#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 10; use MooseX::Module::Refresh; use File::Temp 'tempdir'; my $tmp = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); my $file = $tmp."/".'FooBar.pm'; my $subfile = $tmp."/".'FooBarSub.pm'; push @INC, $tmp; write_out($file, <<"."); package FooBar; use Moose; has foo => (is => 'ro', clearer => 'clear_foo'); sub bar { 'bar' } 1; . write_out($subfile, <<"."); package FooBarSub; use Moose; extends 'FooBar'; around foo => sub { my (\$orig, \$self) = \@_; return \$self->\$orig . 'sub' }; around bar => sub { my (\$orig, \$self) = \@_; return \$self->\$orig . 'sub' }; 1; . use_ok('FooBar', "Required our dummy module"); use_ok('FooBarSub', "Required our dummy subclass"); my $r = MooseX::Module::Refresh->new(); my $foobar = FooBarSub->new(foo => 'FOO'); is($foobar->bar, 'barsub', "We got the right result"); is($foobar->foo, 'FOOsub', "We got the right result"); write_out($file, <<"."); package FooBar; has baz => (is => 'ro', predicate => 'foo'); sub bar { 'baz' } 1; . $foobar = FooBarSub->new(foo => 'FOO'); is($foobar->bar, 'barsub', "We got the right result, still"); is($foobar->foo, 'FOOsub', "We got the right result, still"); $r->refresh; $foobar = FooBarSub->new(baz => 'FOO'); is($foobar->bar, 'bazsub', "We got the right new result"); is($foobar->baz, 'FOO', "We got the right new result"); is($foobar->foo, '1sub', "We got the right new result"); ok(!$foobar->can('clear_foo'), "the clear_foo method was removed"); sub write_out { my $file = shift; local *FH; open FH, "> $file" or die "Cannot open $file: $!"; print FH $_[0]; close FH; } END { unlink $file, $subfile; }