package MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Doctype; use Moose; # ABSTRACT: Moose type constraint for validating doctypes use Devel::PartialDump 'dump'; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints qw(class_type find_type_constraint match_on_type); use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; use MooseX::Validation::Doctypes::Errors; =head1 SYNOPSIS use MooseX::Validation::Doctypes; doctype 'Location' => { id => 'Str', city => 'Str', state => 'Str', country => 'Str', zipcode => 'Int', }; doctype 'Person' => { id => 'Str', name => { # ... nested data structures first_name => 'Str', last_name => 'Str', }, title => 'Str', # ... complex Moose types friends => 'ArrayRef[Person]', # ... using doctypes same as regular types address => 'Maybe[Location]', }; use JSON; # note the lack of Location, # which is fine because it # was Maybe[Location] my $data = decode_json(q[ { "id": "1234-A", "name": { "first_name" : "Bob", "last_name" : "Smith", }, "title": "CIO", "friends" : [], } ]); use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; my $person = find_type_constraint('Person'); die "Data is invalid" unless $person->check($data); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements the actual type constraint that is created by the C function in L. It is a subclass of L which adds a required C parameter, and automatically generates a constraint and message which validate based on that doctype (as described in the MooseX::Validation::Doctypes docs). =cut extends 'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint'; class_type('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint'); =attr doctype The doctype to validate. Required. =cut has doctype => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Ref', required => 1, ); has '+parent' => ( default => sub { find_type_constraint('Ref') }, ); has '+constraint' => ( lazy => 1, default => sub { weaken(my $self = shift); return sub { !$self->_validate_doctype($_) }; }, ); has '+message' => ( default => sub { weaken(my $self = shift); return sub { $self->_validate_doctype($_) }; }, ); sub _validate_doctype { my $self = shift; my ($data, $doctype, $prefix) = @_; $doctype = $self->doctype unless defined $doctype; $prefix = '' unless defined $prefix; my ($errors, $extra_data); match_on_type $doctype => ( 'HashRef' => sub { if (!find_type_constraint('HashRef')->check($data)) { $errors = $self->_format_error($data, $prefix); } else { for my $key (keys %$doctype) { my $sub_errors = $self->_validate_doctype( $data->{$key}, $doctype->{$key}, join('.', (length($prefix) ? $prefix : ()), $key) ); if ($sub_errors) { if ($sub_errors->has_errors) { $errors ||= {}; $errors->{$key} = $sub_errors->errors; } if ($sub_errors->has_extra_data) { $extra_data ||= {}; $extra_data->{$key} = $sub_errors->extra_data; } } } for my $key (keys %$data) { if (!exists $doctype->{$key}) { $extra_data ||= {}; $extra_data->{$key} = $data->{$key}; } } } }, 'ArrayRef' => sub { if (!find_type_constraint('ArrayRef')->check($data)) { $errors = $self->_format_error($data, $prefix); } else { for my $i (0..$#$doctype) { my $sub_errors = $self->_validate_doctype( $data->[$i], $doctype->[$i], join('.', (length($prefix) ? $prefix : ()), "[$i]") ); if ($sub_errors) { if ($sub_errors->has_errors) { $errors ||= []; $errors->[$i] = $sub_errors->errors; } if ($sub_errors->has_extra_data) { $extra_data ||= []; $extra_data->[$i] = $sub_errors->extra_data; } } } for my $i (0..$#$data) { next if $i < @$doctype; $extra_data ||= []; $extra_data->[$i] = $data->[$i]; } } }, 'Str|Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint' => sub { my $tc = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_parse_type_constraint($doctype); die "Unknown type $doctype" unless $tc; if (!$tc->check($data)) { $errors = $self->_format_error($data, $prefix); } }, => sub { die "Unknown doctype at position '$prefix': " . dump($doctype); }, ); return unless $errors || $extra_data; return MooseX::Validation::Doctypes::Errors->new( ($errors ? (errors => $errors) : ()), ($extra_data ? (extra_data => $extra_data) : ()), ); } sub _format_error { my $self = shift; my ($data, $prefix) = @_; return "invalid value " . dump($data) . " for '$prefix'"; } no Moose; 1;