path: root/src/shell/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/shell/')
1 files changed, 484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/shell/ b/src/shell/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa7147b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shell/
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+use crate::shell::prelude::*;
+use textmode::Textmode as _;
+mod event;
+mod history;
+mod inputs;
+mod old_history;
+mod prelude;
+mod readline;
+pub async fn main() -> Result<i32> {
+ let mut input = textmode::blocking::Input::new()?;
+ let mut output = textmode::Output::new().await?;
+ // avoid the guards getting stuck in a task that doesn't run to
+ // completion
+ let _input_guard = input.take_raw_guard();
+ let _output_guard = output.take_screen_guard();
+ let (event_w, event_r) = event::channel();
+ let inputs = inputs::Handler::new(input, event_w.clone()).unwrap();
+ let mut shell = Shell::new(crate::info::get_offset())?;
+ let mut prev_dir = shell.env.pwd().to_path_buf();
+ inputs.new_dir(prev_dir.clone());
+ while let Some(event) = event_r.recv().await {
+ match shell.handle_event(event, &event_w) {
+ Some(Action::Refresh) => {
+ shell.render(&mut output)?;
+ output.refresh().await?;
+ }
+ Some(Action::HardRefresh) => {
+ shell.render(&mut output)?;
+ output.hard_refresh().await?;
+ }
+ Some(Action::Resize(rows, cols)) => {
+ output.set_size(rows, cols);
+ shell.render(&mut output)?;
+ output.hard_refresh().await?;
+ }
+ Some(Action::Quit) => break,
+ None => {}
+ }
+ let dir = shell.env().pwd();
+ if dir != prev_dir {
+ prev_dir = dir.to_path_buf();
+ inputs.new_dir(dir.to_path_buf());
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(0)
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+enum Focus {
+ Readline,
+ History(usize),
+ Scrolling(Option<usize>),
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+enum Scene {
+ Readline,
+ Fullscreen,
+pub enum Action {
+ Refresh,
+ HardRefresh,
+ Resize(u16, u16),
+ Quit,
+pub struct Shell {
+ readline: readline::Readline,
+ history: history::History,
+ old_history: old_history::History,
+ env: Env,
+ git: Option<inputs::GitInfo>,
+ focus: Focus,
+ scene: Scene,
+ escape: bool,
+ hide_readline: bool,
+ offset: time::UtcOffset,
+impl Shell {
+ pub fn new(offset: time::UtcOffset) -> Result<Self> {
+ let mut env = Env::new()?;
+ env.set_var("SHELL", std::env::current_exe()?);
+ env.set_var("TERM", "screen");
+ Ok(Self {
+ readline: readline::Readline::new(),
+ history: history::History::new(),
+ old_history: old_history::History::new(),
+ env,
+ git: None,
+ focus: Focus::Readline,
+ scene: Scene::Readline,
+ escape: false,
+ hide_readline: false,
+ offset,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn render(&self, out: &mut impl textmode::Textmode) -> Result<()> {
+ out.clear();
+ out.write(&vt100::Parser::default().screen().input_mode_formatted());
+ match self.scene {
+ Scene::Readline => match self.focus {
+ Focus::Readline => {
+ self.history.render(
+ out,
+ self.readline.lines(),
+ None,
+ false,
+ self.offset,
+ );
+ self.readline.render(
+ out,
+ &self.env,
+ self.git.as_ref(),
+ true,
+ self.offset,
+ )?;
+ }
+ Focus::History(idx) => {
+ if self.hide_readline {
+ self.history.render(
+ out,
+ 0,
+ Some(idx),
+ false,
+ self.offset,
+ );
+ } else {
+ self.history.render(
+ out,
+ self.readline.lines(),
+ Some(idx),
+ false,
+ self.offset,
+ );
+ let pos = out.screen().cursor_position();
+ self.readline.render(
+ out,
+ &self.env,
+ self.git.as_ref(),
+ false,
+ self.offset,
+ )?;
+ out.move_to(pos.0, pos.1);
+ }
+ }
+ Focus::Scrolling(idx) => {
+ self.history.render(
+ out,
+ self.readline.lines(),
+ idx,
+ true,
+ self.offset,
+ );
+ self.readline.render(
+ out,
+ &self.env,
+ self.git.as_ref(),
+ idx.is_none(),
+ self.offset,
+ )?;
+ out.hide_cursor(true);
+ }
+ },
+ Scene::Fullscreen => {
+ if let Focus::History(idx) = self.focus {
+ self.history.entry(idx).render_fullscreen(out);
