path: root/src/state/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/state/')
1 files changed, 574 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/state/ b/src/state/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..048c1c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state/
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+use async_std::io::{ReadExt as _, WriteExt as _};
+use futures_lite::future::FutureExt as _;
+use pty_process::Command as _;
+use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt as _;
+pub struct History {
+ size: (u16, u16),
+ entries: Vec<crate::util::Mutex<Entry>>,
+ scroll_pos: usize,
+impl History {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ size: (24, 80),
+ entries: vec![],
+ scroll_pos: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ pub async fn render(
+ &self,
+ out: &mut impl textmode::Textmode,
+ repl_lines: usize,
+ focus: Option<usize>,
+ scrolling: bool,
+ offset: time::UtcOffset,
+ ) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+ let mut used_lines = repl_lines;
+ let mut cursor = None;
+ for (idx, mut entry) in
+ self.visible(repl_lines, focus, scrolling).await.rev()
+ {
+ let focused = focus.map_or(false, |focus| idx == focus);
+ used_lines += entry.lines(self.size.1, focused && !scrolling);
+ out.move_to(
+ (self.size.0 as usize - used_lines).try_into().unwrap(),
+ 0,
+ );
+ entry.render(
+ out,
+ idx,
+ self.entry_count(),
+ self.size.1,
+ focused,
+ scrolling,
+ offset,
+ );
+ if focused && !scrolling {
+ cursor = Some((
+ out.screen().cursor_position(),
+ out.screen().hide_cursor(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some((pos, hide)) = cursor {
+ out.move_to(pos.0, pos.1);
+ out.hide_cursor(hide);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub async fn render_fullscreen(
+ &self,
+ out: &mut impl textmode::Textmode,
+ idx: usize,
+ ) {
+ let mut entry = self.entries[idx].lock_arc().await;
+ entry.render_fullscreen(out);
+ }
+ pub async fn resize(&mut self, size: (u16, u16)) {
+ self.size = size;
+ for entry in &self.entries {
+ let entry = entry.lock_arc().await;
+ if entry.running() {
+ entry.resize.send(size).await.unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub async fn run(
+ &mut self,
+ cmd: &str,
+ event_w: async_std::channel::Sender<crate::event::Event>,
+ ) -> anyhow::Result<usize> {
+ let (exe, args) = crate::parse::cmd(cmd);
+ let (input_w, input_r) = async_std::channel::unbounded();
+ let (resize_w, resize_r) = async_std::channel::unbounded();
+ let entry =
+ crate::util::mutex(Entry::new(cmd, self.size, input_w, resize_w));
+ if crate::builtins::is(&exe) {
+ let code: i32 = crate::builtins::run(&exe, &args).into();
+ entry.lock_arc().await.exit_info = Some(ExitInfo::new(
+ async_std::process::ExitStatus::from_raw(code << 8),
+ ));
+ event_w
+ .send(crate::event::Event::ProcessExit)
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ } else {
+ let mut process = async_std::process::Command::new(&exe);
+ process.args(&args);
+ let child = process
+ .spawn_pty(Some(&pty_process::Size::new(
+ self.size.0,
+ self.size.1,
+ )))
+ .unwrap();
+ run_process(
+ child,
+ async_std::sync::Arc::clone(&entry),
+ input_r,
+ resize_r,
+ event_w,
+ );
+ }
+ self.entries.push(entry);
+ Ok(self.entries.len() - 1)
+ }
+ pub async fn entry(
+ &self,
+ idx: usize,
+ ) -> async_std::sync::MutexGuardArc<Entry> {
+ self.entries[idx].lock_arc().await
+ }
+ pub fn entry_count(&self) -> usize {
+ self.entries.len()
+ }
+ pub async fn make_focus_visible(
+ &mut self,
+ repl_lines: usize,
