#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Exception; { package Foo; use Moose; use MooseX::Attribute::Shorthand string => { is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', default => sub { $_[1] }, -meta_attr_options => { isa => 'Str' }, }; has foo => (string => 'FOO'); } my $foo = Foo->new; is($foo->foo, 'FOO', "expanded properly"); dies_ok { $foo->foo('sldkfj') } "expanded properly"; { package Bar; use Moose; use MooseX::Attribute::Shorthand my_lazy_build => { lazy => 1, builder => sub { "_build_$_[0]" }, predicate => sub { my $name = shift; my $private = $name =~ s/^_//; $private ? "_has_$name" : "has_$name"; }, clearer => sub { my $name = shift; my $private = $name =~ s/^_//; $private ? "_clear_$name" : "clear_$name"; }, }; has public => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', my_lazy_build => 1, ); sub _build_public { 'PUBLIC' } has _private => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', my_lazy_build => 1, ); sub _build__private { 'PRIVATE' } } my $bar = Bar->new; can_ok($bar, $_) for qw(has_public clear_public _has_private _clear_private); ok(!$bar->can($_), "Bar can't $_") for qw(has__private clear__private); ok(!$bar->has_public, "doesn't have a value yet"); is($bar->public, 'PUBLIC', "gets a lazy value"); ok($bar->has_public, "has a value now"); $bar->clear_public; ok(!$bar->has_public, "doesn't have a value again"); ok(!$bar->_has_private, "doesn't have a value yet"); is($bar->_private, 'PRIVATE', "gets a lazy value"); ok($bar->_has_private, "has a value now"); $bar->_clear_private; ok(!$bar->_has_private, "doesn't have a value again"); done_testing;