-- initialization {{{ local base = _G local irc_debug = require 'irc.debug' local socket = require 'socket' local math = require 'math' local os = require 'os' local string = require 'string' local table = require 'table' -- }}} module 'irc.misc' -- defaults {{{ DELIM = ' ' PATH_SEP = '/' ENDIANNESS = "big" INT_BYTES = 4 -- }}} -- private functions {{{ local function exists(filename) local _, err = os.rename(filename, filename) if not err then return true end return not err:find("No such file or directory") end -- }}} -- public functions {{{ -- split() - splits str into substrings based on several options {{{ function split(str, delim, end_delim, lquotes, rquotes) -- handle arguments {{{ delim = "["..(delim or DELIM).."]" if end_delim then end_delim = "["..end_delim.."]" end if lquotes then lquotes = "["..lquotes.."]" end if rquotes then rquotes = "["..rquotes.."]" end local optdelim = delim .. "?" -- }}} local ret = {} local instring = false while str:len() > 0 do -- handle case for not currently in a string {{{ if not instring then local end_delim_ind, lquote_ind, delim_ind if end_delim then end_delim_ind = str:find(optdelim..end_delim) end if lquotes then lquote_ind = str:find(optdelim..lquotes) end local delim_ind = str:find(delim) if not end_delim_ind then end_delim_ind = str:len() + 1 end if not lquote_ind then lquote_ind = str:len() + 1 end if not delim_ind then delim_ind = str:len() + 1 end local next_ind = math.min(end_delim_ind, lquote_ind, delim_ind) if next_ind == str:len() + 1 then table.insert(ret, str) break elseif next_ind == end_delim_ind then -- TODO: hackish here if str:sub(next_ind, next_ind) == end_delim:gsub('[%[%]]', '') then table.insert(ret, str:sub(next_ind + 1)) else table.insert(ret, str:sub(1, next_ind - 1)) table.insert(ret, str:sub(next_ind + 2)) end break elseif next_ind == lquote_ind then table.insert(ret, str:sub(1, next_ind - 1)) str = str:sub(next_ind + 2) instring = true else -- last because the top two contain it table.insert(ret, str:sub(1, next_ind - 1)) str = str:sub(next_ind + 1) end -- }}} -- handle case for currently in a string {{{ else local endstr = str:find(rquotes..optdelim) table.insert(ret, str:sub(1, endstr - 1)) str = str:sub(endstr + 2) instring = false end -- }}} end return ret end -- }}} -- basename() - returns the basename of a file {{{ function basename(path, sep) sep = sep or PATH_SEP if not path:find(sep) then return path end return socket.skip(2, path:find(".*" .. sep .. "(.*)")) end -- }}} -- dirname() - returns the dirname of a file {{{ function dirname(path, sep) sep = sep or PATH_SEP if not path:find(sep) then return "." end return socket.skip(2, path:find("(.*)" .. sep .. ".*")) end -- }}} -- str_to_int() - converts a number to a low-level int {{{ function str_to_int(str, bytes, endian) bytes = bytes or INT_BYTES endian = endian or ENDIANNESS local ret = "" for i = 0, bytes - 1 do local new_byte = string.char(math.fmod(str / (2^(8 * i)), 256)) if endian == "big" or endian == "network" then ret = new_byte .. ret else ret = ret .. new_byte end end return ret end -- }}} -- int_to_str() - converts a low-level int to a number {{{ function int_to_str(int, endian) endian = endian or ENDIANNESS local ret = 0 for i = 1, int:len() do if endian == "big" or endian == "network" then ind = int:len() - i + 1 else ind = i end ret = ret + string.byte(int:sub(ind, ind)) * 2^(8 * (i - 1)) end return ret end -- }}} -- ip_str_to_int() - converts a string ip address to an int {{{ function ip_str_to_int(ip_str) local i = 3 local ret = 0 for num in ip_str:gmatch("%d+") do ret = ret + num * 2^(i * 8) i = i - 1 end return ret end -- }}} -- ip_int_to_str() - converts an int to a string ip address {{{ function ip_int_to_str(ip_int) local ip = {} for i = 3, 0, -1 do local new_num = math.floor(ip_int / 2^(i * 8)) table.insert(ip, new_num) ip_int = ip_int - new_num * 2^(i * 8) end return table.concat(ip, ".") end -- }}} -- get_unique_filename() - returns a unique filename {{{ function get_unique_filename(filename) if not exists(filename) then return filename end local count = 1 while true do if not exists(filename .. "." .. count) then return filename .. "." .. count end count = count + 1 end end -- }}} -- try_call() - call a function, if it exists {{{ function try_call(fn, ...) if base.type(fn) == "function" then return fn(...) end end -- }}} -- try_call_warn() - same as try_call, but complain if not {{{ function try_call_warn(msg, fn, ...) if base.type(fn) == "function" then return fn(...) else irc_debug.warn(msg) end end -- }}} -- parse_user() - gets the various parts of a full username {{{ -- args: user - usermask (i.e. returned in the from field of a callback) -- return: nick, username, hostname (these can be nil if nonexistant) function parse_user(user) local found, bang, nick = user:find("^([^!]*)!") if found then user = user:sub(bang + 1) else return user end local found, equals = user:find("^.=") if found then user = user:sub(3) end local found, at, username = user:find("^([^@]*)@") if found then return nick, username, user:sub(at + 1) else return nick, user end end -- }}} -- value_iter() - iterate just over values of a table {{{ function value_iter(state, arg, pred) for k, v in base.pairs(state) do if arg == v then arg = k end end local key, val = base.next(state, arg) if not key then return end if base.type(pred) == "function" then while not pred(val) do key, val = base.next(state, key) if not key then return end end end return val end -- }}} -- }}}