+ focus: Option<usize>,
+ scrolling: bool,
+ ) {
+ if self.entries.is_empty() || focus.is_none() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let focus = focus.unwrap();
+ let mut done = false;
+ while focus
+ < self
+ .visible(repl_lines, Some(focus), scrolling)
+ .await
+ .map(|(idx, _)| idx)
+ .next()
+ .unwrap()
+ {
+ self.scroll_pos += 1;
+ done = true;
+ }
+ if done {
+ return;
+ }
+ while focus
+ > self
+ .visible(repl_lines, Some(focus), scrolling)
+ .await
+ .map(|(idx, _)| idx)
+ .last()
+ .unwrap()
+ {
+ self.scroll_pos -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ async fn visible(
+ &self,
+ repl_lines: usize,
+ focus: Option<usize>,
+ scrolling: bool,
+ ) -> VisibleEntries {
+ let mut iter = VisibleEntries::new();
+ if self.entries.is_empty() {
+ return iter;
+ }
+ let mut used_lines = repl_lines;
+ for (idx, entry) in
+ self.entries.iter().enumerate().rev().skip(self.scroll_pos)
+ {
+ let entry = entry.lock_arc().await;
+ let focused = focus.map_or(false, |focus| idx == focus);
+ used_lines += entry.lines(self.size.1, focused && !scrolling);
+ if used_lines > self.size.0 as usize {
+ break;
+ }
+ iter.add(idx, entry);
+ }
+ iter
+ }
+struct VisibleEntries {
+ entries: std::collections::VecDeque<(
+ usize,
+ async_std::sync::MutexGuardArc<Entry>,
+ )>,
+impl VisibleEntries {
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ entries: std::collections::VecDeque::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn add(
+ &mut self,
+ idx: usize,
+ entry: async_std::sync::MutexGuardArc<Entry>,
+ ) {
+ // push_front because we are adding them in reverse order
+ self.entries.push_front((idx, entry));
+ }
+impl std::iter::Iterator for VisibleEntries {
+ type Item = (usize, async_std::sync::MutexGuardArc<Entry>);
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ self.entries.pop_front()
+ }
+impl std::iter::DoubleEndedIterator for VisibleEntries {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ self.entries.pop_back()
+ }
+pub struct Entry {
+ cmd: String,
+ vt: vt100::Parser,
+ audible_bell_state: usize,
+ visual_bell_state: usize,
+ fullscreen: Option<bool>,
+ input: async_std::channel::Sender<Vec<u8>>,
+ resize: async_std::channel::Sender<(u16, u16)>,
+ start_time: time::OffsetDateTime,
+ start_instant: std::time::Instant,
+ exit_info: Option<ExitInfo>,
+impl Entry {
+ fn new(
+ cmd: &str,
+ size: (u16, u16),
+ input: async_std::channel::Sender<Vec<u8>>,
+ resize: async_std::channel::Sender<(u16, u16)>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ cmd: cmd.into(),
+ vt: vt100::Parser::new(size.0, size.1, 0),
+ audible_bell_state: 0,
+ visual_bell_state: 0,
+ input,
+ resize,
+ fullscreen: None,
+ start_time: time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc(),
+ start_instant: std::time::Instant::now(),
+ exit_info: None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn render(
+ &mut self,
+ out: &mut impl textmode::Textmode,
+ idx: usize,
+ entry_count: usize,
+ width: u16,
+ focused: bool,
+ scrolling: bool,
+ offset: time::UtcOffset,
+ ) {
+ self.set_bgcolor(out, focused);
+ out.set_fgcolor(textmode::color::YELLOW);
+ let entry_count_width = format!("{}", entry_count + 1).len();
+ let idx_str = format!("{}", idx + 1);
+ out.write_str(&" ".repeat(entry_count_width - idx_str.len()));
+ out.write_str(&idx_str);
+ out.write_str(" ");
+ out.reset_attributes();
+ self.set_bgcolor(out, focused);
+ if let Some(info) = self.exit_info {
+ if info.status.signal().is_some() {
+ out.set_fgcolor(textmode::color::MAGENTA);
+ } else if info.status.success() {
