struct EventedStdin; const STDIN: i32 = 0; impl std::io::Read for EventedStdin { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result { let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let mut stdin = stdin.lock(); } } impl mio::Evented for EventedStdin { fn register( &self, poll: &mio::Poll, token: mio::Token, interest: mio::Ready, opts: mio::PollOpt, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let fd = STDIN as std::os::unix::io::RawFd; let eventedfd = mio::unix::EventedFd(&fd); eventedfd.register(poll, token, interest, opts) } fn reregister( &self, poll: &mio::Poll, token: mio::Token, interest: mio::Ready, opts: mio::PollOpt, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { let fd = STDIN as std::os::unix::io::RawFd; let eventedfd = mio::unix::EventedFd(&fd); eventedfd.reregister(poll, token, interest, opts) } fn deregister(&self, poll: &mio::Poll) -> std::io::Result<()> { let fd = STDIN as std::os::unix::io::RawFd; let eventedfd = mio::unix::EventedFd(&fd); eventedfd.deregister(poll) } } pub struct Stdin { input: tokio::reactor::PollEvented2, } impl Stdin { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { input: tokio::reactor::PollEvented2::new(EventedStdin), } } } impl std::io::Read for Stdin { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result { } } impl tokio::io::AsyncRead for Stdin { fn poll_read( &mut self, buf: &mut [u8], ) -> std::result::Result, tokio::io::Error> { // XXX this is why i had to do the EventedFd thing - poll_read on its // own will block reading from stdin, so i need a way to explicitly // check readiness before doing the read let ready = mio::Ready::readable(); match self.input.poll_read_ready(ready)? { futures::Async::Ready(_) => { let res = self.input.poll_read(buf); // XXX i'm pretty sure this is wrong (if the single poll_read // call didn't return all waiting data, clearing read ready // state means that we won't get the rest until some more data // beyond that appears), but i don't know that there's a way // to do it correctly given that poll_read blocks self.input.clear_read_ready(ready)?; res } futures::Async::NotReady => Ok(futures::Async::NotReady), } } }