require "curses" curses.initscr(); curses.start_color(); curses.setup_term{nl = false, cbreak = true, echo = false, keypad = true} local colors = {"black", "green", "red", "cyan", "white", "magenta", "blue", "yellow"} for _, color in ipairs(colors) do curses.init_pair(color, color) end local x, y = 0, 0 local maxy, maxx = curses.getmaxyx() while true do local c = curses.getch() if c == "left" and x > 0 then x = x - 1 elseif c == "right" and x < maxx - 1 then x = x + 1 elseif c == "up" and y > 0 then y = y - 1 elseif c == "down" and y < maxy - 1 then y = y + 1 elseif #c == 1 then curses.addch(c, {color = colors[math.random(#colors)]}) end curses.move(y, x) end