--- -- Implementation of the Channel class -- initialization {{{ local base = _G local irc = require 'irc' local misc = require 'irc.misc' local socket = require 'socket' local table = require 'table' -- }}} --- -- This module implements a channel object representing a single channel we -- have joined -- @release 0.02 module 'irc.channel' -- object metatable {{{ -- TODO: this
shouldn't be necessary - bug in luadoc --- -- An object of the Channel class represents a single joined channel. It has -- several table fields, and can be used in string contexts (returning the -- channel name).
-- @class table -- @name Channel -- @field name Name of the channel (read only) -- @field topic Channel topic, if set (read/write, writing to this sends a -- topic change request to the server for this channel) -- @field chanmode Channel mode (public/private/secret) (read only) -- @field members Array of all members of this channel local mt = { -- __index() {{{ __index = function(self, key) if key == "name" then return self._name elseif key == "topic" then return self._topic elseif key == "chanmode" then return self._chanmode else return _M[key] end end, -- }}} -- __newindex() {{{ __newindex = function(self, key, value) if key == "name" then return elseif key == "topic" then irc.send("TOPIC", self._name, value) elseif key == "chanmode" then return else base.rawset(self, key, value) end end, -- }}} -- __concat() {{{ __concat = function(first, second) local first_str, second_str if base.type(first) == "table" then first_str = first._name else first_str = first end if base.type(second) == "table" then second_str = second._name else second_str = second end return first_str .. second_str end, -- }}} -- __tostring() {{{ __tostring = function(self) return self._name end -- }}} } -- }}} -- private methods {{{ -- set_basic_mode {{{ -- -- Sets a no-arg mode on a channel. -- @name chan:set_basic_mode -- @param self Channel object -- @param set True to set the mode, false to unset it -- @param letter Letter of the mode local function set_basic_mode(self, set, letter) if set then irc.send("MODE", self.name, "+" .. letter) else irc.send("MODE", self.name, "-" .. letter) end end -- }}} -- }}} -- constructor {{{ --- -- Creates a new Channel object. -- @param chan Name of the new channel -- @return The new channel instance function new(chan) return base.setmetatable({_name = chan, _topic = {}, _chanmode = "", _members = {}}, mt) end -- }}} -- public methods {{{ -- iterators {{{ -- each_op {{{ --- -- Iterator over the ops in the channel -- @param self Channel object function each_op(self) return function(state, arg) return misc.value_iter(state, arg, function(v) return v:sub(1, 1) == "@" end) end, self._members, nil end -- }}} -- each_voice {{{ --- -- Iterator over the voiced users in the channel -- @param self Channel object function each_voice(self) return function(state, arg) return misc.value_iter(state, arg, function(v) return v:sub(1, 1) == "+" end) end, self._members, nil end -- }}} -- each_user {{{ --- -- Iterator over the normal users in the channel -- @param self Channel object function each_user(self) return function(state, arg) return misc.value_iter(state, arg, function(v) return v:sub(1, 1) ~= "@" and v:sub(1, 1) ~= "+" end) end, self._members, nil end -- }}} -- each_member {{{ --- -- Iterator over all users in the channel -- @param self Channel object function each_member(self) return misc.value_iter, self._members, nil end -- }}} -- }}} -- return tables of users {{{ -- ops {{{ --- -- Gets an array of all the ops in the channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @return Array of channel ops function ops(self) local ret = {} for nick in self:each_op() do table.insert(ret, nick) end return ret end -- }}} -- voices {{{ --- -- Gets an array of all the voiced users in the channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @return Array of channel voiced users function voices(self) local ret = {} for nick in self:each_voice() do table.insert(ret, nick) end return ret end -- }}} -- users {{{ --- -- Gets an array of all the normal users in the channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @return Array of channel normal users function users(self) local ret = {} for nick in self:each_user() do table.insert(ret, nick) end return ret end -- }}} -- members {{{ --- -- Gets an array of all the users in the channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @return Array of channel users function members(self) local ret = {} -- not just returning self._members, since the return value shouldn't be -- modifiable for nick in self:each_member() do table.insert(ret, nick) end return ret end -- }}} -- }}} -- setting modes {{{ -- ban {{{ -- TODO: hmmm, this probably needs an appropriate mask, rather than a nick --- -- Ban a user from a channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @param name