; vt100_screen_move_to(vt, vt->grid->cur.row + 1, 0); col = 0; } cell = vt100_screen_cell_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row, col); cell->is_wide = is_wide; cell->len = next - c; memcpy(cell->contents, c, cell->len); cell->attrs = vt->attrs; col += is_wide ? 2 : 1; } c = next; if ((size_t)(c - buf) >= len) { break; } } vt100_screen_move_to(vt, vt->grid->cur.row, col); vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_move_to(VT100Screen *vt, int row, int col) { int top = vt->grid->scroll_top, bottom = vt->grid->scroll_bottom; if (row > bottom) { vt100_screen_scroll_down(vt, row - bottom); row = bottom; } else if (row < top) { vt100_screen_scroll_up(vt, top - row); row = top; } if (col < 0) { col = 0; } if (col > vt->grid->max.col) { col = vt->grid->max.col; } vt->grid->cur.row = row; vt->grid->cur.col = col; } void vt100_screen_clear_screen(VT100Screen *vt) { int r; for (r = 0; r < vt->grid->max.row; ++r) { struct vt100_row *row; row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, r); memset(row->cells, 0, vt->grid->max.col * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_clear_screen_forward(VT100Screen *vt) { struct vt100_row *row; int r; row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row); memset( &row->cells[vt->grid->cur.col], 0, (vt->grid->max.col - vt->grid->cur.col) * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; for (r = vt->grid->cur.row + 1; r < vt->grid->max.row; ++r) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, r); memset(row->cells, 0, vt->grid->max.col * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_clear_screen_backward(VT100Screen *vt) { struct vt100_row *row; int r; for (r = 0; r < vt->grid->cur.row - 1; ++r) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, r); memset(row->cells, 0, vt->grid->max.col * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row); memset(row->cells, 0, vt->grid->cur.col * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_kill_line(VT100Screen *vt) { struct vt100_row *row; row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row); memset(row->cells, 0, vt->grid->max.col * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_kill_line_forward(VT100Screen *vt) { struct vt100_row *row; row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row); memset( &row->cells[vt->grid->cur.col], 0, (vt->grid->max.col - vt->grid->cur.col) * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_kill_line_backward(VT100Screen *vt) { struct vt100_row *row; row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row); memset(row->cells, 0, vt->grid->cur.col * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); if (vt->grid->cur.row > 0) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row - 1); row->wrapped = 0; } vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_insert_characters(VT100Screen *vt, int count) { struct vt100_row *row; row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row); if (count >= vt->grid->max.col - vt->grid->cur.col) { vt100_screen_kill_line_forward(vt); } else { memmove( &row->cells[vt->grid->cur.col + count], &row->cells[vt->grid->cur.col], (vt->grid->max.col - vt->grid->cur.col - count) * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); memset( &row->cells[vt->grid->cur.col], 0, count * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_insert_lines(VT100Screen *vt, int count) { if (count >= vt->grid->max.row - vt->grid->cur.row) { vt100_screen_clear_screen_forward(vt); vt100_screen_kill_line(vt); } else { struct vt100_row *row; int bottom = vt->grid->scroll_bottom + 1; int i; for (i = bottom - count; i < bottom; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, i); free(row->cells); } row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row); memmove( row + count, row, (bottom - vt->grid->cur.row - count) * sizeof(struct vt100_row)); memset(row, 0, count * sizeof(struct vt100_row)); for (i = vt->grid->cur.row; i < vt->grid->cur.row + count; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, i); row->cells = calloc(vt->grid->max.col, sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } } vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_delete_characters(VT100Screen *vt, int count) { if (count >= vt->grid->max.col - vt->grid->cur.col) { vt100_screen_kill_line_forward(vt); } else { struct vt100_row *row; row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row); memmove( &row->cells[vt->grid->cur.col], &row->cells[vt->grid->cur.col + count], (vt->grid->max.col - vt->grid->cur.col - count) * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); memset( &row->cells[vt->grid->max.col - count], 0, count * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_delete_lines(VT100Screen *vt, int count) { if (count >= vt->grid->max.row - vt->grid->cur.row) { vt100_screen_clear_screen_forward(vt); vt100_screen_kill_line(vt); } else { struct vt100_row *row; int bottom = vt->grid->scroll_bottom + 1; int i; for (i = vt->grid->cur.row; i < vt->grid->cur.row + count; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, i); free(row->cells); } row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, vt->grid->cur.row); memmove( row, row + count, (bottom - vt->grid->cur.row - count) * sizeof(struct vt100_row)); row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, bottom - count); memset(row, 0, count * sizeof(struct vt100_row)); for (i = bottom - count; i < bottom; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, i); row->cells = calloc(vt->grid->max.col, sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } } vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_set_scroll_region( VT100Screen *vt, int top, int bottom, int left, int right) { if (left > 0 || right < vt->grid->max.col - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "vertical scroll regions not yet implemented\n"); } if (top > bottom) { return; } vt->grid->scroll_top = top < 0 ? 0 : top; vt->grid->scroll_bottom = bottom >= vt->grid->max.row ? vt->grid->max.row - 1 : bottom; vt100_screen_move_to(vt, vt->grid->scroll_top, 0); } void vt100_screen_reset_text_attributes(VT100Screen *vt) { memset(&vt->attrs, 0, sizeof(struct vt100_cell_attrs)); } void vt100_screen_set_fg_color(VT100Screen *vt, int idx) { vt->attrs.fgcolor.type = VT100_COLOR_IDX; vt->attrs.fgcolor.idx = idx; } void vt100_screen_set_fg_color_rgb( VT100Screen *vt, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { vt->attrs.fgcolor.type = VT100_COLOR_RGB; vt->attrs.fgcolor.r = r; vt->attrs.fgcolor.g = g; vt->attrs.fgcolor.b = b; } void vt100_screen_reset_fg_color(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.fgcolor.type = VT100_COLOR_DEFAULT; } void vt100_screen_set_bg_color(VT100Screen *vt, int idx) { vt->attrs.bgcolor.type = VT100_COLOR_IDX; vt->attrs.bgcolor.idx = idx; } void vt100_screen_set_bg_color_rgb( VT100Screen *vt, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { vt->attrs.bgcolor.type = VT100_COLOR_RGB; vt->attrs.bgcolor.r = r; vt->attrs.bgcolor.g = g; vt->attrs.bgcolor.b = b; } void vt100_screen_reset_bg_color(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.bgcolor.type = VT100_COLOR_DEFAULT; } void vt100_screen_set_bold(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.bold = 1; } void vt100_screen_set_italic(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.italic = 1; } void vt100_screen_set_underline(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.underline = 1; } void vt100_screen_set_inverse(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.inverse = 1; } void vt100_screen_reset_bold(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.bold = 0; } void vt100_screen_reset_italic(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.italic = 0; } void vt100_screen_reset_underline(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.underline = 0; } void vt100_screen_reset_inverse(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->attrs.inverse = 0; } void vt100_screen_use_alternate_buffer(VT100Screen *vt) { if (vt->alternate) { return; } vt->alternate = vt->grid; vt->grid = calloc(1, sizeof(struct vt100_grid)); vt100_screen_set_window_size(vt); vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_use_normal_buffer(VT100Screen *vt) { int i; if (!vt->alternate) { return; } for (i = 0; i < vt->grid->row_count; ++i) { free(vt->grid->rows[i].cells); } free(vt->grid->rows); free(vt->grid); vt->grid = vt->alternate; vt->alternate = NULL; vt100_screen_set_window_size(vt); vt->dirty = 1; } void vt100_screen_save_cursor(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->grid->saved = vt->grid->cur; } void vt100_screen_restore_cursor(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->grid->cur = vt->grid->saved; } void vt100_screen_show_cursor(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->hide_cursor = 0; } void vt100_screen_hide_cursor(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->hide_cursor = 1; } void vt100_screen_set_application_keypad(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->application_keypad = 1; } void vt100_screen_reset_application_keypad(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->application_keypad = 0; } void vt100_screen_set_application_cursor(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->application_cursor = 1; } void vt100_screen_reset_application_cursor(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->application_cursor = 0; } void vt100_screen_set_mouse_reporting_press(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->mouse_reporting_press = 1; } void vt100_screen_reset_mouse_reporting_press(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->mouse_reporting_press = 0; } void vt100_screen_set_mouse_reporting_press_release(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->mouse_reporting_press_release = 1; } void vt100_screen_reset_mouse_reporting_press_release(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->mouse_reporting_press_release = 0; } void vt100_screen_set_bracketed_paste(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->bracketed_paste = 1; } void vt100_screen_reset_bracketed_paste(VT100Screen *vt) { vt->bracketed_paste = 0; } void vt100_screen_set_window_title(VT100Screen *vt, char *buf, size_t len) { free(vt->title); vt->title_len = len; vt->title = malloc(vt->title_len); memcpy(vt->title, buf, vt->title_len); vt->update_title = 1; } void vt100_screen_set_icon_name(VT100Screen *vt, char *buf, size_t len) { free(vt->icon_name); vt->icon_name_len = len; vt->icon_name = malloc(vt->icon_name_len); memcpy(vt->icon_name, buf, vt->icon_name_len); vt->update_icon_name = 1; } void vt100_screen_cleanup(VT100Screen *vt) { int i; for (i = 0; i < vt->grid->row_count; ++i) { free(vt->grid->rows[i].cells); } free(vt->grid->rows); free(vt->grid); free(vt->title); free(vt->icon_name); vt100_parser_yylex_destroy(vt->scanner); } void vt100_screen_delete(VT100Screen *vt) { vt100_screen_cleanup(vt); free(vt); } static void vt100_screen_ensure_capacity(VT100Screen *vt, int size) { int old_capacity = vt->grid->row_capacity; if (vt->grid->row_capacity >= size) { return; } if (vt->grid->row_capacity == 0) { vt->grid->row_capacity = vt->grid->max.row; } while (vt->grid->row_capacity < size) { vt->grid->row_capacity *= 1.5; } vt->grid->rows = realloc( vt->grid->rows, vt->grid->row_capacity * sizeof(struct vt100_row)); memset( &vt->grid->rows[old_capacity], 0, (vt->grid->row_capacity - old_capacity) * sizeof(struct vt100_row)); } static struct vt100_row *vt100_screen_row_at(VT100Screen *vt, int row) { return &vt->grid->rows[row + vt->grid->row_top]; } static struct vt100_cell *vt100_screen_cell_at(VT100Screen *vt, int row, int col) { return &vt->grid->rows[row + vt->grid->row_top].cells[col]; } static void vt100_screen_scroll_down(VT100Screen *vt, int count) { struct vt100_row *row; int i; if (vt100_screen_scroll_region_is_active(vt) || vt->alternate) { int bottom = vt->grid->scroll_bottom, top = vt->grid->scroll_top; if (bottom - top + 1 > count) { for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, top + i); free(row->cells); } row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, top); memmove( row, row + count, (bottom - top + 1 - count) * sizeof(struct vt100_row)); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, bottom - i); row->cells = calloc( vt->grid->max.col, sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } } else { for (i = 0; i < bottom - top + 1; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, top + i); memset( row->cells, 0, vt->grid->max.col * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } } } else { /* int scrollback = vt->config.scrollback_length; */ int scrollback = 4096; // XXX vt100 if (vt->grid->row_count + count > scrollback) { int overflow = vt->grid->row_count + count - scrollback; vt100_screen_ensure_capacity(vt, scrollback); for (i = 0; i < overflow; ++i) { free(vt->grid->rows[i].cells); } memmove( &vt->grid->rows[0], &vt->grid->rows[overflow], (scrollback - overflow) * sizeof(struct vt100_row)); for (i = scrollback - count; i < scrollback; ++i) { vt->grid->rows[i].cells = calloc( vt->grid->max.col, sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); } vt->grid->row_count = scrollback; vt->grid->row_top = scrollback - vt->grid->max.row; } else { vt100_screen_ensure_capacity(vt, vt->grid->row_count + count); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, i + vt->grid->max.row); row->cells = calloc( vt->grid->max.col, sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); } vt->grid->row_count += count; vt->grid->row_top += count; } } vt->dirty = 1; } static void vt100_screen_scroll_up(VT100Screen *vt, int count) { struct vt100_row *row; int bottom = vt->grid->scroll_bottom, top = vt->grid->scroll_top; int i; if (bottom - top + 1 > count) { for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, bottom - i); free(row->cells); } row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, top); memmove( row + count, row, (bottom - top + 1 - count) * sizeof(struct vt100_row)); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, top + i); row->cells = calloc(vt->grid->max.col, sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } } else { for (i = 0; i < bottom - top + 1; ++i) { row = vt100_screen_row_at(vt, top + i); memset( row->cells, 0, vt->grid->max.col * sizeof(struct vt100_cell)); row->wrapped = 0; } } vt->dirty = 1; } static int vt100_screen_scroll_region_is_active(VT100Screen *vt) { return vt->grid->scroll_top != 0 || vt->grid->scroll_bottom != vt->grid->max.row - 1; } static int vt100_screen_loc_is_between( VT100Screen *vt, struct vt100_loc loc, struct vt100_loc start, struct vt100_loc end) { UNUSED(vt); if (end.row < start.row || (end.row == start.row && end.col < start.col)) { struct vt100_loc tmp; tmp = start; start = end; end = tmp; } if (loc.row < start.row || loc.row > end.row) { return 0; } if (loc.row == start.row && loc.col < start.col) { return 0; } if (loc.row == end.row && loc.col >= end.col) { return 0; } return 1; } static int vt100_screen_row_max_col(VT100Screen *vt, int row) { struct vt100_cell *cells = vt->grid->rows[row].cells; int i, max = -1; for (i = 0; i < vt->grid->max.col; ++i) { if (cells[i].len) { max = i; } } return max + 1; }