local Board = require "tictactoe_board" local Player = require "tictactoe_player" require "curses" require "signal" -- deinitialize curses on exit, or when a signal is received, so we don't leave -- the terminal in a messed up state local function cleanup(sig) curses.endwin() if sig then signal.signal(sig, "default") signal.raise(sig) end end local function get_player_types() local player1, player2 io.write("Is player 1 a human? "); local response = io.read() if response:sub(1, 1):lower() == "y" then player1 = "human" else player1 = "computer" end io.write("Is player 2 a human? "); local response = io.read() if response:sub(1, 1):lower() == "y" then player2 = "human" else player2 = "computer" end return player1, player2 end local function init_curses() curses.initscr() signal.signal("INT", cleanup) signal.signal("TERM", cleanup) curses.start_color() curses.setup_term{nl = false, cbreak = true, echo = false, keypad = true} for _, color in ipairs({"red", "blue", "green"}) do curses.init_pair(color, color) end end local function init_board(ymax, xmax) local ymax, xmax = curses.getmaxyx() local board_y, board_x = Board.size() -- center the board horizontally, and place the board a little above center -- vertically, so that the caption isn't too low return Board.new(math.floor(ymax - board_y) / 2 - 1, math.floor(xmax - board_x) / 2) end local function main() -- initialize the game local player1, player2 = get_player_types() init_curses() board = init_board() players = { x = Player.new(player1, "x"), o = Player.new(player2, "o") } -- start the main loop local turn = "x" board:draw() curses.refresh() while true do if #board:empty_tiles() == 0 then board:caption("Tie!") break end board:mark(turn, players[turn]:get_move(board)) board:draw() local winner, winner_tiles = board:winner() if winner then board:mark_winner(winner, winner_tiles) board:caption(winner:upper() .. " wins!") break end if turn == "x" then turn = "o" else turn = "x" end end end -- use pcall to catch lua errors, which we can't catch with our signal handlers -- (so that we can clean up curses if necessary) local success, err_msg = pcall(main) if success then curses.getch() cleanup() else cleanup() print(err_msg) end