use snafu::futures01::StreamExt as _; use snafu::ResultExt as _; #[derive(Debug, snafu::Snafu)] pub enum Error { #[snafu(display("failed to parse command line '{}': {}", line, source))] Parser { line: String, source: crate::parser::Error, }, #[snafu(display("failed to find command `{}`: {}", cmd, source))] Command { cmd: String, source: tokio_pty_process_stream::Error, }, #[snafu(display("failed to run builtin command `{}`: {}", cmd, source))] BuiltinExecution { cmd: String, source: crate::builtins::Error, }, #[snafu(display("failed to run executable `{}`: {}", cmd, source))] ProcessExecution { cmd: String, source: tokio_pty_process_stream::Error, }, } #[allow(dead_code)] pub type Result = std::result::Result; pub fn eval(line: &str) -> Eval { Eval::new(line) } pub struct Eval { line: String, stream: Option< Box< dyn futures::stream::Stream< Item = tokio_pty_process_stream::Event, Error = Error, > + Send, >, >, manage_screen: bool, } impl Eval { pub fn new(line: &str) -> Self { Self { line: line.to_string(), stream: None, manage_screen: true, } } pub fn set_raw(mut self, raw: bool) -> Self { self.manage_screen = raw; self } } #[must_use = "streams do nothing unless polled"] impl futures::stream::Stream for Eval { type Item = tokio_pty_process_stream::Event; type Error = Error; fn poll(&mut self) -> futures::Poll, Self::Error> { if { let line = self.line.as_ref(); let (cmd, args) = crate::parser::parse(line).context(Parser { line })?; let builtin_stream = crate::builtins::Builtin::new(&cmd, &args); let stream: Box< dyn futures::stream::Stream< Item = tokio_pty_process_stream::Event, Error = Error, > + Send, > = if let Ok(s) = builtin_stream { Box::new(s.context(BuiltinExecution { cmd })) } else { let input = crate::async_stdin::Stdin::new(); let process = tokio_pty_process_stream::ResizingProcess::new( tokio_pty_process_stream::Process::new( &cmd, &args, input, ), ); Box::new(process.context(ProcessExecution { cmd })) }; = Some(stream); } if let Some(ref mut stream) = &mut { stream.poll() } else { unreachable!() } } }