+ out.set_fgcolor(textmode::color::DARKGREY);
+ } else {
+ out.set_fgcolor(textmode::color::RED);
+ }
+ out.write_str(&crate::format::exit_status(info.status));
+ } else {
+ out.write_str(" ");
+ }
+ out.reset_attributes();
+ self.set_bgcolor(out, focused);
+ out.write_str("$ ");
+ if self.running() {
+ out.set_bgcolor(textmode::Color::Rgb(16, 64, 16));
+ }
+ out.write_str(&self.cmd);
+ out.reset_attributes();
+ self.set_bgcolor(out, focused);
+ let time = if let Some(info) = self.exit_info {
+ format!(
+ "({}) [{}]",
+ crate::format::duration(info.instant - self.start_instant),
+ crate::format::time(self.start_time.to_offset(offset)),
+ )
+ } else {
+ format!(
+ "[{}]",
+ crate::format::time(self.start_time.to_offset(offset))
+ )
+ };
+ let cur_pos = out.screen().cursor_position();
+ out.write_str(
+ &" ".repeat(width as usize - time.len() - 1 - cur_pos.1 as usize),
+ );
+ out.write_str(&time);
+ out.write_str(" ");
+ out.reset_attributes();
+ if self.binary() {
+ let msg = "This appears to be binary data. Fullscreen this entry to view anyway.";
+ let len: u16 = msg.len().try_into().unwrap();
+ out.move_to(
+ out.screen().cursor_position().0 + 1,
+ (width - len) / 2,
+ );
+ out.set_fgcolor(textmode::color::RED);
+ out.write_str(msg);
+ out.hide_cursor(true);
+ out.reset_attributes();
+ } else {
+ let last_row = self.output_lines(width, focused && !scrolling);
+ if last_row > 5 {
+ out.write(b"\r\n");
+ out.set_fgcolor(textmode::color::BLUE);
+ out.write_str("...");
+ out.reset_attributes();
+ }
+ let mut out_row = out.screen().cursor_position().0 + 1;
+ let screen = self.vt.screen();
+ let pos = screen.cursor_position();
+ let mut wrapped = false;
+ let mut cursor_found = None;
+ for (idx, row) in screen
+ .rows_formatted(0, width)
+ .enumerate()
+ .take(last_row)
+ .skip(last_row.saturating_sub(5))
+ {
+ let idx: u16 = idx.try_into().unwrap();
+ out.reset_attributes();
+ if !wrapped {
+ out.move_to(out_row, 0);
+ }
+ out.write(&row);
+ wrapped = screen.row_wrapped(idx);
+ if pos.0 == idx {
+ cursor_found = Some(out_row);
+ }
+ out_row += 1;
+ }
+ if focused && !scrolling {
+ if let Some(row) = cursor_found {
+ out.hide_cursor(screen.hide_cursor());
+ out.move_to(row, pos.1);
+ } else {
+ out.hide_cursor(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ out.reset_attributes();
+ }
+ fn render_fullscreen(&mut self, out: &mut impl textmode::Textmode) {
+ let screen = self.vt.screen();
+ let new_audible_bell_state = screen.audible_bell_count();
+ let new_visual_bell_state = screen.visual_bell_count();
+ out.write(&screen.state_formatted());
+ if self.audible_bell_state != new_audible_bell_state {
+ out.write(b"\x07");
+ self.audible_bell_state = new_audible_bell_state;
+ }
+ if self.visual_bell_state != new_visual_bell_state {
+ out.write(b"\x1bg");
+ self.visual_bell_state = new_visual_bell_state;
+ }
+ out.reset_attributes();
+ }
+ fn set_bgcolor(&self, out: &mut impl textmode::Textmode, focus: bool) {
+ if focus {
+ out.set_bgcolor(textmode::Color::Rgb(32, 32, 64));
+ } else {
+ out.set_bgcolor(textmode::Color::Rgb(32, 32, 32));
+ }
+ }
+ pub async fn send_input(&self, bytes: Vec<u8>) {
+ if self.running() {
+ self.input.send(bytes).await.unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn cmd(&self) -> String {
+ self.cmd.clone()
+ }
+ pub fn toggle_fullscreen(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(fullscreen) = self.fullscreen {
+ self.fullscreen = Some(!fullscreen);
+ } else {
+ self.fullscreen = Some(!self.vt.screen().alternate_screen());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_fullscreen(&mut self, fullscreen: bool) {
