#!/usr/bin/perl use Test::More; # for classes ... { package Foo; use Moose; eval '$foo = 5;'; ::ok($@, '... got an error because strict is on'); ::like($@, qr/Global symbol \"\$foo\" requires explicit package name at/, '... got the right error'); { my $warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = $_[0] }; ::ok(!$warn, '... no warning yet'); eval 'my $bar = 1 + "hello"'; ::ok($warn, '... got a warning'); ::like($warn, qr/Argument \"hello\" isn\'t numeric in addition \(\+\)/, '.. and it is the right warning'); } } # and for roles ... { package Bar; use Moose::Role; eval '$foo = 5;'; ::ok($@, '... got an error because strict is on'); ::like($@, qr/Global symbol \"\$foo\" requires explicit package name at/, '... got the right error'); { my $warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = $_[0] }; ::ok(!$warn, '... no warning yet'); eval 'my $bar = 1 + "hello"'; ::ok($warn, '... got a warning'); ::like($warn, qr/Argument \"hello\" isn\'t numeric in addition \(\+\)/, '.. and it is the right warning'); } } # and for exporters { package Bar; use MooseX::Exporter::Easy; eval '$foo = 5;'; ::ok($@, '... got an error because strict is on'); ::like($@, qr/Global symbol \"\$foo\" requires explicit package name at/, '... got the right error'); { my $warn; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warn = $_[0] }; ::ok(!$warn, '... no warning yet'); eval 'my $bar = 1 + "hello"'; ::ok($warn, '... got a warning'); ::like($warn, qr/Argument \"hello\" isn\'t numeric in addition \(\+\)/, '.. and it is the right warning'); } } done_testing;