#[cfg(test)] use serialize::hex::ToHex; pub fn md4 (bytes: &[u8]) -> [u8; 16] { md4_with_state( bytes, [ 0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, ], bytes.len() as u64 ) } pub fn pad_md4 (bytes: &[u8], len: u64) -> Vec { return bytes .iter() .map(|x| *x) .chain(md4_padding(len)) .collect(); } pub fn md4_padding (len: u64) -> Vec { let ml: u64 = len * 8; let ml_bytes: [u8; 8] = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(ml.to_le()) }; return [0x80u8] .iter() .map(|x| *x) .chain(::std::iter::repeat(0x00).take((119 - (len % 64) as usize) % 64)) .chain(ml_bytes.iter().map(|x| *x)) .collect(); } fn round1 (offset: u32, x: u32, s: u32, h: &mut [u32; 4]) { let a = (4 - offset as usize) % 4; let b = (5 - offset as usize) % 4; let c = (6 - offset as usize) % 4; let d = (7 - offset as usize) % 4; h[a] = h[a] .wrapping_add((h[b] & h[c]) | (!h[b] & h[d])) .wrapping_add(x) .rotate_left(s) } fn round2 (offset: u32, x: u32, s: u32, h: &mut [u32; 4]) { let a = (4 - offset as usize) % 4; let b = (5 - offset as usize) % 4; let c = (6 - offset as usize) % 4; let d = (7 - offset as usize) % 4; h[a] = h[a] .wrapping_add((h[b] & h[c]) | (h[b] & h[d]) | (h[c] & h[d])) .wrapping_add(x) .wrapping_add(0x5A827999) .rotate_left(s) } fn round3 (offset: u32, x: u32, s: u32, h: &mut [u32; 4]) { let a = (4 - offset as usize) % 4; let b = (5 - offset as usize) % 4; let c = (6 - offset as usize) % 4; let d = (7 - offset as usize) % 4; h[a] = h[a] .wrapping_add(h[b] ^ h[c] ^ h[d]) .wrapping_add(x) .wrapping_add(0x6ED9EBA1) .rotate_left(s) } pub fn md4_with_state (bytes: &[u8], mut h: [u32; 4], len: u64) -> [u8; 16] { for chunk in pad_md4(bytes, len).chunks(64) { let chunk_words: &[u32; 16] = unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(chunk.as_ptr()) }; let mut x: [u32; 16] = unsafe { ::std::mem::uninitialized() }; for i in 0..16 { x[i] = u32::from_le(chunk_words[i]); } let mut hh = h; round1(0, x[ 0], 3, &mut hh); round1(1, x[ 1], 7, &mut hh); round1(2, x[ 2], 11, &mut hh); round1(3, x[ 3], 19, &mut hh); round1(0, x[ 4], 3, &mut hh); round1(1, x[ 5], 7, &mut hh); round1(2, x[ 6], 11, &mut hh); round1(3, x[ 7], 19, &mut hh); round1(0, x[ 8], 3, &mut hh); round1(1, x[ 9], 7, &mut hh); round1(2, x[10], 11, &mut hh); round1(3, x[11], 19, &mut hh); round1(0, x[12], 3, &mut hh); round1(1, x[13], 7, &mut hh); round1(2, x[14], 11, &mut hh); round1(3, x[15], 19, &mut hh); round2(0, x[ 0], 3, &mut hh); round2(1, x[ 4], 5, &mut hh); round2(2, x[ 8], 9, &mut hh); round2(3, x[12], 13, &mut hh); round2(0, x[ 1], 3, &mut hh); round2(1, x[ 5], 5, &mut hh); round2(2, x[ 9], 9, &mut hh); round2(3, x[13], 13, &mut hh); round2(0, x[ 2], 3, &mut hh); round2(1, x[ 6], 5, &mut hh); round2(2, x[10], 9, &mut hh); round2(3, x[14], 13, &mut hh); round2(0, x[ 3], 3, &mut hh); round2(1, x[ 7], 5, &mut hh); round2(2, x[11], 9, &mut hh); round2(3, x[15], 13, &mut hh); round3(0, x[ 0], 3, &mut hh); round3(1, x[ 8], 9, &mut hh); round3(2, x[ 4], 11, &mut hh); round3(3, x[12], 15, &mut hh); round3(0, x[ 2], 3, &mut hh); round3(1, x[10], 9, &mut hh); round3(2, x[ 6], 11, &mut hh); round3(3, x[14], 15, &mut hh); round3(0, x[ 1], 3, &mut hh); round3(1, x[ 9], 9, &mut hh); round3(2, x[ 5], 11, &mut hh); round3(3, x[13], 15, &mut hh); round3(0, x[ 3], 3, &mut hh); round3(1, x[11], 9, &mut hh); round3(2, x[ 7], 11, &mut hh); round3(3, x[15], 15, &mut hh); h[0] = h[0].wrapping_add(hh[0]); h[1] = h[1].wrapping_add(hh[1]); h[2] = h[2].wrapping_add(hh[2]); h[3] = h[3].wrapping_add(hh[3]); } for word in h.iter_mut() { *word = word.to_le(); } return unsafe { ::std::mem::transmute(h) }; } pub fn md4_mac (bytes: &[u8], key: &[u8]) -> [u8; 16] { let full_bytes: Vec = key .iter() .chain(bytes.iter()) .map(|x| *x) .collect(); return md4(&full_bytes[..]); } #[test] fn test_md4 () { let tests = [ ( &b""[..], "31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0" ), ( &b"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"[..], "1bee69a46ba811185c194762abaeae90" ), ( &b"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cog"[..], "b86e130ce7028da59e672d56ad0113df" ), ( &b"a"[..], "bde52cb31de33e46245e05fbdbd6fb24" ), ( &b"abc"[..], "a448017aaf21d8525fc10ae87aa6729d" ), ( &b"message digest"[..], "d9130a8164549fe818874806e1c7014b" ), ( &b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[..], "d79e1c308aa5bbcdeea8ed63df412da9" ), ( &b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"[..], "043f8582f241db351ce627e153e7f0e4" ), ( &b"12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"[..], "e33b4ddc9c38f2199c3e7b164fcc0536" ), ]; for &(input, expected) in tests.iter() { println!("{:?}", input); let got = &md4(input)[..].to_hex(); assert_eq!(got, expected); } }