package MooseX::ABC::Trait::Class; use Moose::Role; use MooseX::AttributeHelpers; has required_methods => ( metaclass => 'Collection::Array', is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', default => sub { [] }, auto_deref => 1, provides => { push => 'add_required_method', empty => 'has_required_methods', }, ); after _superclasses_updated => sub { my $self = shift; my @supers = $self->linearized_isa; shift @supers; for my $superclass (@supers) { my $super_meta = Class::MOP::class_of($superclass); next unless $super_meta->meta->can('does_role') && $super_meta->meta->does_role('MooseX::ABC::Trait::Class'); for my $method ($super_meta->required_methods) { if (!$self->find_method_by_name($method)) { my $classname = $self->name; $self->throw_error( "$superclass requires $classname to implement $method" ); } } } return if $self->has_required_methods; # at this point, the current class didn't have any required methods to # start with, and all of the required methods from superclasses have # been satisfied, so restore the constructor my $constructor = $self->find_method_by_name('new'); if ($constructor->original_package_name eq 'MooseX::ABC::Role::Object') { my $moose_constructor = Class::MOP::class_of('Moose::Object')->get_method('new'); $self->add_method(new => $moose_constructor->clone); } }; around _immutable_options => sub { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; my @options = $self->$orig(@_); my $constructor = $self->find_method_by_name('new'); if ($constructor->original_package_name eq 'Moose::Object') { push @options, replace_constructor => 1; } elsif ($constructor->original_package_name eq 'MooseX::ABC::Role::Object') { push @options, inline_constructor => 0; } return @options; }; no Moose::Role; 1;