#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 3; package Foo; sub new { my $class = shift; bless {}, $class; } package Foo::Moose; use Moose; use MooseX::NonMoose; extends 'Foo'; package Foo::Moose2; use Moose; use MooseX::NonMoose; extends 'Foo'; package main; ok(Foo::Moose->meta->has_method('new'), 'Foo::Moose has a constructor'); my $method = Foo::Moose->meta->get_method('new'); Foo::Moose->meta->make_immutable; isnt($method, Foo::Moose->meta->get_method('new'), 'make_immutable replaced the constructor with an inlined version'); my $method2 = Foo::Moose2->meta->get_method('new'); Foo::Moose->meta->make_immutable(inline_constructor => 0); is($method2, Foo::Moose2->meta->get_method('new'), 'make_immutable doesn\'t replace the constructor if we ask it not to');