User to ban function ban(self, name) irc.send("MODE", self.name, "+b", name) end -- }}} -- unban {{{ -- TODO: same here --- -- Remove a ban on a user. -- @param self Channel object -- @param name User to unban function unban(self, name) irc.send("MODE", self.name, "-b", name) end -- }}} -- voice {{{ --- -- Give a user voice on a channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @param name User to give voice to function voice(self, name) irc.send("MODE", self.name, "+v", name) end -- }}} -- devoice {{{ --- -- Remove voice from a user. -- @param self Channel object -- @param name User to remove voice from function devoice(self, name) irc.send("MODE", self.name, "-v", name) end -- }}} -- op {{{ --- -- Give a user ops on a channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @param name User to op function op(self, name) irc.send("MODE", self.name, "+o", name) end -- }}} -- deop {{{ --- -- Remove ops from a user. -- @param self Channel object -- @param name User to remove ops from function deop(self, name) irc.send("MODE", self.name, "-o", name) end -- }}} -- set_limit {{{ --- -- Set a channel limit. -- @param self Channel object -- @param new_limit New value for the channel limit (optional; limit is unset -- if this argument isn't passed) function set_limit(self, new_limit) if new_limit then irc.send("MODE", self.name, "+l", new_limit) else irc.send("MODE", self.name, "-l") end end -- }}} -- set_key {{{ --- -- Set a channel password. -- @param self Channel object -- @param key New channel password (optional; password is unset if this -- argument isn't passed) function set_key(self, key) if key then irc.send("MODE", self.name, "+k", key) else irc.send("MODE", self.name, "-k") end end -- }}} -- set_private() {{{ --- -- Set the private state of a channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @param set True to set the channel as private, false to unset it function set_private(self, set) set_basic_mode(self, set, "p") end -- }}} -- set_secret {{{ --- -- Set the secret state of a channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @param set True to set the channel as secret, false to unset it function set_secret(self, set) set_basic_mode(self, set, "s") end -- }}} -- set_invite_only {{{ --- -- Set whether joining the channel requires an invite. -- @param self Channel object -- @param set True to set the channel invite only, false to unset it function set_invite_only(self, set) set_basic_mode(self, set, "i") end -- }}} -- set_topic_lock {{{ --- -- If true, the topic can only be changed by an op. -- @param self Channel object -- @param set True to lock the topic, false to unlock it function set_topic_lock(self, set) set_basic_mode(self, set, "t") end -- }}} -- set_no_outside_messages {{{ --- -- If true, users must be in the channel to send messages to it. -- @param self Channel object -- @param set True to require users to be in the channel to send messages to -- it, false to remove this restriction function set_no_outside_messages(self, set) set_basic_mode(self, set, "n") end -- }}} -- set moderated {{{ --- -- Set whether voice is required to speak. -- @param self Channel object -- @param set True to set the channel as moderated, false to unset it function set_moderated(self, set) set_basic_mode(self, set, "m") end -- }}} -- }}} -- accessors {{{ -- contains {{{ --- -- Test if a user is in the channel. -- @param self Channel object -- @param nick Nick to search for -- @return True if the nick is in the channel, false otherwise function contains(self, nick) for member in self:each_member() do local member_nick = member:gsub('@+', '') if member_nick == nick then return true end end return false end -- }}} -- TODO: these four need to be made private at minimum (they are here for the -- main irc module to access things), but they really should probably be -- refactored out or something. definitely shouldn't be part of the public -- interface. -- add_user() {{{ function add_user(self, user, mode) mode = mode or '' self._members[user] = mode .. user end -- }}} -- remove_user() {{{ function remove_user(self, user) self._members[user] = nil end -- }}} -- change_status() {{{ function change_status(self, user, on, mode) if on then if mode == 'o' then self._members[user] = '@' .. user elseif mode == 'v' then self._members[user] = '+' .. user end else if (mode == 'o' and self._members[user]:sub(1, 1) == '@') or (mode == 'v' and self._members[user]:sub(1, 1) == '+') then self._members[user] = user end end end -- }}} -- change_nick {{{ function change_nick(self, old_nick, new_nick) for member in self:each_member() do local member_nick = member:gsub('@+', '') if member_nick == old_nick then local mode = self._members[old_nick]:sub(1, 1) if mode ~= '@' and mode ~= '+' then mode = "" end self._members[old_nick] = nil self._members[new_nick] = mode .. new_nick break end end end -- }}} -- }}} -- }}}