+ self.fullscreen = Some(fullscreen);
+ }
+ pub fn running(&self) -> bool {
+ self.exit_info.is_none()
+ }
+ pub fn binary(&self) -> bool {
+ self.vt.screen().errors() > 5
+ }
+ pub fn lines(&self, width: u16, focused: bool) -> usize {
+ let lines = self.output_lines(width, focused);
+ 1 + std::cmp::min(6, lines)
+ }
+ pub fn output_lines(&self, width: u16, focused: bool) -> usize {
+ if self.binary() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ let screen = self.vt.screen();
+ let mut last_row = 0;
+ for (idx, row) in screen.rows(0, width).enumerate() {
+ if !row.is_empty() {
+ last_row = idx + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if focused && self.running() {
+ last_row = std::cmp::max(
+ last_row,
+ screen.cursor_position().0 as usize + 1,
+ );
+ }
+ last_row
+ }
+ pub fn should_fullscreen(&self) -> bool {
+ self.fullscreen
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| self.vt.screen().alternate_screen())
+ }
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+struct ExitInfo {
+ status: async_std::process::ExitStatus,
+ instant: std::time::Instant,
+impl ExitInfo {
+ fn new(status: async_std::process::ExitStatus) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ status,
+ instant: std::time::Instant::now(),
+ }
+ }
+fn run_process(
+ mut child: pty_process::async_std::Child,
+ entry: crate::util::Mutex<Entry>,
+ input_r: async_std::channel::Receiver<Vec<u8>>,
+ resize_r: async_std::channel::Receiver<(u16, u16)>,
+ event_w: async_std::channel::Sender<crate::event::Event>,
+) {
+ async_std::task::spawn(async move {
+ loop {
+ enum Res {
+ Read(Result<usize, std::io::Error>),
+ Write(Result<Vec<u8>, async_std::channel::RecvError>),
+ Resize(Result<(u16, u16), async_std::channel::RecvError>),
+ }
+ let mut buf = [0_u8; 4096];
+ let mut pty = child.pty();
+ let read = async { Res::Read( buf).await) };
+ let write = async { Res::Write(input_r.recv().await) };
+ let resize = async { Res::Resize(resize_r.recv().await) };
+ match read.race(write).race(resize).await {
+ Res::Read(res) => match res {
+ Ok(bytes) => {
+ let mut entry = entry.lock_arc().await;
+ let pre_alternate_screen =
+ entry.vt.screen().alternate_screen();
+ entry.vt.process(&buf[..bytes]);
+ let post_alternate_screen =
+ entry.vt.screen().alternate_screen();
+ if entry.fullscreen.is_none()
+ && pre_alternate_screen != post_alternate_screen
+ {
+ event_w
+ .send(crate::event::Event::ProcessAlternateScreen)
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ event_w
+ .send(crate::event::Event::ProcessOutput)
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ if e.raw_os_error() != Some(libc::EIO) {
+ eprintln!("pty read failed: {:?}", e);
+ }
+ // XXX not sure if this is safe - are we sure
+ // the child exited?
+ entry.lock_arc().await.exit_info = Some(
+ ExitInfo::new(child.status().await.unwrap()),
+ );
+ event_w
+ .send(crate::event::Event::ProcessExit)
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ Res::Write(res) => match res {
+ Ok(bytes) => {
+ pty.write(&bytes).await.unwrap();
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ panic!("failed to read from input channel: {}", e);
+ }
+ },
+ Res::Resize(res) => match res {
+ Ok(size) => {
+ child
+ .resize_pty(&pty_process::Size::new(
+ size.0, size.1,
+ ))
+ .unwrap();
+ entry.lock_arc().await.vt.set_size(size.0, size.1);
+ }
+ Err(e) => {
+ panic!("failed to read from resize channel: {}", e);
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ });