#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints 'find_type_constraint'; use MooseX::Validation::Doctypes; doctype 'Person' => { id => 'Str', name => maybe_doctype({ first => 'Str', last => 'Str', }), title => 'Str', }; { my $person = find_type_constraint('Person'); isa_ok($person, 'Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint'); isa_ok($person, 'MooseX::Meta::TypeConstraint::Doctype'); is_deeply( $person->doctype, { id => 'Str', name => $person->doctype->{name}, title => 'Str' }, "got the right doctype" ); is_deeply( $person->doctype->{name}->doctype, { first => 'Str', last => 'Str' }, "got the right doctype" ); { my $errors = $person->validate({ id => '17382-QA', name => { first => 'Bob', last => 'Smith', }, title => 'CIO' }); is($errors, undef, "no errors"); } { my $errors = $person->validate({ id => '17382-QA', name => { first => [], last => 'Smith', }, title => 'CIO', }); isa_ok($errors, 'MooseX::Validation::Doctypes::Errors'); is_deeply( $errors->errors, { name => { first => "invalid value [ ] for 'name.first'" } }, "got the right errors" ); is($errors->extra_data, undef, "no errors"); } { my $errors = $person->validate({ id => '17382-QA', title => 'CIO' }); is($errors, undef, "no errors"); } } done_testing;