Revision history for MooseX::NonMoose 0.07 09/27/2009 Start adding support for non-Moose destructors. Destructor inlining isn't supported yet, since Moose isn't quite flexible enough there for it to be more than an annoying hack, but this should still work with immutable classes anyway. 0.06 09/27/2009 defining a custom constructor in a class using mx-nonmoose now works use a less broken test for whether or not a superclass has an inlined constructor (fixes issue uncovered by fixes to Moose's metaclass compatibility fixing) 0.05 06/24/2009 gaaaaah, packaging is so stupid (remove stray file) 0.04 06/23/2009 Add tests and official support for alternate instance metaclasses, such as MooseX::GlobRef and MooseX::InsideOut - including supplying a custom exporter MooseX::NonMoose::InsideOut which should work in all possible cases, when just using the same hash that the nonmoose class is using would break Fix a couple issues with inheriting from MooseX::NonMoose classes - make sure FOREIGNBUILDARGS is only called once, and fix some issues with immutability 0.03 05/06/2009 Add a FOREIGNBUILDARGS method to support modifying the argument list passed to the non-Moose constructor 0.02 04/29/2009 A few minor doc fixes 0.01 04/20/2009 Initial release