+ } else {
+ unreachable!();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn handle_event(
+ &mut self,
+ event: Event,
+ event_w: &crate::shell::event::Writer,
+ ) -> Option<Action> {
+ match event {
+ Event::Key(key) => {
+ return if self.escape {
+ self.escape = false;
+ self.handle_key_escape(&key, event_w.clone())
+ } else if key == textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'e') {
+ self.escape = true;
+ None
+ } else {
+ match self.focus {
+ Focus::Readline => {
+ self.handle_key_readline(&key, event_w.clone())
+ }
+ Focus::History(idx) => {
+ self.handle_key_history(key, idx);
+ None
+ }
+ Focus::Scrolling(_) => {
+ self.handle_key_escape(&key, event_w.clone())
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ Event::Resize(new_size) => {
+ self.readline.resize(new_size);
+ self.history.resize(new_size);
+ return Some(Action::Resize(new_size.0, new_size.1));
+ }
+ Event::PtyOutput => {
+ // the number of visible lines may have changed, so make sure
+ // the focus is still visible
+ self.history.make_focus_visible(
+ self.readline.lines(),
+ self.focus_idx(),
+ matches!(self.focus, Focus::Scrolling(_)),
+ );
+ self.scene = self.default_scene(self.focus);
+ }
+ Event::ChildExit(idx, exit_info, env) => {
+ self.history.entry_mut(idx).exited(exit_info);
+ if self.focus_idx() == Some(idx) {
+ if let Some(env) = env {
+ if self.hide_readline {
+ let idx = self.env.idx();
+ self.env = env;
+ self.env.set_idx(idx);
+ }
+ }
+ self.set_focus(if self.hide_readline {
+ Focus::Readline
+ } else {
+ Focus::Scrolling(Some(idx))
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ Event::ChildRunPipeline(idx, span) => {
+ self.history.entry_mut(idx).set_span(span);
+ }
+ Event::ChildSuspend(idx) => {
+ if self.focus_idx() == Some(idx) {
+ self.set_focus(Focus::Readline);
+ }
+ }
+ Event::GitInfo(info) => {
+ self.git = info;
+ }
+ Event::ClockTimer => {}
+ };
+ Some(Action::Refresh)
+ }
+ fn handle_key_escape(
+ &mut self,
+ key: &textmode::Key,
+ event_w: crate::shell::event::Writer,
+ ) -> Option<Action> {
+ match key {
+ textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'd') => {
+ return Some(Action::Quit);
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'e') => {
+ self.set_focus(Focus::Scrolling(self.focus_idx()));
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'l') => {
+ return Some(Action::HardRefresh);
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'm') => {
+ if let Some(idx) = self.focus_idx() {
+ self.readline.clear_input();
+ self.history.entry(idx).cmd().to_string(),
+ self.env.clone(),
+ event_w,
+ );
+ let idx = self.history.entry_count() - 1;
+ self.set_focus(Focus::History(idx));
+ self.hide_readline = true;
+ self.env.set_idx(idx + 1);
+ } else {
+ self.set_focus(Focus::Readline);
+ }
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Char(' ') => {
+ if let Some(idx) = self.focus_idx() {
+ if self.history.entry(idx).running() {
+ self.set_focus(Focus::History(idx));
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.set_focus(Focus::Readline);
+ }
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Char('e') => {
+ if let Focus::History(idx) = self.focus {
+ self.handle_key_history(textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'e'), idx);
+ }
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Char('f') => {
+ if let Some(idx) = self.focus_idx() {
+ let mut focus = Focus::History(idx);
+ let entry = self.history.entry_mut(idx);
+ if let Focus::Scrolling(_) = self.focus {
+ entry.set_fullscreen(true);
+ } else {
+ entry.toggle_fullscreen();
+ if !entry.should_fullscreen() && !entry.running() {
+ focus = Focus::Scrolling(Some(idx));
+ }
+ }
+ self.set_focus(focus);
+ }
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Char('i') => {
+ if let Some(idx) = self.focus_idx() {
+ self.readline
+ .set_input(self.history.entry(idx).cmd().to_string());
+ self.set_focus(Focus::Readline);
+ }
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Char('j') | textmode::Key::Down => {
+ self.set_focus(Focus::Scrolling(self.scroll_down()));
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Char('k') | textmode::Key::Up => {
+ self.set_focus(Focus::Scrolling(self.scroll_up()));
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Char('n') => {
+ self.set_focus(self.next_running());
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Char('p') => {
+ self.set_focus(self.prev_running());
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Char('r') => {
+ self.set_focus(Focus::Readline);
+ }
+ _ => {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ Some(Action::Refresh)
+ }
+ fn handle_key_readline(
+ &mut self,
+ key: &textmode::Key,
+ event_w: crate::shell::event::Writer,
+ ) -> Option<Action> {
+ match key {
+ textmode::Key::Char(c) => {
+ self.readline.add_input(&c.to_string());
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'c') => self.readline.clear_input(),
+ textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'd') => {
+ return Some(Action::Quit);
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'l') => {
+ return Some(Action::HardRefresh);
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'm') => {
+ let input = self.readline.input();
+ if !input.is_empty() {
+ input.to_string(),
+ self.env.clone(),
+ event_w,
+ );
+ let idx = self.history.entry_count() - 1;
+ self.set_focus(Focus::History(idx));
+ self.hide_readline = true;
+ self.env.set_idx(idx + 1);
+ self.readline.clear_input();
+ }
+ }
+ textmode::Key::Ctrl(b'u') => self.readline.clear_backwards(),
+ textmode::Key::Backspace => self.readline.backspace(),
+ textmode::Key::Left => self.readline.cursor_left(),
+ textmode::Key::Right => self.readline.cursor_right(),
+ textmode::Key::Up => {
+ let entry_count = self.history.entry_count();
+ if entry_count > 0 {
+ self.set_focus(Focus::Scrolling(Some(entry_count - 1)));
+ }
+ }
+ _ => return None,
+ }
+ Some(Action::Refresh)
+ }
+ fn handle_key_history(&mut self, key: textmode::Key, idx: usize) {
+ self.history.entry(idx).input(key.into_bytes());
+ }
+ fn default_scene(&self, focus: Focus) -> Scene {
+ match focus {
+ Focus::Readline | Focus::Scrolling(_) => Scene::Readline,
+ Focus::History(idx) => {
+ if self.history.entry(idx).should_fullscreen() {
+ Scene::Fullscreen
+ } else {
+ Scene::Readline
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn set_focus(&mut self, new_focus: Focus) {
+ self.focus = new_focus;
+ self.hide_readline = false;
+ self.scene = self.default_scene(new_focus);
+ self.history.make_focus_visible(
+ self.readline.lines(),
+ self.focus_idx(),
+ matches!(self.focus, Focus::Scrolling(_)),
+ );
+ }
+ fn env(&self) -> &Env {
+ &self.env
+ }
+ fn focus_idx(&self) -> Option<usize> {
+ match self.focus {
+ Focus::History(idx) => Some(idx),
+ Focus::Readline => None,
+ Focus::Scrolling(idx) => idx,
+ }
+ }
+ fn scroll_up(&self) -> Option<usize> {
+ self.focus_idx().map_or_else(
+ || {
+ let count = self.history.entry_count();
+ if count == 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(count - 1)
+ }
+ },
+ |idx| Some(idx.saturating_sub(1)),
+ )
+ }
+ fn scroll_down(&self) -> Option<usize> {
+ self.focus_idx().and_then(|idx| {
+ if idx >= self.history.entry_count() - 1 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(idx + 1)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ fn next_running(&self) -> Focus {
+ let count = self.history.entry_count();
+ let cur = self.focus_idx().unwrap_or(count);
+ for idx in ((cur + 1)..count).chain(0..cur) {
+ if self.history.entry(idx).running() {
+ return Focus::History(idx);
+ }
+ }
+ self.focus
+ }
+ fn prev_running(&self) -> Focus {
+ let count = self.history.entry_count();
+ let cur = self.focus_idx().unwrap_or(count);
+ for idx in ((cur + 1)..count).chain(0..cur).rev() {
+ if self.history.entry(idx).running() {
+ return Focus::History(idx);
+ }
+ }
+ self.focus
+ }